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  1. #1
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    First person perspective of the Great Niggerapolis Chimpout of 2020

    I live in Minnesota, not in an area that you would see niggers, but I do have to work downtown Minneapolis/St. Paul quite often. What the news is not showing is the absolute destruction that these apes are causing to the city. Multiple business's burnt to the ground, a new nigger section 8 building was one of them. Even a dog knows not to shit where it eats. The media is censoring everything they can, Facebook is pulling videos as quickly as they are posted. The media is trying to say it was a small handful of people looting/rioting, in reality, this small handful looted an entire Target store. Even using stolen tools from the store, to try to break open the vaults on the self-check out lines. It is total anarchy and just a giant powder keg. It is only a matter of time before it gets escalated up a notch and then it will be interesting to see how it is going to be spun to the world. There are many rumors that the National Guard is assembling and will be sent out to try and cage these apes. If our limp-wristed gov gives that order, shit is going to insane.

    You couldn't pay me enough money to be a LEO these days, hats off to you all that are, but I would consider switching careers.

    Here is a link to the businesses that have been looted/destroyed. The media is claiming a small handful, this is legit.
    Last edited by NotThatGuy; 05-28-2020 at 05:14 PM. Reason: added link

  2. #2
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    And they are shutting down the light rail (Somalia Trolley) to stop the hoard from leaving their area. And the National Guard has been tapped, this is going to get interesting.

  3. #3
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    In any society besides nigger loving weak ones, they would be put down first sign of looting.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    If the governor call out the national guard, niggers are not going like the consequences of full-auto weapons and military grade flash grenades.
    This could turn out to be Kent State the sequel!
    Last edited by tweakstick; 05-29-2020 at 03:32 PM. Reason: Removed perception of advocating force.

  5. #5
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    All looters shot on site - if this order is not executed, there's no point in sending the guard.
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

  6. #6
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    I can remember when my dad was in the Pennsylvania National Guard in the late 50's. They had nigger riots starting in Pittsburgh and he was activated to go in uniform with riot gear and their weapons but they were not issued ammunition. When my dad queried this decision he was told no ammo. He then asked about fixed bayonets and was then ordered back to his mess kitchen. This started a small mutiny and suddenly he had plenty of company.

  7. #7
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    Let's be careful about not piling on here with calls to violence. Just the facts, folks.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  8. #8
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    They are still out in full force, threatening to "go to the suburbs". Luckily, they shut down all public transportation, so that means they are stuck in the cities. They arrested the officer, are charging him with a few crimes and hoping it quells the niggers thirst for violence and looting.

    Media is being quiet about how many buildings have been torched/looted, how many murders have happened and of course rapes (can't spell rape without ape).

    National guard has 500 troops out, which is not even close to being enough. But it was the bare minimum they had to have, which is why it's only 500. The mayor and governor are sitting in their homes, watching it all happen and hoping to not only get things declared a "Disaster" (so they get free gibs from the Fed), but also so they can say that they tried to reason with the LEO's who did this. Worst part, the Chief requested an additional 200 LEO's in Minneapolis. The mayor ok'd 4 (City counsel voted for 0). So yes, you have several cops, over worked, stressed the fuck out and things happen.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    Let's be careful about not piling on here with calls to violence. Just the facts, folks.
    Roger that but the POTUS has done just that this morning. I don't see how he can tap dance around those words with the media - not that mine would have been any different. Strike that, mine would have been more blunt. Guess that's why I'll never be POTUS.

    I'll just go ahead and repeat my words from another post here:
    ************************************************** ***
    I am not advocating violence - especially on the part of civilians - but merely stating the facts. Law enforcement must react with a heavy hand. Had they done this more in the past, there would be less need today. As with war, the only deterrent of future conflict is the fear of the price you pay today. That fear comes from the experience of the past. We can't change the past, so roll out the MRAP's today!

    Japan didn't make the decision to attack Pearl Harbor until they visited an Army base in this very state. They saw troops drilling with broom handles instead of rifles and figured that we would roll over because we were either unprepared or unwilling to actually use force.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    If the governor call out the national guard, niggers are not going like the consequences of full-auto weapons and military grade flash grenades.
    If the order is anything but handing out milk and cookies, all news media will inevitably (and ironically) claim "the response would never be this hard to quell a riot of white people". Mark my words. They will bring up Antifa, and how they were given free reign to break windows.

  11. #11
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    Thanks for the report, NTG. Let us know what else you see.

  12. #12
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    Sorry for the delay. My laptop has been sitting on my desk at work and I hate using my phone to type things.

    So. Friday night, people from all over started showing up. Niggers from every hood within a few hundred miles, gathered up enough gas money, jumped in their hoopty and came for the gibs. The shitty Chief of police, lied, claiming that most everyone who was arrested, was from out of state. Luckily, not one, but two local news stations dispelled that rumor by getting the booking reports from the last few days. The instituted curfew's in a few counties, luckily mine wasn't one of them. They have cops in from all over the state, patrolling the suburbs. Minneapolis and St. Paul are on fire, niggers are running out of shit to steal.

    Now...the weird thing. In the last few days, I have seen many vehicles, usually vans, missing their front/rear plates. Just driving around, drivers are wearing masks, so you can't really see if they are niggers or what. There have been many cars parked on random roads, once again missing plates. Theories are that they are either "stash cars", "stash spots" or loaded with explosives. But like I said, those are just rumors.

    They moved the cop again to Oak Park Heights, which is not quite our "toughest" prison, but it's our only level 3 maximum prison. He will be in PC, because he is a cop and because he "killed" a nigger. People are trying to claim that it's a "better" place for him than county. Which is complete bullshit. It's a safer place for him.

    As for everything else, police sirens are constantly going on, everyone on FB has become a political science or criminal justice major. In typical nigger fashion, since the niggers destroyed and looted everything in their neighborhood, they are already asking for more gibs and the liberal cucks are falling for it. People are donating clothes, food, etc to these neighborhoods and posting about it on FB. You really can't make this shit up.

    National guard is here, my Godson is one of them. Media is posting pictures and you guys can see for yourself. Only 1 out of 20 or so guardsman actually has a mag in their rifle. Rumor is that it was a request by the mayors of St. Paul/Minneapolis.

    I am safe, my kids are safe (they are with the exwife up at a cabin a few hours north). Hopefully this all ends soon.

  13. #13
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    What a shitstorm. Be careful, NTG, and thanks for the update.

  14. #14
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    I want to see US cops pull a nigger cop move like this.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotThatGuy View Post
    Sorry for the delay. My laptop has been sitting on my desk at work and I hate using my phone to type things.

    So. Friday night, people from all over started showing up. Niggers from every hood within a few hundred miles, gathered up enough gas money, jumped in their hoopty and came for the gibs. The shitty Chief of police, lied, claiming that most everyone who was arrested, was from out of state. Luckily, not one, but two local news stations dispelled that rumor by getting the booking reports from the last few days. The instituted curfew's in a few counties, luckily mine wasn't one of them. They have cops in from all over the state, patrolling the suburbs. Minneapolis and St. Paul are on fire, niggers are running out of shit to steal.

    Now...the weird thing. In the last few days, I have seen many vehicles, usually vans, missing their front/rear plates. Just driving around, drivers are wearing masks, so you can't really see if they are niggers or what. There have been many cars parked on random roads, once again missing plates. Theories are that they are either "stash cars", "stash spots" or loaded with explosives. But like I said, those are just rumors.

    They moved the cop again to Oak Park Heights, which is not quite our "toughest" prison, but it's our only level 3 maximum prison. He will be in PC, because he is a cop and because he "killed" a nigger. People are trying to claim that it's a "better" place for him than county. Which is complete bullshit. It's a safer place for him.

    As for everything else, police sirens are constantly going on, everyone on FB has become a political science or criminal justice major. In typical nigger fashion, since the niggers destroyed and looted everything in their neighborhood, they are already asking for more gibs and the liberal cucks are falling for it. People are donating clothes, food, etc to these neighborhoods and posting about it on FB. You really can't make this shit up.

    National guard is here, my Godson is one of them. Media is posting pictures and you guys can see for yourself. Only 1 out of 20 or so guardsman actually has a mag in their rifle. Rumor is that it was a request by the mayors of St. Paul/Minneapolis.

    I am safe, my kids are safe (they are with the exwife up at a cabin a few hours north). Hopefully this all ends soon.
    I’m not going to lie. If some sand nigger drove into a crowd of these pantifa and black lies niggers to blow it up, I would call it a win. The utter irony of the two groups killing each other would make me very happy.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  16. #16
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    Just got an update on the cars without plates. These are cars that the niggers stole from dealerships! Brand new vehicles that they are out cruising in. Cops have an order now to pull over anyone who doesn't have a plate (even if the temp tag is in the window). This is just funny to me.

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