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  1. #1
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    All I Rant For Christmas...

    MODS....If this is in the wrong forum, please feel free to move it...Thanks.

    So, the Holiday Season is upon us. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah(?), Happy New Year, etc, etc... My rant is a simple and common one. Why is it that EVERY FUCKING TV COMMERCIAL is ramming interracial bullshit down out throats?!? I don't want to see a boot-lipped, knuckle dragging monkey parading around with a human(?) female at any time, but the MSM is trying to indoctrinate YT as if this is the new normal. FUCK THAT!!! I am 100% against niggers and humans having relationships. It amounts to beastiality. Yes, it is true that as soon as a human female spreads her legs for the nigger beast she becomes a race traitor and automatically loses any rights or prior claims to be allowed back into the human community again. And what self-respecting white man would ever fuck a nigger sow? Turn in your 'Human Membership Card'.
    My point really is about what is being rammed down our throats. There are no commercials on TV anymore that don't have some interracial or 100% nigger content. As usual, the biggest victims are middle class white humans! Go ahead and tell me that I am wrong. I will bet that nobody can.
    Humans, quite frankly I believe that we are being brainwashed. Josef Goebbles said that 'the bigger the lie and the more often it is repeated, the more likely it is to be believed...' (The Big Lie Theory) History has proved over and over again that he was not wrong (the theory, not what it led to...). This is why I believe that the MSM is constantly showing human/nigger relationships as 'normal and acceptable'. This is how the nigger loving libtards want the world to be. Progressive? I don't think so. Regressive is more like it. If you take a bottle of fine wine and add a teaspoon of sewage to it, what do you have? SEWAGE. If you take a bottle of shit and add a teaspoon of fine wine to it, you still have shit. There are things in nature and society that are different and separated for a reason...they are supposed to be! Yet, our 'leadership' as well as the MSM, SM, our education system, and many other factions keep pushing this unnatural narrative that interracial relationships are good and normal and socially acceptable...Fellow humans, THEY ARE NOT!!!

    This bullshit needs to stop. Now. Before it is too late. Before the interracial relationship curse is accepted as the New Normal. Before our heritage as well as our futures are lost.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    GDRHammer, I couldn't agree with you more! Assuming you're in the U.S., I can tell you it's exactly the same here in Britain. It's FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!
    I always mute the TV when adverts ("commercials") come on, and look away fom the screen. But I can't help catching glimpses of what's on there, and yes, you're right - it's ALWAYS white women with fucking niggers!
    I pledge here and now - and forever in the future - that they will NEVER change my view on this. Niggers are niggers, and do not belong in our western societies!
    Your points about fine wine and shit are spot on. We are different for a reason!

  3. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    GDRHammer, I couldn't agree with you more! Assuming you're in the U.S., I can tell you it's exactly the same here in Britain. It's FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!
    I always mute the TV when adverts ("commercials") come on, and look away fom the screen. But I can't help catching glimpses of what's on there, and yes, you're right - it's ALWAYS white women with fucking niggers!
    I pledge here and now - and forever in the future - that they will NEVER change my view on this. Niggers are niggers, and do not belong in our western societies!
    Your points about fine wine and shit are spot on. We are different for a reason!
    Great minds think ALIKE!!

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