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  1. #21
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick
    Here you go. The numbers check legit.
    Thank you! Dang. The situation couldn't be more blatant if it were a sitcom.

  2. #22
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidney Powell
    "...but a court in Michigan or Wisconsin today just gave us a great order recognizing that these are not pure election contests that we’re filing. These are massive fraud suits that can set aside the results of the election due to this fraud at any time, and the states should not be certifying the election results in the face of it."
    Powell said this in a Newsmax interview today. The newscaster speaks over Ms. Powell at one point, but what she has to say is so important that she finishes her sentence.

    The way some states have been hurrying to certify their election results despite the unprecedented, fundamental, and well-supported legal challenges resembles denial and panic behavior on the part of those states in the face of imminent disaster.

    The quotation begins at 6:23 in this video.

  3. #23
    Chimpout Guest
    The December 3 episode (#559) of Steve Bannon's War Room hosts Mo Brooks, U.S. Representative for Alabama's 5th congressional district, who explains how the Constitution says this election will be decided on January 6th. Rep. Brooks's explanation begins at 30:26. Sidney Powell's cases involving massive vote-counting fraud would support this, but I wonder whether she may be seeking a SCOTUS ruling about a complete overhaul of our states' election systems, perhaps even seeking a consistent national system.

  4. #24
    Chimpout Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NigShitPigShit View Post
    Sauce? (So I can forward info to others, not because I at all doubt you at this point. Thanks very much for the update.)[/i].[/b]
    Sure, I understand. Since my original post, there's been more info on this matter. But other things in this news report are fascinating too, so here's the link.

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  6. #25
    Chimpout Member
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    Check out this interview with Sir Robert Menzies, Australian Prime Minister. How right he was.

    And how about this vox pop from Australia in 1962 - had a good laugh at the guy at the end. He calls a nigger a nigger! lol Great stuff!

    Unconnected, but I just saw a piece with a reporter asking, "What's the quickest way to get into a fight in an Australian bar?"
    Come on, I'm sure you can give some funny answers to this one.

    Reminds me of an Aussie guy's idea of foreplay, "OK, doll - brace yourself!"

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  8. #26
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White
    other things in this news report are fascinating too
    Thank you! That was an especially good report. I like New Tang Dynasty's coverage. Many would like to see the CCP fall; few more than Falun Gong.

    Refreshing hearing Sir Rober Menzies interviewed in a time when words still had meaning, unlike nowadays with so many essentially breaking wind through their mouths.

    That last video was interesting. Apparently, South Africa was already bad news. The more niggers there are weighing-down a civilized society (in other words, not a place like Nigeria), the greater its problems. Seems things in America looked bad even then, before the coons mastered the chimpout. Back then, saying "nigger" was pretty commonplace. I'm kinda surprised more people in that last video didn't say it. Was commie-PC speech already taking root in 1963?!

  9. #27
    Chimpout Guest

    The MSM is communism's bitch, their Wormtongue

    Don't let the bastards get you down!

    ". . .
    Rise like Lions after slumber
    In unvanquishable number—
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you—
    (We) are many—they are few."
    --Percy Bysshe Shelley

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  11. #28
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Kelly got shut down today at least in federal court. Can you tell us about what happened?
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidney Powell

    We were there for a hearing on motions to dismiss filed by every organization that you can imagine even as interveners where they had no place to be in our case but the DNC and Perkins Coie* law firm and everyone aligned on the left decided to file briefs in our case and the court let them do that and they argued against our complaint that alleges all the election fraud and multiple federal constitutional claims that arise from that that invalidated the votes of hundreds of thousands of Georgians who voted for President Trump.

    Some didn’t have their votes counted. Some had their votes eradicated effectively by fraudulent ballots.

    The court wouldn’t pay any attention to any of it.

    It was obvious the judge had made up his mind before he hit the bench and he read from a prepared from prepared notes when he granted the motion to dismiss.

    So we had oral argument but I would say it was essentially meaningless except to the extent the public got to hear another federal judicial proceeding that didn’t turn out the way it should have.
    . . .
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidney Powell
    Well, we’re going to proceed immediately with an emergency appeal, and we expect to get relief in the Supreme Court.
    . . .

    *Perkins Coie is "the largest law firm headquartered in the Pacific Northwest and has 20 offices across the United States and in China and Taiwan. The firm provides corporate, commercial litigation, intellectual property, and regulatory legal advice to a broad range of clients, including many of the world’s most innovative companies like Amazon, Google, Intel, Spotify, Facebook, and Twitter.. In addition to corporate representation, the firm often represents political clients and is known for its pro bono work."

  12. #29
    Chimpout Guest
    The Fake News MSM have mastered the art of illusion and, "really should study constitutional law further before making (their) claims".

    Quote Originally Posted by Jenna Ellis
    January 6 is really the deadline that we're looking at.

    It's unbelievable how much one has to dig to find definitive information about the Trump team's and Sidney Powell's ongoing legal challenges to the 2020 election, specifically. There are many other parallel challenges occurring and it seems the MSM cherry-pick the worst news (to conservatives) and try to use it to bolster the lie that the election was fraud-free.

    The only things I've come to trust are interviews with senior members of either of the main legal teams. I've gotten used to text being inverted and twisted into meaninglessness.

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  14. #30
    Chimpout Guest

    STUPENDOUS interview -- Cuban-American Condemnation of Communism

    The Cuban community in Miami, Florida, recently united in a (30,000-car) rally to oppose socialism. Among the organizers was Dr. Orlando Gutierrez-Boronat, spokesperson for the Cuban Democratic Directorate, who warns that America risks repeating the same mistakes Cuba made in its shift to the far-left. In this episode of Crossroads, we sit down to speak with Orlando about what life is like under socialism, and what America risks losing.

  15. #31
    Chimpout Member
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    This could get really ugly really fast!
    I agree wholeheartedly!! If Biden doesn’t get sworn in as prez, if you thought all of the unrest this past summer was troublesome, hang on tight to what would be next from the Demshits, Libs, and Facists!! But maybe, just maybe there is a bright side to Trump declaring Martial Law. I can see a day where many of those gun carrying patriots sitting on their couches finally do get up, and go out and confront the Anti-American anarchists, and I would expect great leveling of the crowds. With some luck, maybe we can rid the world of stupid-ass white liberal women, niggers, illegal aliens and other useless scum.

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  17. #32
    Chimpout Guest
    ^As tempting as the above is--and it's REALLY TEMPTING, internecine civil war is part of the CCP plan to weaken America prior to the CCP army rolling-in (from Canada?).

    In her video, the Yugoslavian woman warned America about this.

    She also provided a strategy (at 8:30) to target The Enemy where it will hurt most--the SAME STRATEGY outlined BY ATTORNEY LIN WOOD:

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiskey Tango Texas
    This is America’s Hugo Chavez moment. There is no next time, no turning back if legislators and judges fail to #stopthesteal.

  18. #33
    Chimpout Guest
    This is America’s Hugo Chavez moment.

    There is no next time,

    no turning back if legislators and judges

    fail to Stop The Steal.

  19. #34
    Chimpout Guest
    Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell said in a Dec. 9 statement, “We are greatly concerned about the fortification of barricades, stockpiling of weapons, armed sentries, attacks on journalists, and threats to kill officers in graffiti in this public space.

    Some six to eight members of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) were invited to participate in “winter survival training” at the Canadian Forces Base Petawawa, Ontario, in the winter of 2019, according to a 34-page document (pdf) obtained by reporter Ezra Levant from Rebel News.
    (Levant) said he had obtained the documents about 19 months after filing an access to information request regarding a naval parade in China in April 2019 that was attended by 60 countries, Canada among them.

    SCOTUS must do its job or, like Justin Trudeau, they will deserve to be "given the finger", so to speak.

  20. #35
    Chimpout Guest

    Finally One Representative of the MSM Acknowledges the Magnitude of the Election Fraud

    I wonder what's up, what Fox hopes to gain from this.

    Lou Dobbs, who, really alone, has done a great job of interviewing Sidney Powell as she built her election case, is now echoing her conclusions. This is, as far as I can tell, the first time anyone in the MSM has so wholeheartedly embraced what Trump supporters have known from following every scrap of information we could find:

  21. #36
    Chimpout Guest

    0:08 is Great!

  22. #37
    Chimpout Guest

    Powerful Interview with Lin Wood

    If you want to find the truth, find what's been censored. Everything else is a lie."
    Eventually, they're going to try to stop all speech that tells the truth. That's a classic "color revolution". Where you only hear the person's side of the story that's trying to take over your government. They censor out all the opposition."

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