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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Another Nigger Can't Breave

    Silverback dies while being wrangled in Minneapolis.

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    I used to tell the fat fuckers in the military when we were running if you can say “I can’t breathe” you ARE breathing. You are just winded because you are fat. Even if you aren’t all that big you can be winded if you never work out. In this niggers case the crack it was on probably caused a heart attack when it realized it was going to prison where his homies he fucked over are.

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    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  3. #3
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    Doesn't look good for the cops. Silverback probably died due to the drugs it took, but the images will probably appeal to too much emotion that a jury may convict. A few minutes with a worthless ape will destroy your life, your family's, your children's. If there were 4 cops, they could have wrestled the nig and just sat him up in the back of the cruiser. They need great lawyers, and if they're found innocent, there'll be a massive chimpout.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  4. #4
    Blue Gum
    Chimpout Guest
    Any contact with niggers has the very high risk of serious life consequences, all negative, to ones self or family. The dirty violent animal known as niggers should try to be avoided, of course most of the time this is impossible. I practice social distancing with niggers, in fact I was practicing social distancing with niggers long before it became popular and suggested.

    Hopefully the virus will weed out a disproportionate number of niggers from the population.... and that would be a really good thing.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    They should have deployed the electric whip!

  6. #6
    Chimpout Guest
    Apparently there's a riot going on at the poor officer's house. First he loses job, and now he's getting mobbed.

  7. #7
    Chimpout Guest
    The first comment on that nigger crybaby comment box is from someone called “remove trump now”
    The best part is going to be when the body cam footage of a few minutes earlier gets out and then we see the nigger threatening them with a gun or something, after the MSM paints the jogger as an innocent bystander and the police as some kind of senseless brutalizing murderers.
    A nigger is never innocent, and police are trained better than that.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    Doesn't look good for the cops. Silverback probably died due to the drugs it took, but the images will probably appeal to too much emotion that a jury may convict. A few minutes with a worthless ape will destroy your life, your family's, your children's. If there were 4 cops, they could have wrestled the nig and just sat him up in the back of the cruiser. They need great lawyers, and if they're found innocent, there'll be a massive chimpout.
    Kinda like in Ferguson, Missouri 6 years ago. Niggers are less than worthless!! and we know that "hands up, don't shoot" was a lie!! Just like the media showing pictures of tampon martin when he was 11 or 12 and he was 5' 11", 160 lbs. wif tats and gold teef and 17.

  9. #9
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    And of course, now the Minneapolis niggers are "protesting"...

    What do these ugly niggers think they're going to accomplish? That nigger is dead for good!

    Don't these filthy pavement apes know that niggers kill more niggers daily than White cops do in a year?

  10. #10
    Blue Gum
    Chimpout Guest
    The nigger that had to be put down strongly resembled a Floppy-eared silver back with a double-barreled snout and lips as big as a pocket book...just another "gentle giant" nigger... lol

  11. #11
    Chimpout Guest
    Why is it that the response when a white person is hurt by the police, white people don't riot and burn down their own cities.

    But when a nigger is hurt by the police for any reason, even if it was for a justifiable reason, the next thing you know, there are violent riots, looting, arson, rape, murder, and probably tax fraud.

    It's like when MLK Jr was removed from the equation. All of a sudden, all of those so-called "peaceful" niggers decided to have a Category 5 chimpout, proving, beyond a doubt, that niggers are exactly what "racists" say they are: subhuman, low-IQ beasts that can't function in civilized places, and they belong in the jungles of Africa where they can swing from trees and eat bananas to their heart's content.

    If it wasn't for humans, most niggerhoods would look like Haiti or Zimbabwe.

  12. #12
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    If it wasn't for humans, most niggerhoods would look like Haiti or Zimbabwe.
    That is exactly what Niggy-ape-olis is starting to look like right now. ZERO federal funds should be spent to rebuild this shithole lib-topia after what they have done to it. The idiot mayor should have to wallow in the pigsty that he helped to create. He has incited the niggers to riot with his actions by throwing the cops under the bus. This has done nothing but given them fuel. The first store burned down was DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE POLICE STATION!!! The most merciful weapon to use during a riot is not water cannons and pepper spray - it is a howitzer. This is the only thing that these savages understand and the only thing that will ensure they won't do it again.

    I am not advocating violence - especially on the part of civilians - but merely stating the facts. Law enforcement must react with a heavy hand. Had they done this more in the past, there would be less need today. As with war, the only deterrent of future conflict is the fear of the price you pay today. That fear comes from the experience of the past. We can't change the past, so roll out the MRAP's today!
    Last edited by tweakstick; 05-29-2020 at 08:56 AM. Reason: Caveat added.

  13. #13
    Blue Gum
    Chimpout Guest
    Niggers are stinking violent animals...period!! A riot starts up, humans run the other way, niggers run TO it....fighting and violent acts Are in the nigger animals DNA, I've seen it up close all my life, and so has the Whole World. The nigger animal doesn't get it, the nigger brain Lacks the ability to comprehend it.

    In a backwards way, I like to see this, bigger animals rioting, looting, burning down businesses and fighting and killing (as long as no humans are hurt) it reinforces in the minds of humans all over the world just exactly how nigger animals are and what they are capable of. The influx of Somali niggars and the Homegrown niggars in Minneapolis have doomed that City, it will become another Baltimore or any other Niger nest in the country.

  14. #14
    Chimpout Guest
    While I would never advocate violence against niggers, their supporters, or other humans...

    I think a society where law abiding citizens are permitted to openly carry pistols, revolvers, rifles, and/or shotguns would inherently be safer than a society where only criminals are able to obtain and use firearms.

    I mean, a single action .45 Colt revolver might be a little bit old fashioned, but it's pretty safe to say that even that (especially a Ruger) would work fairly well in a self-defense situation.

    When only criminals have weapons, who is going to defend the citizens? (And who in their right mind would want that kind of society?)

    Sure, there are the police, but law abiding citizens should also have the right to defend themselves when the police are not immediately available, and then if they do the wrong thing, they can and should be held accountable by the law.

  15. #15
    Chimpout Guest

    Disgusting gorillas

    I’ve been a lurker here for a long time and really enjoy the fact that there are a lot of people who think like us.

    Here is a video where a 20 year old baboon punches a 75 year old veteran in the face while he is in a Detroit nursing facility. Why do we allow this filth to commit his criminal acts and there is no outrage. Double standard that protects the disgusting nigger. This video may exist on another thread, but this crap is BS.

  16. #16
    Chimpout Guest
    Niggers are not human.
    They are not capable of complex thoughts and never perceive the world through another viewpoint other than their own. The law of the jungle is all they understand (even that, barely). Even if the cop wasn’t right in their minds the nigger chimpouts perfectly demonstrate why humans still refuse to accept niggers at all costs. They are just looking for any excuse to get pissed and turn their hoods into nigger Christmas morning, cause that’s all they do.
    Now the National Guard are going to come and rodeo up all the rampaging sows and bucks and then there could be even more protests across the country just because of the actions of one individual. So many lives put in danger because niggers have no impulse control.
    How could all of this have been prevented? Niggers should have never been given rights. They can’t function in any society and live worse than animals because they don’t understand positive and negative reinforcement. Beavers build better homes than them. Bears bring home better dinners than niggers. Even chimps can survive without welfare.
    This behavior is just fucking unacceptable because niggers have to destroy the lives of everyone and themselves because “ah beez mad n sheeeeiit” cause of one cop and one nigger criminal.
    In the end however, their idiotic behavior should dispense a lot of bat wings. I’ll be looking forward to that. If the national guard gets called in I hope there’s footage of that.

  17. #17
    Chimpout Guest
    I am finding it hilarious that the protesters are destroying the CNN Center.

    I wonder how much the politically correct folks at CNN are enjoying their pet niggers now.

    The niggers have finally decided to bite the hand that feeds. Now people will see that no matter how much they coddle niggers, the nigger will always cause problems.

  18. #18
    Chimpout Member
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    Amen to that brother. I too have been social distancing myself away from those filthy niggers before social distancing was a thing. Speaking about violent niggers, my mother once told me before I was even born that a fucking nigger was planning on throwing her out of the window. Eventually the heroic white cops came in to save the day as usual and hauled that gorilla back to the zoo where he belongs. The only thing that nigger got away with was theft, he stole my mothers necklace but that fucking nigger got what he deserved in the end. I would've loved it if karma struck back and have someone plan, no to actually throw that stupid nigger out the window. I'm glad I'm able to vent here about this, every other website has it's libtards defending those thugs and I never can talk about how I really feel about these damn niggers. I'm glad I joined this site, I no longer have to pretend to feel sorry about those niggers without an angry mob defending those fuckers.

  19. #19
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    All this trouble because a nigger's heart chimped out when it was in custody.

    OK, we all know this is really happening because we have too many niggers, but they are using this as an ape-scuse.

  20. #20
    Chimpout Guest
    I think it is shameful how instead of working together to rebuild after (and I suppose during) this pandemic, people are looting and rioting, and making things even worse for themselves.

    This is a time when humans should be joining in solidarity to repair our world. By engaging in these irresponsible actions (looting, rioting, spreading COVID-19), actions which are typically attributed to niggerkind, I am starting to suspect that there is a second pandemic of sorts that threatens everything humankind was worked for.

    What I find disturbing is that I can't seem to figure out why all of this violence and destruction is happening. Do people not realize that this kind of behavior will lead to continued problems?

    Do they not see past the immediate present?

    It's frightening to see so many people do so many stupid things.

    Maybe the real solution is to build sentient robots and have them rule over us. Isaac Asimov made some good suggestions in a few of his novels. (In a worst case scenario, I hope it ends up more like in the Matrix rather than the Terminator.)

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