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Thread: We gonna lose?

  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    We gonna lose?

    Whitey isn't breedin; insead they kneel before the mob. 3/4 of our institutions are suberted. More than 1/2 of our government against us. Racsm is a public health issue... except directed at whites.

    The entire news media says killing us is ok. How in the fuck are we getting out of this because the best strategy right now is to vote in Trump and that is soooo not enough.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Whitey isn't breedin; insead they kneel before the mob. 3/4 of our institutions are suberted. More than 1/2 of our government against us. Racsm is a public health issue... except directed at whites.

    The entire news media says killing us is ok. How in the fuck are we getting out of this because the best strategy right now is to vote in Trump and that is soooo not enough.
    It is a long game. We aren’t out yet. Just because the other team with their fans are booing and tossing their trash on the field doesn’t mean the home team isn’t going to rally back. All you can do is cheer for your team and don’t be a fair weather fan like the nigger loving liberals.

    It might take a generation or two of niggershines but shit will hit the fan. When it does the left will run for cover leaving the niggers to swim in it.

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    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    It is a long game. We aren’t out yet. Just because the other team with their fans are booing and tossing their trash on the field doesn’t mean the home team isn’t going to rally back. All you can do is cheer for your team and don’t be a fair weather fan like the nigger loving liberals.

    It might take a generation or two of niggershines but shit will hit the fan. When it does the left will run for cover leaving the niggers to swim in it.

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    My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    It is a long game. We aren’t out yet. Just because the other team with their fans are booing and tossing their trash on the field doesn’t mean the home team isn’t going to rally back. All you can do is cheer for your team and don’t be a fair weather fan like the nigger loving liberals.

    It might take a generation or two of niggershines but shit will hit the fan. When it does the left will run for cover leaving the niggers to swim in it.

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    In all honesty, I fully expect that within the next century, we'll see the USA evolve (devolve?) into something like a blend of the movie 'Gattaca' (and yes, that is the correct spelling of the movie's name) and the book 'Brave New World.'

    Niggers and niggerlovers are not going to like it at first, but chances are good that most of them will end up being lobotomized, and after that, they won't care. Or perhaps they will simply be deprived of oxygen while still in the womb/hatchery.

    I know many of the concepts are meant to be a form of horror, but unfortunately, it seems that going forward, some forms of discrimination and prejudice will be necessary. The average IQ in the USA seems to be decreasing from the already low number of 87, and we have naturally created a nation where we already have Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, Epsilons, and Omegas.

    But there are also some Betas and Omegas that are making life a living Hell for the rest of us. And by Betas I mean cuckold communist niggerlovers, and by Omegas I mean niggers.

    With the technology and knowledge available to us, and the technology and knowledge that will be available to us in the future, it should be entirely possibly to bio-engineer a hyper-intelligent ruling class, a super-strong and fairly intelligent military (I mean, we'll still need intelligent officers or we'll have "problems" when it comes to actually accomplishing missions), subclasses to take care of the things that need to be done (with drugs and forms of entertainment that are cheap and readily available to keep them happy; not entirely unlike how things are now), and perhaps one day we can genetically engineer humans that are zero percent nigger.

    Imagine a world filled with humans that have had all of the possible niggetry scrubbed out of their genetic code, and are willing to unite together in a march towards humanity's great future.

    That is something I can get behind.

  5. #5
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    Stupid can't be fixed. Most white American's are controlled by what they see and hear like electronic puppets. They don't see the world like we do. I see a plague of niggers on the TV and in TV commercials. When I see a white person in an ad, I feel relief. Most folk will be wondering why that's not a nice friendly and affable black person. Monkey see, monkey do is the mantra for the easily led. Americans have devised their own plan of destruction through their own crass foolishness, and I don't see any changes anytime soon.
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

  6. #6
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    BOH got it just right! Reclaiming Humanity is a "long game". It took us centuries to get where we are now, it will take centuries to fix it.

    Personally, I think it will happen on its own. I think Humans will increasingly separate themselves from niggers until the entire planet is once again segregated. It's happening now. It happened in Detroit decades ago, Chicago is losing thousands per month, and Memphis resembles Botswana these days.

    Niggers tend to wind up in highly-concentrated clusters. They seem to avoid more rural and suburban areas. I've lived on a (land-linked) island for 2-1/2 years now, and have still not seen one nigger. Knowing the types of areas niggers tend to avoid is a good tool in avoiding niggers to begin with.

  7. #7
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    It looks like an ape uprising.But it’s not going to last. Niggs are showing what vile disgusting Savage beasts they are. I don’t think that humans going to put up with this shit for very much longer.

  8. #8
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    I've been putting a lot of thought into this lately, and I keep coming back to one point in particular: Someone is making lots of money off the uppity niggers and the liberal guilt. Soros, maybe, maybe some unknown person or group, but there is money to be made off niggers and a liberal agenda of pushing niggers onto every facet of life. Like so many things in life, just follow the money.

    Building on that, niggers are feral, unpredicable, and, in numbers, dangerous. The term "Useful idiots" comes to mind. Looking back in history, these useful idiots, once they have fulfilled their purpose, are dealt with. Generally elimiated. Given the feral and unpredicable nature of niggers, any person or group using them to further their own agenda, would do well to eliminate them once they outlive their usefulness. My guess, is that day will come when most humans, white, hispanics, Asians, what have you, have been by and large subdued into obedient mindless drones. The laws that have been passed, the precedents set, all seem to have a common theme, to disarm, and to silence. Young people are being brought up told to think, speak, and act the way they are told to, if they do have a thought of their own that runs contrary to popular opinion, to keep it to themselves or face retribution. Throughout history, most dictators have operated best with a population that is controlled and subdued.

    What I think will happen in the end, maybe in our lifetimes, maybe not, is once us humans are by and large subdued, the niggers will be rounded up and destroyed. Those of us who can think for ourselves, who have valuable skills for survival, will be backed into a corner. Be hunted down for being "Dissidents" or fight back against whatever person or group has control at that point. If the niggers are already gone, we might have a chance at winning. Most dictators make the same mistake. Thinking that an entire population can stay controlled forever.

    Niggers and liberal coddlers are useful idiots embracing what will eventually be their own demise.
    The only good coal burner runs on steel rails.

  9. #9
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by nigfreewisconsin View Post
    I've been putting a lot of thought into this lately, and I keep coming back to one point in particular: Someone is making lots of money off the uppity niggers and the liberal guilt. Soros, maybe, maybe some unknown person or group, but there is money to be made off niggers and a liberal agenda of pushing niggers onto every facet of life. Like so many things in life, just follow the money.
    My guess, is that day will come when most humans, white, hispanics, Asians, what have you, have been by and large subdued into obedient mindless drones. The laws that have been passed, the precedents set, all seem to have a common theme, to disarm, and to silence. Young people are being brought up told to think, speak, and act the way they are told to, if they do have a thought of their own that runs contrary to popular opinion, to keep it to themselves or face retribution. Throughout history, most dictators have operated best with a population that is controlled and subdued.
    Sadly, I do think you are absolutely right! To me, the one and only question is who is the one who profits most. And there are a few noteworthy contenders. Did you ever wonder why the uber super rich do never appear in any official 'billionaires' lists (e.g. the annual Forbes Billionaires list)? For example, you can easily figure out a few contenders who are trillionaires, they 'hide' in plain view. The only thing you have to do is to read newspapers and do the math.

    For example Saudi Aramco, which belongs to saudi dictator mohammed bin salman, earns $1billion per day - and that's with oil prices down! The Queen would be another example, many people know the royals get 'small' yearly payments from taxes called Sovereign Grant. What hardly anybody knows even though the data it is accessible for everyone (budget of the British Government): The royals get many times of the Sovereign Grant money as e.g. rent for their property, which is essentially every official building / land in the UK (Parliament buildings, parks, streets, courthouses ...). Icing on the cake - not only in GB, they still own much of the property in their former colonies as well.

    Then there are the well known families e.g. Coudenhöfe-Calergi, Rothschild (their fortune is estimated at $900 trillion). James Rothschild was able to rent Kensington palace and half of the London inner city (if I remember right, billionaire mimic G.Clooney wanted to marry there as well, he was refused) for more than one billion - just for a wedding. Remember, these families made profit out of two world wars (probably even actively participating in starting them, who knows). Then there are the owners of all the dubious NGOs who try to criminalize criticism of unlimited immigration to western countries. (Soros is not the biggest fish in the lake.)

    I could go on and on, but you get the problem: No way to figure out who really pulls the strings, but many options. And they don't care for people, we are just work drones to them.

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