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  1. #1
    Don't Question The NewsBot
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    BREAKING : One Killed, 10 Injured in London as Van Plows Through Crowd

    Since the victims of this attack were muslims, the mainstream media wasted no time whatsoever in labeling it a “terror attack.” While the liberal media is certain to use this incident to paint the false narrative that Islam is equally a perpetrator and victim or terror, it’s important to look at the larger perspective. Below is a screenshot of the now discontinued Worldwide Incidents Tracking System.* You can see very quickly that even years ago, Islamic Extremism dominated the vast majority of terror attacks. If this database was not discontinued in 2012, we suspect the numbers would be exponentially even


  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    Anyone keeping score yet ?

  3. #3
    Super Moderator
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    The way I see it, the guy in the white van was just defending himself and his country.

  4. #4
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    What's the reaction in London, OB?

  5. #5
    SC Anemia
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    See, that's why we need stricter van control laws with stiffer GVW and top speed restrictions.

    Notice how fuckin retarded that sounds?

  6. #6
    Chimpout Member
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    I hope the van was not damaged to bad. We all need to do our bit.
    "Nobody is more inferior than those who insist on being equal."

  7. #7
    Super Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheboon DeLuxe View Post
    What's the reaction in London, OB?
    Apologies for taking so long to respond. I wanted to get my facts straight before posting.

    The MSM and the usual twitter useful idiots were very quick to label this a terrorist attack and seemed to derive great glee from the fact the the van driver was human.

    This gloating was rapidly shut down by use of the left's arch enemies, fact and logic.

    Many free thinkers instantly raised the question "If he was a terorist, to which terrorist organisation did he associate himself"? The answer is of course, none.

    Also quick to come leaping out of the woodwork with their ill-informed two penneth worth were the usual minor celebrity appeasers if Islam stating that "This will only make ISIS more angry and will lead to further attacks on the UK". Completely missing the fact that ISIS couldn't give a dead rats cock about their own 'moderate' brethren and will carry on stabbing innocent people and detonating themselves regardless. It is the end of Ramadan after all. A time for all Muslims to try and take out the infidel.

    The actual facts of the matter are that the van driver had split up with his girlfriend, decended into alcoholism and was living in a tent in the woods. Frankly he was on the bones of his arse and felt he had nothing left to lose.
    He wanted to go out in a blaze of glory and take out a few muslims at the same time.

    Ironically, this guy does actually have mental health issues, as does Thomas Mair who stabbed and shot the Labour MP Jo Cox. So not terrorists at all. Just disgruntled, lonely men with a mental illness.

    The incredibly vocal twittermongs, leftards and do-gooders to one side. The general consensus is that it was only a matter of time before someone decided to strike back, considering the steaming piles of BS we are force fed about not all Muslims being bad, fight hate with love and not all terrorists are muslims.

    What has been conspicuous by its absence is any statement from those on the right, or centre right. We have the dignity and intelligence to wait for the facts to emerge and then form a well researched opinion.

    That opinion is a resounding "Good. They had it coming".

  8. #8
    Super Moderator
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    This is actually what the silent majority are thinking.

  9. #9
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odin's balls View Post
    That opinion is a resounding "Good. They had it coming".
    Gives one hope. Thanks, OB.

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