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  1. #1
    Blue Gum
    Chimpout Guest

    Joe Biden is a card-carrying nigger lover

    Just heard Biden read a speech in Gettysburg, he's promising the niggers the and half the speech was about all the "White Supremacists " coming out of the woodwork. WHAT? I hardly EVER hear anything regarding white Supremacists , he made it seem like it's the white Supremacists that are responsible for all the riots, vandalism, Looting and shooting police officers, it's the niggers that are responsible for that. It was disgusting to hear him say what he did, it was all lies.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Gum View Post
    Just heard Biden read a speech in Gettysburg, he's promising the niggers the and half the speech was about all the "White Supremacists " coming out of the woodwork. WHAT? I hardly EVER hear anything regarding white Supremacists , he made it seem like it's the white Supremacists that are responsible for all the riots, vandalism, Looting and shooting police officers, it's the niggers that are responsible for that. It was disgusting to hear him say what he did, it was all lies.
    I doubt he is really a nigger lover. Take a look at what he has done in the past, he really is a closet nigger hater. Everything he does is for show. Look at Hillary, she hate niggers too.
    None of these phonies really like niggers. How many of these pigs send their kids to nigger infested schools? Why don't they move to africa? Simply, they don't like niggers just like we don't like niggers.

    The difference between them and us is that we are honest about it.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jenkemfactory View Post
    I doubt he is really a nigger lover. Take a look at what he has done in the past, he really is a closet nigger hater. Everything he does is for show. Look at Hillary, she hate niggers too.
    None of these phonies really like niggers. How many of these pigs send their kids to nigger infested schools? Why don't they move to africa? Simply, they don't like niggers just like we don't like niggers.

    The difference between them and us is that we are honest about it.
    Since LBJ first uttered those words about "niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years," I can think of only one dim who actually, by his actions only, didn't hate niggers. Jimmy Carter sent his daughter Amy to a public school. No small feat considering how fuxed DC schools are. It must have taken a small army of SS agents to keep her safe. Funny, I've not heard a peep from her like all the other PK's out there. Maybe if Carter had been deeper in with the real party leadership, she'd have a sweet life like Chelsea Hubble Clinton.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Gum View Post
    Just heard Biden read a speech in Gettysburg, he's promising the niggers the and half the speech was about all the "White Supremacists " coming out of the woodwork. WHAT? I hardly EVER hear anything regarding white Supremacists , he made it seem like it's the white Supremacists that are responsible for all the riots, vandalism, Looting and shooting police officers, it's the niggers that are responsible for that. It was disgusting to hear him say what he did, it was all lies.

    Ya Slo' Joe is nigger pandering racist.

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  5. #5
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    Niggers have been manipulated for decades by the Democrats because it’s all about the gibs. They lack the intellect to comprehend that they are being played. They are forever a lost cause. The only real hope for the future is to entice the Hispanics to vote conservative. The Cuban Americans here in Florida are pretty solid republicans but the rest need more convincing. Since they are the fastest growing demographic in the US, they can easily surpass and cancel out the nigger vote.

  6. #6
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    I'm gonna have to agree with Jenks here -- I believe Slo' Joe has demonstrated time and time again that he's a closet nigger-hater. Same for Bill Clinton’s fat, ugly, unaccomplished, drunken grifter of a wife. She (correctly) referred to niggers as "super predators". Of course, in public these old leftist dinosaurs shamelessly pander to niggers because they would never win another national election without at least 85% of the nigger vote.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jenkemfactory View Post
    i doubt he is really a nigger lover. Take a look at what he has done in the past, he really is a closet nigger hater. Everything he does is for show. Look at hillary, she hate niggers too.
    None of these phonies really like niggers. How many of these pigs send their kids to nigger infested schools? Why don't they move to africa? Simply, they don't like niggers just like we don't like niggers.

    The difference between them and us is that we are honest about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by midder peenud hayed View Post
    i'm gonna have to agree with jenks here -- i believe slo' joe has demonstrated time and time again that he's a closet nigger-hater. Same for bill clinton’s fat, ugly, unaccomplished, drunken grifter of a wife. She (correctly) referred to niggers as "super predators". Of course, in public these old leftist dinosaurs shamelessly pander to niggers because they would never win another national election without at least 85% of the nigger vote.
    tru dat!!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jenkemfactory View Post
    I doubt he is really a nigger lover. Take a look at what he has done in the past, he really is a closet nigger hater. Everything he does is for show. Look at Hillary, she hate niggers too.
    None of these phonies really like niggers. How many of these pigs send their kids to nigger infested schools? Why don't they move to africa? Simply, they don't like niggers just like we don't like niggers.

    The difference between them and us is that we are honest about it.
    Those phonies don’t like niggers. They’re just using niggs as tools to get votes.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    I'm gonna have to agree with Jenks here -- I believe Slo' Joe has demonstrated time and time again that he's a closet nigger-hater. Same for Bill Clinton’s fat, ugly, unaccomplished, drunken grifter of a wife. She (correctly) referred to niggers as "super predators". Of course, in public these old leftist dinosaurs shamelessly pander to niggers because they would never win another national election without at least 85% of the nigger vote.

    One of Bubba Clinton's last acts as AR Governor was to deny a stay or commutation of goodification for a nigger on death row. This particular nigger was brain damaged (more than usual) by a bullet to it's hayed (if my memory serves me correctly). He did this to ensure the vote of certain conservatives who were progoodification penalty.

    The nigger was served his last meal and he infamously turned it down saying "I'm gonna save dis meal soze I can eats it after my excuushun." The nigger had no concept of death at that point and was estimated to have the mental capacity of a five year old.

    Here's some of Secret Rayciss Joe's quotes I have shamelessly stolen from the innerwebs:

    7. His comments about desegregation and his kids growing up in ‘racial jungle’ (1977)Biden has a decades-long record of opposition to busing and desegregation. And in 1977, during a congressional hearing on anti-busing legislation, Biden, who joined with segregationists in this fight, said he wanted to “ensure we do have orderly integration of society,” and pointed out he was “not just talking about education but all of society.”

    Then he said, “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this.”

    6. His bizarre ‘praise’ of Senator Barack Obama (February 2007)
    Biden’s 2008 presidential campaign got off to a rocky start in 2007 when he had to defend remarks he made about his future running mate, first-term Senator Barack Obama. “You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

    Barack Obama was not the first African American to run for president.

    Jesse Jackson ran for president in 1984 and 1998. Alan Keyes ran for president in 1992, 1996, 2000, and 2008. Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton both ran in 2004. Perhaps they weren’t articulate or clean enough for Biden’s standards.

    Biden’s “compliment” didn’t sit well with many people for the obvious racist implications, and Biden had to issue a statement to clean up the mess he had made. “I deeply regret any offense my remark in the New York Observer might have caused anyone,” he said. “That was not my intent and I expressed that to Senator Obama.”

    Biden later claimed the comment was taken out of context in a conference call with the media. “Barack Obama is probably the most exciting candidate that the Democratic or Republican Party has produced at least since I’ve been around,” Biden said. “And he’s fresh. He’s new. He’s smart. He’s insightful. And I really regret that some have taken totally out of context my use of the word ‘clean.'”

    5. Using the anti-semitic slur ‘shylock’ (September 2014)
    “That’s one of the things that he finds was most in need when he was over there in Iraq for a year,” Biden said during remarks at the 40th anniversary of the Legal Services Corporation. “That people would come to him and talk about what was happening to them at home in terms of foreclosures, in terms of bad loans that were being … I mean these Shylocks who took advantage of, um, these women and men while overseas.”

    The term “shylock” is considered an anti-semitic slur by the Anti-Defamation League, and Biden was rebuked by the group for using the slur, prompting Biden to publicly apologize for his “poor choice of words.”

    4. His comments about ‘poor kids’ (August 2019)
    During a campaign speech in Iowa hosted by the Asian & Latino Coalition, Joe Biden implied that poor kids are all non-white. “We should challenge students in these schools. We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

    After a brief pause, Biden realized how bad what he had just said sounded, and added: “Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids — no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.”

    Biden’s campaign claimed he “misspoke.”

    3. His comments about working at 7-Eleven or Dunkin’ Donuts (July 2006)
    When Joe Biden made his previous failed attempt at running for president, he made such a cringe-worthy comment it’s a wonder that Barack Obama ended up choosing him as his running mate.

    Biden appeared on the C-SPAN program “Road to the White House,” where he was seen shaking hands with a voter and bragging about his support from the Indian-American community.

    “I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,” Biden said.

    A clip of Biden making these comments went viral, forcing his campaign to issue a statement explaining what he “really” meant, and for Biden himself to claim “It was meant as a compliment.”

    2. His reason we can’t hold China accountable for COVID-19 (July 2020)
    This example comes from Wednesday night, when Biden explained during a virtual campaign event that Trump is wrong to hold China accountable for the COVID-19 because Americans aren’t able to distinguish “between a South Korean and someone from Beijing.”

    1. His claim that “You ain’t black” if you don’t support him (May 2020)
    A couple of months ago during an appearance on The Breakfast Club radio show with Charlamagne tha God, Biden made a racist comment implying that black Americans aren’t really black if they don’t vote for him.

    “Listen, you’ve got to come see us when you come to New York, VP Biden. It’s a long way until November. We’ve got more questions,” Charlamagne tha God said to Biden at the end of his interview.

    “You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

    Biden was widely criticized for those comments. Senator Tim Scott, for example, called it “most arrogant, outrageous comment that I’ve heard in a very long time.”

    “And President Trump comes along, and through his criminal justice reform, corrects the absolute mistakes made by Joe Biden; 1.3 million African-Americans voted for Trump,” Scott continued. “He’s saying to 1.3 million African-Americans that you are not black? Who in the heck does he think he is? That is the most arrogant, outrageous comment that I’ve heard in a very long time and I take offense to that.”

    “Liberals believe you really can’t be black, Latino, female, or intelligent unless you support their liberal agenda,” remarked Senator Lindsey Graham.

    Criticism over the racist remarks eventually prompted Biden to apologize. “I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy,” Biden said.

    Because when you’re a Democrat, all it takes is an apology to make their racism “go away.”
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  11. #11
    Sheriff john
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    Go ahead and retire already sleepy joe. You're doing more damage than the niggers are doing.

  12. #12
    Blue Gum
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    I was using that term " nigger lover" loosely, it would 've probably been more correct to say, the democratic party are nigger suck-ups, and nigger codlers....personally I cant understand why anyone would aline themselves with the democratic party IF you hate niggers, I can understand they're only after the nigger vote, but for me? ...I dont want ANYTHING to do with niggers, I go out of my way to avoid the filthy black bastards.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Gum View Post
    I was using that term " nigger lover" loosely, it would 've probably been more correct to say, the democratic party are nigger suck-ups, and nigger codlers....personally I cant understand why anyone would aline themselves with the democratic party IF you hate niggers, I can understand they're only after the nigger vote, but for me? ...I dont want ANYTHING to do with niggers, I go out of my way to avoid the filthy black bastards.
    Nigger loving certainly is not unique to the democratic party voters. But what is clear is that the top white leftists HATE niggers as much as we do. Even the top niggers on the left hate niggers but they know as well that you can't be fore law and order or niggers will vote for a white man handing them gibs first. They know how to play the game on their base. Remember the left is the party of slavery and the klan.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  14. #14
    Tell it like it is
    Chimpout Guest
    Yeah,ole joe knew the scoop when it came to niggers.Problem is, nobody is going to show those old quotes on prime time socialist media.They are all in bed with the niggers ( literally and figuratively).Just us on here, preaching to the choir, and changing nothing.Still good to see I am not alone, though.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tell it like it is View Post
    Yeah,ole joe knew the scoop when it came to niggers.Problem is, nobody is going to show those old quotes on prime time socialist media.They are all in bed with the niggers ( literally and figuratively).Just us on here, preaching to the choir, and changing nothing.Still good to see I am not alone, though.
    Which is why we MUST vote for Trump in RECORD NUMBERS!! When I heard that 15% of niggers and 36% of Hispanics are siding with Trump it's obvious the dhimmirats are SHITTING their collective pants!! And TRump MUST watch out for voter FRAUD!!

  16. #16
    Blue Gum
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    EXACTLY!!!!!!....If President Trump doesn't win...we're all screwed...

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