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  1. #1
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    Chimpout Guest

    My kind of 'Math'....

    I've just read that a Nigger is shat out somewhere in the U.S every 30 seconds and that's '24/7'.
    If only I could hear that two of them 'Croak' every 15 seconds....

  2. #2
    Coon Club Road's Avatar
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    New niggy = Ca$h.

    = Niggers Are Always Causing Problems
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Carrying Pistols
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Copping Pleas

  3. #3
    Chimpout Guest
    Well, this should cheer you up a little...

    In 2013, an estimated 6.3 million niglets under five died, 2.9 million of them in the WHO African Region. This is equivalent to five niglets under 5 years of age dying every minute. Two thirds of these deaths can be attributed to preventable causes. A third of all these deaths are in the neonatal nigger period.

    Pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria and HIV are the main causes of death in infants and young children. In the African Region, about 473,000 niglets die from pneumonia, 300,000 from diarrhoea, and a further 443,000 from malaria every year. In 2012, 230,000 new HIV infections were recorded among niglets under 5 years of age.

    “Undernutrition is another critical risk factor in most countries in the African Region, and nutrition and food security remains a fundamental challenge to child survival,” Dr Moeti added.

    Systems in Africa are often not able to adequately address the severe burden of niggers, disease, food production, and clean water. Low total health expenditure with high out of pocket health costs hamper progress in child survival. Hence just as health can drive economic growth, ill-health can push people into poverty and make it very difficult for them to escape the vicious cycle of poverty and disease. Planned Parenthood can be a solution to some of these problems.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Coon Club Road View Post
    New niggy = Ca$h.
    Your tax dollars at work!

  5. #5
    Marching looting coon
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    Niglets croak every day. Nigger mammies rely on handouts and aid to feed their niglets. Without that they'd be buzzard chow.

  6. #6
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    That's why I like to remind my fellow conservatives that if not for widely-available and legal abortion, the nigger population in this country would be double (or more) what it is today!

    Infected sows get about 1 million sprogectomies every year. Do you want a million more niggers on a yearly basis?

    Not me, man...

  7. #7
    I aint bin dun did dat!'s Avatar
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    The most nigger free location I could find
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    That's why I like to remind my fellow conservatives that if not for widely-available and legal abortion, the nigger population in this country would be double (or more) what it is today!

    Infected sows get about 1 million sprogectomies every year. Do you want a million more niggers on a yearly basis?

    Not me, man...
    I also have no issue with abortions here. Its all trash that has them anyways and like you said, we would have a way worse nigger problem without them.

  8. #8
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    Don't keep the vulture waiting, niglet! Hurry up and die!
    "Blacks have no rights which the white man is bound to respect." - US Supreme Court Justice Roger Taney, 1857

    Black lives DON'T matter. Never did, and never will.

    You can't have law and order and filthy niggers too.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by I aint bin dun did dat! View Post
    I also have no issue with abortions here. Its all trash that has them anyways and like you said, we would have a way worse nigger problem without them.
    I'm opposed to abortion philosophically -- strongly so when Humans are in the mix, but the reality is, as you've correctly stated, if most of these pregnancies and infections were to come to fruition, the overwhelming majority of the Humans and niggers would surely turn out to be scumbags.

    And yes, I realize that's Eugenics 101, but fuck it! That's the reality...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    I'm opposed to abortion philosophically -- strongly so when Humans are in the mix, but the reality is, as you've correctly stated, if most of these pregnancies and infections were to come to fruition, the overwhelming majority of the Humans and niggers would surely turn out to be scumbags.

    And yes, I realize that's Eugenics 101, but fuck it! That's the reality...


    Once again, we're on the same wavelength here, P!

    Look, I believe that abowshunz are a sin. Some sins affect other people - theft, murder, muhdikk, etc. These are crimes as well. Some only affect the person who engages in it.

    As a libertarian, I have nothing to say if some fool wants to blow his hand off with a grenade. Not my problem. When you throw that grenade into a group of innocents, we will have a problem. Engage in self destructive behavior if you wish as long as it doesn't affect anyone else - this includes making me pay for it.

    When it comes to women who choose to do this, I have mixed emotions and I must remind myself that these are just that - emotions. I do believe that the most innocent among us should be protected. Nothing will change that about me. With that said, I cannot say that I know what to do about it. If a woman were to drink a potion to kill her child, how would we know? I'm not going to say that it should be treated as a criminal offense. Society should, however be allowed to dictate whether or not it is promoted or certainly provided at the expense of citizens that want no part of it. Sadly, that's where we are at right now as a nation.

    I cannot disagree with any of your points. This may seem to be a duality in my persona and I have to admit that I cannot defend myself against that impression. I can only say that we, as humans, must be responsible in our lifestyles to avoid placing ourselves in such situations. Why should anyone be in a position where we feel forced to make a such a choice? We shouldn't. We are human and it's up to us to make better choices since we are not animals. We are not lead around by muhdikk or muhpoozie! Wrap it up or keep your pants on!

    Since niggers are not humans in my estimation, I tend to view it as animal population control.

    While I think that I shouldn't have to pay my tax dollars for use in abortions, I fully back using forced burff control - even if it is temporary when it comes to niggers. If they want to get a shit chute scraping, let them. If they can't pay, I'm sure there are private organizations that will gladly foot the bill. I'll gladly give my tax dollars to prevent it from reproducing in the first place.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    When it comes to women who choose to do this, I have mixed emotions and I must remind myself that these are just that - emotions. I do believe that the most innocent among us should be protected. Nothing will change that about me. With that said, I cannot say that I know what to do about it. If a woman were to drink a potion to kill her child, how would we know? I'm not going to say that it should be treated as a criminal offense. Society should, however be allowed to dictate whether or not it is promoted or certainly provided at the expense of citizens that want no part of it. Sadly, that's where we are at right now as a nation.

    I cannot disagree with any of your points. This may seem to be a duality in my persona and I have to admit that I cannot defend myself against that impression. I can only say that we, as humans, must be responsible in our lifestyles to avoid placing ourselves in such situations. Why should anyone be in a position where we feel forced to make a such a choice? We shouldn't. We are human and it's up to us to make better choices since we are not animals. We are not lead around by muhdikk or muhpoozie! Wrap it up or keep your pants on!
    I would like to interject here the argument that some people who feel they have the right to dictate to others what they do with their bodies and their offspring are hardly any different from Adolf Hitler, who once famously stated that a woman's body belongs not to her, but to the government, and there were several forced breeding programs that the Nazis engaged in.

    That may not necessarily be a road we want to traverse...

    Some folks seem to think that some humans (specifically female humans) are not "human" but are instead the "property" of various entities, and are therefore little more than slaves. When that line of thinking encroaches upon humankind, we need to be wary.

    I personally find it offensive when someone thinks they have the right to dictate to others what they should do with their bodies. It is, in a way, a form of reducing them from a person to simply being a thing.

    Since niggers are not humans in my estimation, I tend to view it as animal population control.

    While I think that I shouldn't have to pay my tax dollars for use in abortions, I fully back using forced burff control - even if it is temporary when it comes to niggers. If they want to get a shit chute scraping, let them. If they can't pay, I'm sure there are private organizations that will gladly foot the bill. I'll gladly give my tax dollars to prevent it from reproducing in the first place.
    That being said, if a human or a nigger thinks it made a mistake, and wants to abort the parasite within them, I have no objection.

    At the current rate, it's just a matter of time before our rate of growth becomes unsustainable. An increase of more than 1 billion humans a century is just plain stupid.

    edit: If it were up to me, I would have my subordinates create a virus that prevented all humans and niggers from having more than two children, unless they demonstrated something resembling merit and/or virtue, and then I would allow them to consume a drug that would reinstate their fertility. Call me a monster if you want, but it seems that things are getting a little bit out of control. Life should be earned, not freely given away, and the privilege of continuing to exist should never be something that is taken for granted.

    And if in my little kingdom, people were to choose to get abortions... why would I get upset? The current population of earth is 7.8 billion, and the vast majority of those folks are going to end up dying in poverty and despair.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey View Post
    edit: If it were up to me, I would have my subordinates create a virus that prevented all humans and niggers from having more than two children, unless they demonstrated something resembling merit and/or virtue, and then I would allow them to consume a drug that would reinstate their fertility.
    Uhhmm... Yeah... I don't think that whole tinkering around with viruses things is gonna have any positive outcomes.

    It hasn't so far:

    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Uhhmm... Yeah... I don't think that whole tinkering around with viruses things is gonna have any positive outcomes.

    It hasn't so far:

    Apples and oranges?

    Besides, if they made a mistake and niggerkind were suddenly unable to produce niglets, would that be such a bad thing?

    Worst case scenario, we end up making clones en masse. And that may have more predictable results than our current method of reproduction.

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