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Thread: Fighting Back

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    Fighting Back

    Can I ask for some assistance?

    I have written an article that would surely be controversial about racial issues, and I'd like to publish it on the internet. It has to be done anonymously, or I'd have the police on me claiming it's "hate speech".
    How do I go about it?

    If it's removed, I want to keep reposting it, so I can get some responses to it, and get a feel for how others feel about the views expressed.
    What is the best way to post anonymously, so it can't be traced back to it's source?

    Thanking you in anticipation.

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  3. #2
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    Thanks for your response.
    Now I'm gonna sound really stupid! What do you mean by the interwebs?
    If I post the article here, does that mean it will also be picked up by normal search engines?
    In some ways I'm good on computer (video and audio editing is my speciality) - but things like blogs etc my knowledge leaves a lot to be desired.

    Perhaps I should explain that the objective with my article is to show how out of touch our British politicians are with what I believe to be the silent majority. I begin by writing about how in the 1970s politicians signed away many of the powers of the Houses of Parliament to a foreign power. After going through a couple of other issues, I get to the real meat of the article - immigration.
    I just want to get to the point where people can discuss racial issues without fear of prosecution. But I do feel that some would take exception to what they may call extreme racism.
    Basically, I just want to get the article out to as many people as possible, and - equally important - to be able to get some feedback, negative as well as positive. I'm happy to take on any libtard who feels like abusing me; I'm sure I'll have an answer for any point they may raise. But I also want to encourage people who share my view, and may feel afraid to speak out.
    To a certain degree, the law can be "got around" if it's done carefully.

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    There are no stupid questions - only stupid people for not asking them. We are here to help.

    "Duh innerwebz, interwebs, tha innernetz" is all ebonics niggerspeak for the internet. Yes, if you post it here, it will be picked up by search engines. That's what our tag lines are for. As long as you do not dox yourself (give personal info or clues as to your true identity) then it will be anonymous. There are many methods of maintaining your anonymity online and we will be happy to assist you.

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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    Thanks for your response.
    Now I'm gonna sound really stupid! What do you mean by the interwebs?
    If I post the article here, does that mean it will also be picked up by normal search engines?
    In some ways I'm good on computer (video and audio editing is my speciality) - but things like blogs etc my knowledge leaves a lot to be desired.

    Perhaps I should explain that the objective with my article is to show how out of touch our British politicians are with what I believe to be the silent majority. I begin by writing about how in the 1970s politicians signed away many of the powers of the Houses of Parliament to a foreign power. After going through a couple of other issues, I get to the real meat of the article - immigration.
    I just want to get to the point where people can discuss racial issues without fear of prosecution. But I do feel that some would take exception to what they may call extreme racism.
    Basically, I just want to get the article out to as many people as possible, and - equally important - to be able to get some feedback, negative as well as positive. I'm happy to take on any libtard who feels like abusing me; I'm sure I'll have an answer for any point they may raise. But I also want to encourage people who share my view, and may feel afraid to speak out.
    To a certain degree, the law can be "got around" if it's done carefully.
    You are PREACHING to the choir brother!! We will ALL support your beliefs!!

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  9. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by haywood View Post
    You are PREACHING to the choir brother!! We will ALL support your beliefs!!
    Thank you for your kind responses, folks.
    I suppose what I'm really after is posting the article where people of all views can read it. I would welcome liberals who want to challenge my opinions, then I could take them on point by point, hoping people will see how ridiculous their arguments are.
    As wonderful as Chimpout is, like you say, haywood, I'm not likely to convert anyone here.

    Demographic studies show that at the current rate, white Britons will be a minority in our own country in just 46 years time! I want to do my bit - however small that may be - toward preventing that.
    Like America, we over here are sunk if we don't fight back!

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  11. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    Thank you for your kind responses, folks.
    I suppose what I'm really after is posting the article where people of all views can read it. I would welcome liberals who want to challenge my opinions, then I could take them on point by point, hoping people will see how ridiculous their arguments are.
    As wonderful as Chimpout is, like you say, haywood, I'm not likely to convert anyone here.

    Demographic studies show that at the current rate, white Britons will be a minority in our own country in just 46 years time! I want to do my bit - however small that may be - toward preventing that.
    Like America, we over here are sunk if we don't fight back!
    SPOT ON!! I was FURIOUS when I saw that sheboon who wanted to tear down the statue of Winston Churchill!! And the dumb ape didn't even know who he was!! Just as stupid as the "youth" here they have been brainwashed since the k-12 years and then even more brainwashed when they go to college and are indoctrinated by marxist professors. If it wasn't for Churchill that nigger would still be in da' muddaland. If Nazis took over the UK they sure as HELL would not have let those niggers in. You have niggers and @$$lifter$ on the dole in the UK leaching off of the British tax payer and they aren't even grateful, they want to destroy your society FUCK THAT!! Britain is for Britons!!

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  13. #7
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    Well, there's always 4chan, craigslist r/r or politics section, etc. There's plenty out there, just get a disposable email and use a VPN or better yet, a TOR. You'll be fine.

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  15. #8
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    Thanks again, folks. I'm engaged in an on-going conversation with Witch Doctor about a website, so something may well come of this. Stay tuned!

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  17. #9
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    Providing you don't break the site rules, there shouldn't be a problem.

    I'm quite looking forward to this.

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  19. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odin's balls View Post
    Providing you don't break the site rules, there shouldn't be a problem.

    I'm quite looking forward to this.
    As am I!!

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  21. #11
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    OK, folks, this is the situation. Below is the original article I've written, which will have to be toned down somewhat for the new website. But the whole point really is to get the subject of race out in the open, so people in Britain feel they can discuss it without fear of prosecution. The MSM has such a hold on the population that you'd think anyone with an opposite opinion of niggers is some kind of freak! Frankly, I think open discussion is the last thing liberal snowflakes want. With the law being what it is, most people in this country have a general feeling that you can end up in prison for merely discussing the subject. From what I've found, it seems most cases are in fact not prosecuted; they probably just pick a few cases here and there where they can get an easy conviction. Once that case hits the headlines, the general public feel they'd better just stay quiet. So this barrier HAS to be broken down.
    So although the language may have to be toned down, at least the subject can be discussed.

    Witch Doctor has very kindly offered to create a website, and we thought it might get around any laws about so-called "hate speech" if the opening page includes a disclaimer; if folks click on "enter" they are agreeing to indemnify the site against any future threat of prosecution.

    Here's the original article I wrote, with the intention of publishing it somewhere - anywhere - so people can feel comforted in the knowledge there's more than one opinion out there. I'd be interested in any comments, including criticisms. I want to tune this up if necessary before putting it on the new website.


    My comments here are bound to upset some people. But please remember, we claim to be a society of free speech; that means people may sometimes have an opinion you disagree with, but if you truly believe in free speech then you should defend that person's right to express that opinion.

    Every politician wants to avoid war whenever possible, at least in his own country. But often politicians, like water or electricity, take the path of least resistance – appeasement.
    There is, however, another definition of appeasement – feeding the beast, hoping he'll devour you last!
    When faced with an aggressor, appeasement never works. Ever! On no occasion has appeasement ever brought about a long-term satisfactory conclusion for any peoples that have engaged in it. If you feed the beast, he'll just demand more. Like a blackmailer, he'll squeeze you dry, until there's nothing left to give; then he'll destroy you.
    In 1972 Britain's Prime Minister Edward Heath signed the Treaty of Accession in Rome; Britain would be joining the Common Market on 1st January 1973.
    At the time, there were many people – including some politicians – who pointed out that Mr. Heath's signature on the document was not binding on the British people, and they were surely correct. We are a Parliamentary democracy, yes, but that Parliament has never had permission from the people – which is surely required – to give away that legislative authority to a foreign power.
    Even before the Common Market morphed into the European Economic Community, the Europhiles in Brussels realised they needed a “softly softly catchee monkey” approach, if they were to ensnare the European nations – particularly Great Britain – into this new international prison they were constructing. They knew that nobody would constantly use the name “European Economic Community” - it would naturally be shortened to E.E.C.
    You can do a lot with initials; people often get so used to using them that they forget what they actually stand for. It wasn't too long before the E.E.C. was being referred to as the E.C. Well, the dropped 'E' was most certainly not the one standing for 'European', was it?
    No, they'd dropped the 'E' that represented the word 'economic'. So now, the initials stood for 'European Community'. That term could cast a wide umbrella.
    The Maastricht Treaty – signed in 1993 by Prime Minister John Major - ensured that the name was changed to the E.U. Ah, now it's a 'European Union'. So a political union was the aim from the outset!
    But the politicians still refused the British people any say in the matter. No, our leaders knew best!
    But as time went on, the British people grew more and more exasperated with our membership of this union. And when we finally got a chance to vote on membership of the E.U., we rejected it – despite most politicians warning us of the dire economic consequences of leaving.
    Many die-hard E.U.-lovers warn still of the disastrous days ahead for our nation. They don't seem to possess the foresight to conclude that our continued membership would have resulted in Britain being relegated to a province on the edge of a gigantic United States of Europe, ruled, sorry, led by Germany. A glance at our island on a map would have been accompanied by a German smirk, and the thought “Hm, who said ve lost ze var?!” But then, the liberal Left have always, it seems to me, desired to see the downfall of our great nation. But I've never been exactly sure why....
    From the outset, politicians seemed happy to follow the path of appeasement to Europe. It was only the voice of the people that eventually forced them to change course. Democracy prevailed in the end.

    But there's a new struggle that is happening right now, and without some people even noticing it - and the risks involved in this battle could be far, far more dangerous!
    We are at a crossroads; are we going to return to a normal, sane society? Or are we going to continue down the road of fantasy, so determined not to hurt anyone's feelings that we actually start believing in things that are simply nonsense?
    Our mainstream media, which has for years been controlled by the political Left, is today throwing a constant barrage of falsehoods at us.
    They pretend, for example, that the British people accept and approve of our criminal justice system; they clearly do not! The media have tried to expunge the word 'revenge' from our language; most people believe that revenge is a perfectly natural emotion, and should be dished out to criminals who have shown not the slightest remorse for their victims – except when they get caught! Then, of course, they are so sorry for the pain and suffering they have caused. They may fool the courts, and later the prison parole board – but they don't fool the rest of us.

    I believe, also, that the politicians are out of touch with the vast majority of British people on the question of 'transgender' people. There's no such thing! It's about time somebody had the courage to say it out loud. There are two sexes - male and female! End of discussion!

    Similarly, the politicians are so out of touch – or pretend to be – on the subject of immigration. Again, they know best!
    For decades now, we have been taking in millions and millions of immigrants – many claiming to be refugees. Those that are caught crossing the English Channel today, in 2020, claim to be refugees; refugees from where? France? That's where the majority of them sailed from.
    By far the huge majority of people who have entered this country over the last twenty-five years have been illegal economic migrants. They all claim to be starving, but it's noticeable that they can still afford to run a mobile phone!
    Since the late 1960s and early 1970s, there has been a colossal increase in the number of people coming into this country, and it needs to not only stop, but be reversed – now! Demographic studies demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that, at the current levels of immigration, white people will become a minority in Great Britain by 2066; think about it – that's just 46 years away! Is this the Britain you want for your grandchildren?
    Politicians tell us that the housing, jobs, and education crises are not connected to the number of immigrants coming into Britain. How stupid do they think we are?
    It's very simple; you don't need to be Einstein to work it out. Like the old adage says, you can't put a quart into a pint pot.
    And take a good look at how, within a couple of generations, many of these immigrants our politicians allowed to come here have started behaving toward us. They now seem to believe that we British must change our society to fit in with their lifestyle and culture. Politicians are already appeasing them; for example, because it is cheaper for our schools to serve one type of meal, rather than having separate food for different races and religions, our schools are now in many areas serving halal meat to our children. Absolutely outrageous!!!
    But where are the animal rights protestors? Why haven't we heard from them on this issue? And why aren't parents demanding that this practice be changed? Or is it that the media is simply ignoring these protests, because raising this issue in the minds of an animal-loving public would not fit in with their left-wing philosophy of appeasement to immigrants?

    And finally, to this 'Black Lives Matter' nonsense we're being fed day after day by our media. Let's look at some scientific facts!
    1) We white people are far more intelligent than blacks. This fact is proven by every single IQ test ever devised anywhere in the world. And the black brain is considerably smaller than that of the white brain.
    2) We are far more inventive. When the white men came across the black African for the first time, and realised that he had never tilled a single crop, had never used any animal for farming – there was no farming - had never constructed any kind of two-storey building, and had in fact never even invented the wheel, he began to consider that these creatures were not fully human. There is plenty of scientific evidence that this may, in fact, be true. Now, perhaps, we can understand why these creatures were treated the way they were. Many were taken to the U.S.A. as slaves. When they were freed by President Lincoln – not with the intention of them remaining in the U.S., as many believe - one can begin to understand why most Americans at that time would never have accepted the prospect of them becoming U.S. citizens, still less giving them the vote! Lincoln's plan was to ship them out of the U.S. And just think of the trouble America would have saved itself if Lincoln's plan had been carried through....
    3) Let's be totally honest about this, we're far, far better looking! They, of course, cannot help being ugly creatures, but let's stop this nonsense of pretending they are as good-looking as us – black women winning beauty contests etc. - just so as not to hurt their feelings.

    Blacks as a race have always failed at everything they do, when left to their own devices. They need the White race to sustain them. They keep whinging and whining, as if their problems are somehow down to us. They talk, for example, of 'reparations' for the past. Would someone like to explain to me how they are so disadvantaged because their ancestors were slaves? If they hadn't been, their descendants would not be living in the West; they'd be in Africa.
    There's no prejudice against blacks in Africa; mind you, there's no sweet cushy lifestyle either! That surely explains why they don't all head back home to their motherland; no white people to oppress them, but mostly no modern comforts either, and those that do exist are there because of the White man's inventiveness! The black race hasn't progressed since the Stone Age!

    Blacks will never integrate into our society, simply because they are jealous of us; they're jealous of our accomplishments, our smarter brains, our ability to solve abstract problems, our nicer appearance etc. The list goes on and on....
    The time has come to separate the races. This is not a backward step, as liberals would have us believe – it would be a gigantic leap forward!
    Whites and Orientals – the truly progressive races - can then march confidently toward a brighter tomorrow, always armed with our intelligence and inventiveness that enables us to overcome most of the obstacles Mother Nature places in our path.

    Africa? Just leave them to their own devices, and for God's sake leave behind the White Guilt. It's a weapon blacks love to use against us, to cover up for their own failures. The White race has nothing to be ashamed of, either in our past or present.
    The more we give them, the more they despise us. The more starving there are in Africa, the more they breed. Strange, isn't it, however much they may lack food in their bellies, they always have enough energy for sex.

    Meanwhile, the White race is told that we need to cut our population. No, we do not! In fact, we should sing the praises of all white couples who have large families. We need the white citizens of the future.

    British people are white! There is not, and never has been, any such thing as a black British citizen. We must sweep away the ridiculous swathe of legislation that stops any meaningful discussion about racial differences. The British people will not be silenced by legislation that makes us second-class citizens in our own country, having to give way to individuals who are hell-bent on changing the very culture of our beloved nation. We must defend our race by repatriating the non-British back to where their families originated from. If we do not, there will be one – and only one – course left open, that of civil war! There's no question the White people would emerge victorious from that war; our superior intelligence would ensure that.
    But a lot of blood would be shed – why?
    We can avoid it if we begin repatriation NOW! Those that won't go must be forced to go. Those that have inter-bred with blacks have a choice; they can leave with their families, or remain behind without them. But they cannot choose both. They made their bed; it is time to lie in it.
    The British people have had enough – and I feel they are not going to remain silent much longer.

    J. P. Diamond
    (The name is - of course - fictitious)

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  23. #12
    Chimpout Guest
    Excellent and well stated

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  25. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    OK, folks, this is the situation. Below is the original article I've written, which will have to be toned down somewhat for the new website. But the whole point really is to get the subject of race out in the open, so people in Britain feel they can discuss it without fear of prosecution. The MSM has such a hold on the population that you'd think anyone with an opposite opinion of niggers is some kind of freak! Frankly, I think open discussion is the last thing liberal snowflakes want. With the law being what it is, most people in this country have a general feeling that you can end up in prison for merely discussing the subject. From what I've found, it seems most cases are in fact not prosecuted; they probably just pick a few cases here and there where they can get an easy conviction. Once that case hits the headlines, the general public feel they'd better just stay quiet. So this barrier HAS to be broken down.
    So although the language may have to be toned down, at least the subject can be discussed.

    Witch Doctor has very kindly offered to create a website, and we thought it might get around any laws about so-called "hate speech" if the opening page includes a disclaimer; if folks click on "enter" they are agreeing to indemnify the site against any future threat of prosecution.

    Here's the original article I wrote, with the intention of publishing it somewhere - anywhere - so people can feel comforted in the knowledge there's more than one opinion out there. I'd be interested in any comments, including criticisms. I want to tune this up if necessary before putting it on the new website.


    My comments here are bound to upset some people. But please remember, we claim to be a society of free speech; that means people may sometimes have an opinion you disagree with, but if you truly believe in free speech then you should defend that person's right to express that opinion.

    Every politician wants to avoid war whenever possible, at least in his own country. But often politicians, like water or electricity, take the path of least resistance – appeasement.
    There is, however, another definition of appeasement – feeding the beast, hoping he'll devour you last!
    When faced with an aggressor, appeasement never works. Ever! On no occasion has appeasement ever brought about a long-term satisfactory conclusion for any peoples that have engaged in it. If you feed the beast, he'll just demand more. Like a blackmailer, he'll squeeze you dry, until there's nothing left to give; then he'll destroy you.
    In 1972 Britain's Prime Minister Edward Heath signed the Treaty of Accession in Rome; Britain would be joining the Common Market on 1st January 1973.
    At the time, there were many people – including some politicians – who pointed out that Mr. Heath's signature on the document was not binding on the British people, and they were surely correct. We are a Parliamentary democracy, yes, but that Parliament has never had permission from the people – which is surely required – to give away that legislative authority to a foreign power.
    Even before the Common Market morphed into the European Economic Community, the Europhiles in Brussels realised they needed a “softly softly catchee monkey” approach, if they were to ensnare the European nations – particularly Great Britain – into this new international prison they were constructing. They knew that nobody would constantly use the name “European Economic Community” - it would naturally be shortened to E.E.C.
    You can do a lot with initials; people often get so used to using them that they forget what they actually stand for. It wasn't too long before the E.E.C. was being referred to as the E.C. Well, the dropped 'E' was most certainly not the one standing for 'European', was it?
    No, they'd dropped the 'E' that represented the word 'economic'. So now, the initials stood for 'European Community'. That term could cast a wide umbrella.
    The Maastricht Treaty – signed in 1993 by Prime Minister John Major - ensured that the name was changed to the E.U. Ah, now it's a 'European Union'. So a political union was the aim from the outset!
    But the politicians still refused the British people any say in the matter. No, our leaders knew best!
    But as time went on, the British people grew more and more exasperated with our membership of this union. And when we finally got a chance to vote on membership of the E.U., we rejected it – despite most politicians warning us of the dire economic consequences of leaving.
    Many die-hard E.U.-lovers warn still of the disastrous days ahead for our nation. They don't seem to possess the foresight to conclude that our continued membership would have resulted in Britain being relegated to a province on the edge of a gigantic United States of Europe, ruled, sorry, led by Germany. A glance at our island on a map would have been accompanied by a German smirk, and the thought “Hm, who said ve lost ze var?!” But then, the liberal Left have always, it seems to me, desired to see the downfall of our great nation. But I've never been exactly sure why....
    From the outset, politicians seemed happy to follow the path of appeasement to Europe. It was only the voice of the people that eventually forced them to change course. Democracy prevailed in the end.

    But there's a new struggle that is happening right now, and without some people even noticing it - and the risks involved in this battle could be far, far more dangerous!
    We are at a crossroads; are we going to return to a normal, sane society? Or are we going to continue down the road of fantasy, so determined not to hurt anyone's feelings that we actually start believing in things that are simply nonsense?
    Our mainstream media, which has for years been controlled by the political Left, is today throwing a constant barrage of falsehoods at us.
    They pretend, for example, that the British people accept and approve of our criminal justice system; they clearly do not! The media have tried to expunge the word 'revenge' from our language; most people believe that revenge is a perfectly natural emotion, and should be dished out to criminals who have shown not the slightest remorse for their victims – except when they get caught! Then, of course, they are so sorry for the pain and suffering they have caused. They may fool the courts, and later the prison parole board – but they don't fool the rest of us.

    I believe, also, that the politicians are out of touch with the vast majority of British people on the question of 'transgender' people. There's no such thing! It's about time somebody had the courage to say it out loud. There are two sexes - male and female! End of discussion!

    Similarly, the politicians are so out of touch – or pretend to be – on the subject of immigration. Again, they know best!
    For decades now, we have been taking in millions and millions of immigrants – many claiming to be refugees. Those that are caught crossing the English Channel today, in 2020, claim to be refugees; refugees from where? France? That's where the majority of them sailed from.
    By far the huge majority of people who have entered this country over the last twenty-five years have been illegal economic migrants. They all claim to be starving, but it's noticeable that they can still afford to run a mobile phone!
    Since the late 1960s and early 1970s, there has been a colossal increase in the number of people coming into this country, and it needs to not only stop, but be reversed – now! Demographic studies demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that, at the current levels of immigration, white people will become a minority in Great Britain by 2066; think about it – that's just 46 years away! Is this the Britain you want for your grandchildren?
    Politicians tell us that the housing, jobs, and education crises are not connected to the number of immigrants coming into Britain. How stupid do they think we are?
    It's very simple; you don't need to be Einstein to work it out. Like the old adage says, you can't put a quart into a pint pot.
    And take a good look at how, within a couple of generations, many of these immigrants our politicians allowed to come here have started behaving toward us. They now seem to believe that we British must change our society to fit in with their lifestyle and culture. Politicians are already appeasing them; for example, because it is cheaper for our schools to serve one type of meal, rather than having separate food for different races and religions, our schools are now in many areas serving halal meat to our children. Absolutely outrageous!!!
    But where are the animal rights protestors? Why haven't we heard from them on this issue? And why aren't parents demanding that this practice be changed? Or is it that the media is simply ignoring these protests, because raising this issue in the minds of an animal-loving public would not fit in with their left-wing philosophy of appeasement to immigrants?

    And finally, to this 'Black Lives Matter' nonsense we're being fed day after day by our media. Let's look at some scientific facts!
    1) We white people are far more intelligent than blacks. This fact is proven by every single IQ test ever devised anywhere in the world. And the black brain is considerably smaller than that of the white brain.
    2) We are far more inventive. When the white men came across the black African for the first time, and realised that he had never tilled a single crop, had never used any animal for farming – there was no farming - had never constructed any kind of two-storey building, and had in fact never even invented the wheel, he began to consider that these creatures were not fully human. There is plenty of scientific evidence that this may, in fact, be true. Now, perhaps, we can understand why these creatures were treated the way they were. Many were taken to the U.S.A. as slaves. When they were freed by President Lincoln – not with the intention of them remaining in the U.S., as many believe - one can begin to understand why most Americans at that time would never have accepted the prospect of them becoming U.S. citizens, still less giving them the vote! Lincoln's plan was to ship them out of the U.S. And just think of the trouble America would have saved itself if Lincoln's plan had been carried through....
    3) Let's be totally honest about this, we're far, far better looking! They, of course, cannot help being ugly creatures, but let's stop this nonsense of pretending they are as good-looking as us – black women winning beauty contests etc. - just so as not to hurt their feelings.

    Blacks as a race have always failed at everything they do, when left to their own devices. They need the White race to sustain them. They keep whinging and whining, as if their problems are somehow down to us. They talk, for example, of 'reparations' for the past. Would someone like to explain to me how they are so disadvantaged because their ancestors were slaves? If they hadn't been, their descendants would not be living in the West; they'd be in Africa.
    There's no prejudice against blacks in Africa; mind you, there's no sweet cushy lifestyle either! That surely explains why they don't all head back home to their motherland; no white people to oppress them, but mostly no modern comforts either, and those that do exist are there because of the White man's inventiveness! The black race hasn't progressed since the Stone Age!

    Blacks will never integrate into our society, simply because they are jealous of us; they're jealous of our accomplishments, our smarter brains, our ability to solve abstract problems, our nicer appearance etc. The list goes on and on....
    The time has come to separate the races. This is not a backward step, as liberals would have us believe – it would be a gigantic leap forward!
    Whites and Orientals – the truly progressive races - can then march confidently toward a brighter tomorrow, always armed with our intelligence and inventiveness that enables us to overcome most of the obstacles Mother Nature places in our path.

    Africa? Just leave them to their own devices, and for God's sake leave behind the White Guilt. It's a weapon blacks love to use against us, to cover up for their own failures. The White race has nothing to be ashamed of, either in our past or present.
    The more we give them, the more they despise us. The more starving there are in Africa, the more they breed. Strange, isn't it, however much they may lack food in their bellies, they always have enough energy for sex.

    Meanwhile, the White race is told that we need to cut our population. No, we do not! In fact, we should sing the praises of all white couples who have large families. We need the white citizens of the future.

    British people are white! There is not, and never has been, any such thing as a black British citizen. We must sweep away the ridiculous swathe of legislation that stops any meaningful discussion about racial differences. The British people will not be silenced by legislation that makes us second-class citizens in our own country, having to give way to individuals who are hell-bent on changing the very culture of our beloved nation. We must defend our race by repatriating the non-British back to where their families originated from. If we do not, there will be one – and only one – course left open, that of civil war! There's no question the White people would emerge victorious from that war; our superior intelligence would ensure that.
    But a lot of blood would be shed – why?
    We can avoid it if we begin repatriation NOW! Those that won't go must be forced to go. Those that have inter-bred with blacks have a choice; they can leave with their families, or remain behind without them. But they cannot choose both. They made their bed; it is time to lie in it.
    The British people have had enough – and I feel they are not going to remain silent much longer.

    J. P. Diamond
    (The name is - of course - fictitious)
    My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

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  27. #14
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    Could this be copied or moved to the Blogs section? There is nothing there now, this would be an excellent first post. Then it would be permanent, and not slid down the board.
    "Tolerance for monkeyshines is in direct proportion to distance from the monkeys."

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  29. #15
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    I've decided to put this on hold for the moment. The reason is that I've re-thought my plan.
    I'm going to start by writing to my MP. I shall point out the demographic prediction that this country's white people will be a minority by 2066, and ask how he feels about this.
    Then I shall go on to ask what the government plan to do about it.

    Then - armed with this response - I could then go ahead and set up the website I'm planning.

    I shall be sending this letter this coming week, and I will, of course, post here as soon as I get an answer.

    Of course, I shall have to be careful with the new website, and I intend to tread very carefully, in a way that cannot open me to any criminal charges. Regarding the letter to my MP, what can possibly be illegal about asking questions? Unless a question, of course, can be deemed racist!

    I'll keep you all informed.

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  31. #16
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    NogVirus, I totally understand your feelings, but you have to remember I'm planning to put this out there on the web, to try to win over those who are unsure of their position.
    Certainly, if given a choice, I would demand that race-traitors were kicked out too, but when trying to win people over to your point of view, you sometimes have to compromise.
    The main aim is simply to get the viewpoint expressed in this article out there, so people no longer feel the subject is off-limits.
    I'm very close to getting the ball rolling, and I promise to keep you all informed.

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  33. #17
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    I've made the first step in this, by writing to my Member of Parliament. The government has made a ten-year contract with a company called Serco, whose job it will be to house a lot of these illegal immigrants - many of them in four-star hotels! I've asked my MP to confirm this, and if it is true, what is his government doing to stop illegal immigration.
    According to 'Britain First', the government are practically running a taxi service for these migrants who are arriving every single day across the English Channel from France.
    I've also asked him how he feels about the fact that in 46 years time, white people will be a minority here, and what his government intends to do about it.
    I'll let you know when - indeed, if - I get a reply.

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  35. #18
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    No response from my member of Parliament yet. I'm gonna have to be patient, but I'm going to persist with this. And if I don't get a reply, I'll go and see him personally!
    I want answers.

    For those of you interested in what's happening to Britain with the niggers flooding in, go look at a group called 'Britain First'. They're doing a great job bringing the outrageous things that are happening to the attention of the public.

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  37. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    No response from my member of Parliament yet. I'm gonna have to be patient, but I'm going to persist with this. And if I don't get a reply, I'll go and see him personally!
    I want answers.

    For those of you interested in what's happening to Britain with the niggers flooding in, go look at a group called 'Britain First'. They're doing a great job bringing the outrageous things that are happening to the attention of the public.
    I am going to watch this.

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  39. #20
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    What do you know? My MP has not responded so far. Nothing!

    Time to send him another email, with a mention about me coming to see him personally.

    In fact, I wonder if ANY MP would be willing to answer my questions.

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