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  1. #1
    Chimpout Member
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    Just need to rant.

    Notice how these filthy niggers are running around like they are an endangered and protected species? All they needed was a reason to start acting like rabid baboons. Not only did they find a reason, but this time the disgusting animals are being somewhat protected by the left.
    They think nothing of stealing or destroying anything that belongs to hard working white people that spent years building up a good future and community.
    All because they think we owe them.
    The only thing they are entitled to is a box full of dog shit.
    The stupid sociopathic apes have no ability to care for anything but themselves.
    Way too many white people are fooled to think the nigger was being treated unfair.
    Those fkn monkeys are hardwired to fail. They've been given more chances and help than they deserve.
    Instead of helping AGAIN, we should just lock them up in their own little town and let them destroy themselves once and for all.
    Fkn fed up with these niggers.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    You and me both Fred.

  3. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    Great rant, Fred! I couldn't agree more!

  4. #4
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    Don't bottle it up, my friend. I fucking hate BLM and all their niggerisms.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by FedUpFred View Post
    Notice how these filthy niggers are running around like they are an endangered and protected species? All they needed was a reason to start acting like rabid baboons. Not only did they find a reason, but this time the disgusting animals are being somewhat protected by the left.
    They think nothing of stealing or destroying anything that belongs to hard working white people that spent years building up a good future and community.
    All because they think we owe them.
    The only thing they are entitled to is a box full of dog shit.
    The stupid sociopathic apes have no ability to care for anything but themselves.
    Way too many white people are fooled to think the nigger was being treated unfair.
    Those fkn monkeys are hardwired to fail. They've been given more chances and help than they deserve.
    Instead of helping AGAIN, we should just lock them up in their own little town and let them destroy themselves once and for all.
    Fkn fed up with these niggers.
    You're PREACHING to the choir, my friend!! My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by FedUpFred View Post
    The stupid sociopathic apes have no ability to care for anything but themselves.
    Maybe I'm picking nits here, but if niggers were even capable of as little as caring for themselves, we wouldn't be in this mess.

    Niggers would have:

    Functioning societies
    Self sustaining economies
    Technologies on par with the rest of the planet
    Moral and legal codes and boundaries
    Healthcare systems not including witch doctors or female genital mutilation
    IQ that rivals any other human races
    No inbreeding as common practice
    A means of defense to protect against them ever becoming an enslaved beast of burden
    Trade with other nations using natural resources, goods and services
    Basic hygiene

    A nigger society that did all that would be Wakanda!

    Of course, once again, none of us would be in this mess because then they would simply be humans, not niggers.
    This all points to the fact it takes a hell of a lot more than just skin color to make a nigger - and there AIN'T NO DAMN WAKANDA!

  7. #7
    Chimpout Member
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    I agree.
    However, a nigger taking care of itself consists of indulging in whatever perverse violent acts it must take to get what it wants.
    Not caring for themselves in a healthy, human way.
    Rather in a completely selfish and self centered way to meet their "needs".
    Far from Wakanda!

  8. #8
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    Well said, Fred! We all need to let it all hang out sometimes, especially lately.

  9. #9
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    A nigger society that did all that would be Wakanda!
    And the supreme irony of that is, the concept of "Wakanda" was created by a White man

  10. #10
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    Nothing can be done to help the nigger. NOTHING. Worldwide they are nothing but disaster or biblical proportion. The bar is as low as one would think it can go. The worst part of it is not the slave master democrat politicians. It is the constituents that continue to vote democrat. Those who are isolated from the nigger plague tend to be in favor of black lies and defunding the police because they do not have to live with niggers.

    The answer is not better opportunity or more education. This can be seen by the epic failure that is bussing niggers to better schools. They don't get better, the school they are foisted upon gets worse. The answer is not more diversity or niggers being in charge. All you need to do to see that is a lie is look to Chimp-congo or Babboontimore.

    It certainly is not more money. The more money you throw at them, the bigger the fire gets.

    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  11. #11
    Chimpout Member
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    Very True. Right on the money. You hit it right on the that's where the niggers deserves it.

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