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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Liberals are Immune to Facts and Logic

    I have been wanting to rant about the toxicity of the modern black man for years. Your first reaction might be, why don't you call them what they are? I will get to that later, I promise. Please be assured though, I am in no way a lover or supporter of the black community. I was raised to treat people respectfully and equally regardless of race, age, all of that jazz. I guess my first time questioning the civility of the black man is when my mother had to fly to St.Louis MO for a business trip. My mom was sucker-punched by some cowardly black thug who robbed her of her handbag. That's not a great start. What kind of person could attack a defenseless woman who never did anything to them? Maybe that was just a coincidence. I won't take you through a whole life story, we can just fast-forward to the riots and BLM bullshit being pushed on all of us today. As many of you are hopefully intelligent enough to realize, these primitive riots and killings of innocent people are certainly fueled by insane left-wing terrorists. What I don't understand, is why there are so many white people that rush to support these movements. Let's address the ordeal of "daily racism," that they enjoy bitching so much about first. I don't know about you, but things have clearly been swung in their favor for quite a while now. More government funds directed towards improving the trashed hell holes they live in than our public school systems? Check. The promise of being hired over a white man simply because you're black? Check. Multiple scholarships and trade opportunities simply for being a negro? CHECK. We could continue, but I would be here all day. The very obvious problem that has been proven time and time again is that the blacks destroy that which is gifted to them. City after city, program after program. (Hell, we saw it happen in South Africa before things turned in America) The other problem, is that the black man lacks any kind of ambition or work ethic. I also want to address this now. I believe that if we ever want change then we need to state things for facts, not just clumsily say "all of them". I respect everyone on this website for having the balls to say and see things like they are, but if we don't speak in a manner that could influence people and help them see the light...things are going to keep getting darker. Not every black lacks these things. I have personally worked with a black man that put in his hours and raised a family. The problem, is that this is an extreme rarity. If we were to take the actual statistics of these sorts of black people, it would not even top ten percent. I personally believe that is enough to include the whole race, but again...nothing will change with that phrasing. We hear it time and time again. The white man is to blame for their behaviors and terrible living conditions. I'm sorry, but how the fuck did this ever become accepted as an excuse? My grandpa lived in a home without electric as a boy. His dad died when he was eight years old and he was left with a mother and SEVEN sisters. As a boy, he fished and hunted to feed his family. A BOY did this and managed to survive into adulthood. He worked his ass off to provide for his family and when he died he finished just barely above the poverty line after working a shitty job his entire life. There was not a single time that he bitched about his condition, he did what he had to do for his family and didn't blame anyone for it. Now, the black man blames everyone else about why he keeps destroying cities, killing innocent people, abandoning families....the list goes on and on. This makes me sick to my stomach. They have been offered the same FREE education that is offered to each and every one of us white men, and they refuse it. (Along with the other bullshit mentioned previously) Somehow the libtards have convinced enough youth across the country and mentally sick people in states such as California that it is everyone else's fault. I'm done listening to that disgusting horse shit. I never would have hated people because of the color of their skin. I hate people because of their actions, and the actions of the negro are nothing less than despicable. Our founding fathers would spit on this country if they saw these savages being rewarded for burning businesses, raping our women, and poisoning our children with their pathetic filth they call "culture." I don't know about you all, but without even knowing who did these things, the very obvious answer would be that they are criminals. That is simply what the black man is. Instead of seeing it for what it truly and obviously is, enough people have been brainwashed by media to see them as justified and even fucking righteous in these disgusting acts. I am done having to sit by idly and keep my mouth shut because of the fear of backlash coming. What kind of men are we if we let these foul creatures destroy the greatest country the world has ever seen? They are criminal thugs as a whole, and that can be proven time and time again. I am done not taking action. I will voice my opinion on this filth, no matter who is listening. If it comes to them attacking me or my home, I will retaliate LEGALLY. If they burn my house down, then at least I die knowing that I never gave in to this and laid down to take it like a limp-dicked cuck. I beg all of you to voice the truth. Not just here among good company, out in the world. Please consider my advice though. As much as I want to call them niggers, baboons, anything of the like...we will not influence the overly sensitive youth and morons of today. They use that phrasing against us and convince those unwilling to make a decision by themselves that we are completely wrong because we use "hate" slang. You need to be smart about it. Again, I do not sympathize with the niggers in any way, shape, or form. I don't want to just bitch about them though, I want real action. So please, consider my advice. Sorry for the long fucking post, but this seems to be the only place for it. Give me liberty, or give me death.

  2. #2
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    TAs much as I want to call them niggers, baboons, anything of the like... we will not influence the overly sensitive youth and morons of today. They use that phrasing against us and convince those unwilling to make a decision by themselves that we are completely wrong because we use "hate" slang. You need to be smart about it. Again, I do not sympathize with the niggers in any way, shape, or form.
    I find that a nigger lover is not going to be convinced regardless of facts or language that doesn't offend their sense of safe space. I simply do not talk to them. You can not argue with a talking brick wall. All they will do is talk louder over you and interrupt you. Even if you present them with a solid case full of valid examples and reputable resources, you are simply a racist. Facts are dismissed and if you manage to get a word in edge wise, they will simply quote something from the Huffington Post or some other liberal rag lie to counter you with. Those unwilling or unable to see for themselves will have to wait until they have a coontact of their own to decide. They aren't going to do their own research using reputable sources outside of far left propaganda. While it is an uphill battle we are losing right now, it is the best strategy to let others make up their mind. In the end, we will still win. It may not happen in our generation but it will happen. Some eggs need to be broken to make that omelet. What that means is, some nigger lovers need to be hurt by niggers to convince the ones who can be convinced. The rest are the eggs that fell on the floor and can't be saved.

    Now in public when conversing with like minded people I am conservative with my "racist" language but I am not afraid to speak the truth. When it comes to a story in the news of just plain statistics, I say it like it is. That being said: The beauty of a site like this is there is nobody to convince. There is nobody on the fence who sees a difference between "blacks" and niggers who will be turned off by evil racist bigots using the "N" word. If you feel you need to bang out a few "N" words to blow off steam. Go ahead. We wont judge you or tell on you. Nor will we shame you or slap you on the wrist. .
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Guest

    more clear

    I guess I should have been more clear, that was my bad. I have no concerns calling the niggers what they are here. But like you said, I don't have to convince anyone here. The incompetent little fuckers of today have to be led by the hand to actually take action with anything. I know what you are saying is true, the eggs must be broken. But what happens if too many eggs break? I want to take action now. I have stood with the republican party my entire life, but the vast majority of them are failing you and I right now in this time of monkey madness. I appreciate this site and I am going to register and participate. I will stand armed against these coons and anyone with them when they're in my town. But I prefer preemptive measures instead of waiting until the problem is here. Is there any sort of movement standing against these ignorant spearchuckers? The KKK has been destroyed by these nigger lovers compared to what it used to be. What can we do now? I have been searching for answers for weeks. I gained access to the deep web because of the liberal censorship of everyday internet.(I'm not tech savvy, I am honestly asking you if there is a group to join to fight back.) The only choice I could think out is to influence, but I get what you are saying completely and it's true. I just pray that enough of these stupid brick walls see the truth before nigger America is a reality.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    Bottle of Hate we are not losing right now don't kid yourself
    far from it considering its not like nine billion people globally
    are heavily supporting the BLM (a.k.a,i.e,e.g. Nigger Lies Matter)
    the ones that are supporting this failed race,ethnicity are only a
    drop in the ocean compare to the rest of the world that is not
    advocating this.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    I used to think niggers were like humans, but back in 1984, I was robbed and carjacked by a gang of niggers in Washington DC after driving a friend of mine to his girl friend's house. After that, I had to listen to niggers ranting about how the white man had done them wrong when I did electrical work. One nigger threatened me with a 2 by 4 after I said the word slave. Fortunately, I was able to get an office job and did that for about 30 years and retired early just in time for COVID-19. Also, when riding the subway to and from work, niggers would beg me for money. A couple years ago when I was walking across the street in a parking lot, a nigger started speeding toward me in his hoopty and I had to run out of the way. I tried to get his license number before going in the store. When in the store, the nigger come up to me, handed me his cell phone and told me to call the police. I told him I didn't get the tag number. I had a knife and tear gas in my pockets, but didn't use them. He left and said, "come outside and I'll beat your ass". I told the cashier to call the police and a white cop came and I told him what happened. He said he'd wait around to make sure the nigger didn't come back.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Bottle of Hate we are not losing right now don't kid yourself
    far from it considering its not like nine billion people globally
    are heavily supporting the BLM (a.k.a,i.e,e.g. Nigger Lies Matter)
    the ones that are supporting this failed race,ethnicity are only a
    drop in the ocean compare to the rest of the world that is not
    advocating this.
    I am mainly speaking of the USA and some European countries. Many other countries don't have to put up with it or "PC" culture. But WE are losing. It doesn't mean the game is over by any means. But we do need to make a comeback. If we are going to win this game it is not going to happen by trying to convince members of the other team to switch sides. We must reach those who have not chosen a side with the facts.

    But the reason we are losing is not because we have less players or the other team is better. It is because the game is fixed and the refs are in on it. AKA the far left media controlling what you get to see and hear. I'm sure most people notice that when you see a news video showing a nigger getting wrangled by the police you only see the wrangling and not the wild nigger behavior beforehand. I like to call this the instant replay. You know where they show 2 seconds of footage to call a penalty flag but not the 10 before it that lead to it. The stand must start there. We must get a handle on our "fake news" and long time nigger USING, not loving politicians from top to bottom and from left to right. Otherwise the game will stay rigged and we will keep paying the penalty. Make no mistake the white liberals like Pelosi HATE niggers to their core. But they are a means to an end for the left as they always have been from picking cotton to gold medals in the Olympics.

    In a metaphorical sense we are the one man band and the far left is the orchestra. But the one man band is playing music while the orchestra is nothing but 1,000,000 liberals beating a large drum to the same beat. The effect is to drown out the music aka the truth by making as much noise as possible. Such as when you present the facts about a nigger like Floyd, the term racist is shouted to the heavens.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  7. #7
    Chimpout Guest
    The new U of Md president is a nigger. It was an asian before that.
    You can see him whine about YT here:

  8. #8
    Corrections Officer
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    Great, well-written posts on this thread! But hey: It would be awesome if you would honor our cause by joining up to these great forums.

    Black Lives = Fecal Matter.


  9. #9
    dodging jiggaboos
    Chimpout Guest
    Any recommendations on email for use with this forum? I had some hushmail accounts before, but haven't used hushmail in years. They didn't ask for personal information like yahoo or other email accounts do now.

    Protesters Claim Cops Shot Unarmed Man in Back – but Here’s Video of What Really Happened
    Lately, it seems protest mobs are just waiting to pounce any time a police officer fires his weapon, always ready to instantly vilify the officer while canonizing the suspected criminal.
    Such was the case after San Diego police shot Leonardo Hurtado Ibarra on Saturday, sparking anti-police protests in the area, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by dodging jiggaboos View Post
    Any recommendations on email for use with this forum? I had some hushmail accounts before, but haven't used hushmail in years. They didn't ask for personal information like yahoo or other email accounts do now.

    Protesters Claim Cops Shot Unarmed Man in Back – but Here’s Video of What Really Happened
    Lately, it seems protest mobs are just waiting to pounce any time a police officer fires his weapon, always ready to instantly vilify the officer while canonizing the suspected criminal.
    Such was the case after San Diego police shot Leonardo Hurtado Ibarra on Saturday, sparking anti-police protests in the area, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.
    Cops need to release every video in this manner. To the point it becomes racist. Then again the reason cops was taken off the air is because they don’t want niggers shown in the true light.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  11. #11
    Chimpout Guest
    I recently signed up as "Keep Britain White", but I'd like to add a comment to this thread.
    During the last week I got involved in an exchange of emails with a moderator from a group of which I'm a member. It's nothing to do with racial issues, but our emails developed into quite an interesting exchange of views.
    I'd like to repost this full exchange (I'll have time later) - and you'll notice that the language obviously had to be toned down. I hope, for the purpose of my argument, that moderators here will allow the original words I used to be posted, as I would have instantly turned this guy out of the exchange if he thought I was just an out and out racist.

    I attempted to put my case in a very calm and reasoned manner. He, revealed as clearly a liberal, argued back in return.
    I've noticed in our group that he has always been the sort of guy who liked to have the last word, so I saw this exchange going on for quite some time. But it didn't.
    I ended up giving him carefully-worded and reasoned responses to every point he made, and then suddenly, nothing! He dropped out of the argument. He didn't give me any real answers to any of the points I raised, except the usual left-wing drivel that can't be backed up by facts.

    I hope the moderators here will allow me to post this exchange, using the original words as written. To some degree I agree with the poster above who argues that in general we should use moderate language when trying to convert people over to our side. Sure, I too call them niggers in private, and in this group, but if we use such words with the undecided, they'll switch us out straight away.

  12. #12
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    Keep Britain White, of course you may post what you wrote, as you wrote it. We don't require that they be called niggers, we just enjoy the freedom to do so here, encourage it, and indulge that freedom with gusto.

  13. #13
    Chimpout Guest

    I agree

    I agree with the original poster....We can rant here day in and day out, but this is nothing more than preaching to the choir.We will feel better, but accomplish nothing.As small a gesture as it is, I will be displaying my Confederate flag this holiday, as well as our nation's flag.Given all the shit we have heard about our flag here in Mississippi, this is a way to show that even though a cowardly, nigger loving majority of our legislators took down our state flag because it contained the confederate battle flag,we the people still choose to honor our heritage.A small gesture, yes.But a quiet, legal way to let the world know I have not forgotten my ancestors who died for White freedom, nor have I failed to see the consequences of allowing these filthy, worthless animals to run free.Just my two cents worth.
    Happy Fourth to all.

  14. #14

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Liberal mentality at its finest. It is the republicans who are at fault in your liberal dominated district for not raising your pay. Not your lack of initiative after 4 or 5 minimum wage paying jobs to look for something else...

    I think it is also worth noting that liberals are not immune to facts and logic. They have simply covered up the effects of it by drinking more of the Kool-Aid. It is only when those facts become personal that the Kool-Aid begins to lose effect. Some experience Stockholm Syndrome and refuse to accept they have been held hostage by the liberal agenda. They are the truly lost who even after experiencing a devastating loss or CAT5 chimpout who still maintain their love for a beast who has only one purpose. To consume the white mans tax dollars in exchange for votes.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  16. #16
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    My two cents...

    I have always argued that it's not enough to just bitch about niggers. For for the last 20 years or so, it's been my strategy to do something about spreading the truth about them. The internet has made that much easier. There are a multitude of sites out there that allow comments on news stories. It takes a fair amount of discipline not to refer to niggers as "niggers", but it is possible to move the needle in a more subtle manner.

    The goal is to push the subject in a pro-Human direction. Never let up. Keep steering the issue...

    This site is a great resource for material. Yes, we rant, joke, and bitch about Negroes, but we also strategize, whether we realize it or not. We confirm with facts what we already instinctively know.

    I encourage all of you to take those facts, go forth, and tell the truth about niggers. That's the best weapon we have against them and they know it.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I recently signed up as "Keep Britain White", but I'd like to add a comment to this thread.
    During the last week I got involved in an exchange of emails with a moderator from a group of which I'm a member. It's nothing to do with racial issues, but our emails developed into quite an interesting exchange of views.
    I'd like to repost this full exchange (I'll have time later) - and you'll notice that the language obviously had to be toned down. I hope, for the purpose of my argument, that moderators here will allow the original words I used to be posted, as I would have instantly turned this guy out of the exchange if he thought I was just an out and out racist.

    I attempted to put my case in a very calm and reasoned manner. He, revealed as clearly a liberal, argued back in return.
    I've noticed in our group that he has always been the sort of guy who liked to have the last word, so I saw this exchange going on for quite some time. But it didn't.
    I ended up giving him carefully-worded and reasoned responses to every point he made, and then suddenly, nothing! He dropped out of the argument. He didn't give me any real answers to any of the points I raised, except the usual left-wing drivel that can't be backed up by facts.

    I hope the moderators here will allow me to post this exchange, using the original words as written. To some degree I agree with the poster above who argues that in general we should use moderate language when trying to convert people over to our side. Sure, I too call them niggers in private, and in this group, but if we use such words with the undecided, they'll switch us out straight away.
    As long as violence is not being suggested or advocated, I also see no problem with posting it.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  18. #18
    Chimpout Guest
    Well, at least they’re not immune to violent nigger chimpouts... gotta mix the two more often!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Well, at least they’re not immune to violent nigger chimpouts... gotta mix the two more often!

    This is the only way they learn or will be willing to take action. When the violence and niggershines come to their door.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  20. #20
    Chimpout Guest
    Thank you for your words of encouragement. I posted the article "My Exchanges With A Liberal" under the "War Against Whitey" section.
    It goes on a bit, but it was fun dismantling his arguments - none of which were backed up by facts!

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