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  1. #1
    Chimpout Member
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    You might be a nigger if...

    You might be a nigger if...

    1. Your son can climb a banana tree faster than a monkey.
    2. You think bathing your niglet involves putting it in a pot of boiling water.
    3. You voted for Barack Obama.
    4. You think a vuvuzela is a musical instrument.
    5. You've ever been kicked out of a zoo for mating with the monkeys.
    6. There are more than six bottles of Olde English in your car.
    7. You think "taking out the trash" means taking your coalburner out on a date.
    8. The police know you on a first name basis.
    9. You recently bought a new car because your previous car was repossessed.
    10. People hear your car a long time before they see it.
    11. You use flour to find your baby mama's wet spot.
    12. You think not having an ID makes it impossible for police to identify you.
    13. You consider the third grade your senior year.
    14. The dog can't watch you eat without gagging.
    15. Planned Parenthood sends you a Christmas card.
    16. Your dad walks you to school because he is in the same grade.
    17. You view the next family reunion as a chance to get some muh dik.
    18. You ever got too high to speak bix nood.
    19. You honestly think that women are turned on by the sight of a knife and threats of rape.
    20. Your family tree doesn't have any branches.
    21. The neighbors started a petition over the stench coming from your home.
    22. The diploma on your refrigerator contains the words "Nigger University."
    23. You think Viagra is a miracle drug when you have to pretend to not be gay.
    24. You have to go outside to take a shit.
    25. Your idea of a seven course meal is a bucket of KFC, a watermelon, and grape soda.
    26. You committed your first felony before the age of 11.
    27. You have to scratch your daughter's name and phone number out of the message "For a good time call ..." because you want to be the only nigger that is muh dikking her.
    28. You wear a weave and bathe once a year.
    29. You've ever stolen from the collection plate at church.
    30. You own at least 30 shoes, but you can't afford to feed your niglets.
    31. You have been fired from a job because of your odor.
    32. Your gene pool doesn't have a "deep end."
    33. You brought a gun to a funeral and decided to shoot at a bunch of niggers.
    34. Your idea of talking during sex is "Scream and I'll fucking KILL you!"
    35. On your job application under "SEX" you put "yes."
    36. Your niglet's first words are "Kill whitey!"
    37. You flushed the toilet and for a moment you were worried that you flushed one of your children.
    38. You use bleach to try to lighten your skin because you hate your black skin.

    Feel free to add to the list.

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey View Post
    You might be a nigger if...

    1. Your sheboon can climb a tree faster than a monkey.
    2. You think bathing your niglet involves putting it in a pot of boiling water.
    3. You voted for Barack Obama.
    4. You think a vuvuzela is a musical instrument.
    5. You've ever been kicked out of a zoo for mating with the monkeys.
    6. There are more than six bottles of Olde English in your car.
    7. You think "taking out the trash" means taking your baby mama out on a date.
    8. The police know you on a first name basis.
    9. You recently bought a new car because your previous car was repossessed.
    10. People hear your car a long time before they see it.
    11. You use flour to find your baby mama's wet spot.
    12. You think not having an ID makes it impossible for police to identify you.
    13. You consider the third grade your senior year.
    14. The dog can't watch you eat without gagging.
    15. Planned Parenthood sends you a Christmas card.
    16. Your dad walks you to school because he is in the same grade.
    17. You view the next family reunion as a chance to get some muh dik.
    18. You ever got too high to speak bix nood.
    19. You honestly think that women are turned on by the sight of a knife and threats of rape.
    20. Your family tree doesn't have any branches.
    21. The neighbors started a petition over the stench coming from your home.
    22. The diploma hanging in your kitchen contains the words "Nigger University."
    23. You think Viagra is a miracle drug when you have to pretend to not be gay.
    24. You have to go outside to take a shit.
    25. Your idea of a seven course meal is a bucket of KFC, a watermelon, and grape soda.
    26. You committed your first felony before the age of 11.
    27. You have to scratch your daughter's name out of the message "For a good time call ..." because you feel guilty about putting it there.
    28. You wear a weave and bathe once a year.
    29. You've ever stolen from the collection plate at church.
    30. You own at least 30 shoes, but you can't afford to feed your niglets.
    31. You have been fired from a job because of your odor.
    32. Your gene pool doesn't have a "deep end."
    33. You brought a gun to a funeral and decided to shoot at a bunch of niggers.
    34. Your idea of talking during sex is "Scream and I'll fucking KILL you!"
    35. When a sign that says "Say No to Crack" reminds you to pull up your pants.
    36. On your job application under "SEX" you put "yes."
    37. Your niglet's first words are "Kill whitey!"
    38. You flushed the toilet and for a moment you were worried that you flushed one of your children.
    39. You use bleach to try to lighten your skin because you hate your black skin.

    Feel free to add to the list.

  3. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    Stuck. This thread could have some real LOL potential.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  4. #4
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    Great list!!

    39. You might be a nigger if you have no idea which of your mammy-sow's buck frenz beez your real daddy.
    40. You might be a nigger if you have spent more money on your hooptie's rims and sound system, then on your education.
    41. You might be a nigger if you think that sub-cockroach mega-turd Barry the Fairy Insane Ohomo was the greatest president ever.
    42. You might be a nigger if you thing the America-hating former First Tranny Moochie Moochelle is a beautiful woman.
    43. You might be a nigger if you think that Jessie Jax-scum, Skrewie Lewie Fairy-Koon and Jery-my-ape Wright are all great men of God.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Member
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    44. Your skin is so dark that when you go outside the street lights turn on.
    45. You think it's strange that acne waits until a niglet is 12 before coming on his face.
    46. You cry during sex because the pepper spray hurts so much.
    47. When your house is broken into, nothing is stolen.
    48. Blind people hate you.
    49. Your father died after using meth and fentanyl, and after picking a fight with police officers.
    50. It once took you 9 months to take a shit.
    51. You once saw a nigger trying to rape a white girl so you decided to help. She didn't stand a chance against both of you.
    52. White people show up to your yard sales so they can buy back the stuff you stole from them.
    53. When you want to get laid, you get yourself arrested so you can spend the night in jail.
    54. You wear your baseball cap backwards so pigeons can shit on your lips.
    55. On the first day of "work," your boss said "Let me show you where the slaves work."
    56. You moved to Detroit because you heard there were no jobs there.
    57. You once walked into a building and injured yourself.
    58. You almost starved because someone hid your welfare check under your work boots.
    59. Your 10 year old daughter has a higher sperm count than you.
    60. You were fired from an M&M factory because you kept throwing away the W's.
    61. You think the capital of Arizona is "A."
    62. Your father is also your grandfather.
    63. You think gravity is racist because it is holding you down.
    64. You think that winning olympic medals is better than not being retarded.
    65. You have AIDS and you don't pay for health insurance or your medications, and you continue to infect other gay niggers.
    66. You drink Diet Coke with your 6,000 calorie meal because you think it makes everything healthy.
    If it is wrong to hate niggers, I don't want to be right.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey View Post
    62. Your father is also your grandfather.
    I hate replying with "^^^ This" but ^^^ this is so true.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
    I hate replying with "^^^ This" but ^^^ this is so true.

  8. #8
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    67. You might be a nigger if your fambly reunions only take place in prison visitor's areas. < That's the .gif of the nigger electrocuting itself that I had on the original site years ago.

  9. #9
    I aint bin dun did dat!'s Avatar
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    The most nigger free location I could find
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    68. If you believe no equals yes.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rastus Nigger View Post
    67. You might be a nigger if your fambly reunions only take place in prison visitor's areas.

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