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  1. #1
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    Shit that makes you giggle 30 years on

    I am fully blessed to have been appropriated a sense of humor. This humor always seems to get me through the day. Sometimes I just start laughing for no reason, and the kid's ask me " why you laughing dad?" - I sometimes share with them the source of my amusement.

    About 30 years ago I was a young apprentice at an engineering firm. I would spend a few months at a time working at different divisions to try and gain company wide experience. I was attached to an installer group and would go out to job sites with the engineers.

    There was one guy there, who's name has eluded me, and he would always be complaining about the overtime always going to the blacks. The dispatcher for the group was a Jamaican but quite domesticated, and he would always claim the niggers are looking after each other.

    The engineer used to greet the dispatcher in the mornings at the office as Mr Babbage, and I always thought he was referring to Charles Babbage, the great mechanical computer innovator.

    So I asked him once, " do you call Gilbert Mr Babbage after Charles Babbage? " - " Charles Babbage ?? " he retorted in disgust. " No, it's because he looks like a fucking baboon ! "

    Jesus, life was never the same after this. Still makes me laugh for no reason when it pops into my head...fucking supermarket aisle anywhere.

    Good times.

  2. #2
    LT. Colonel
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    That's it, every time I hear Babbage's name, I'm going to associate it with a nigger I never knew.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  3. #3
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    The first year I worked for my former employer I worked with a fellow account rep' who was from The Gambia (W. Africa). He was coal black, but was the least objectionable darkie I've ever known. He actually told me several times that he didn't like American niggers. His name was Babou (pron. BAA-boo).

    Our boss was a hardcore Hong Kong chinaman. He had a very pronounced accent. The way he said "Babou", it always came out "baboon". I don't think he was doing it on purpose, that was just the way he pronounced the term. Every time he said the name, Babou would cringe.

    I walked on egg shells those days and couldn't even crack a smile. I had just found out that Mrs. PH was knocked up and I really needed that job! But God, it was hard at times not to lose it...

  4. #4
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    Once again, this is a no shitter.

    MPH, you'll love this one especially.

    I went to AVA school in Millington, TN way back in '88. We had a boot lipper in the class. I was the class leader and regularly had to deal with his monkeyshines trying my best to keep him in check. He was hands down the dumbest student in the class and I wouldn't trust him changing the batteries in my flashlight much less give him a 50 million dollar aircraft loaded with ordnance to work on. This nigger didn't have the sense to poor piss out of a boot with directions on the bottom. His grades proved it and he was failing prior to taking the final exam. During the last couple of weeks of school, this nigger filed an EO complaint with the command due to - you guessed it - SKRIMINASHUN! Dem RAYCISS done been making fun of him 'cause of his niggerdom! When interviewed, he claimed that the rest of the class and all the instructors were making fun of his name linking it to his color and species by calling him BY HIS ACTUAL LAST NAME! Of course the stress of it all was causing him to not be able to focus on his school work so it was obviously whitey's fault that he was failing. He therefore deserved a gibs me dat graduation. No-one admitted it, but the school gave him a 75 as his final grade even though everyone knew he failed his final exam miserably which in itself was an automatic failure. We all knew he had a low 60's average before the final exam as well. Guess he wanted it to match his IQ.

    Calling enlisted men by their last name is simply the practice among all uniforms. You call everyone by their last name because it is right there on your damn shirt! It's also next to impossible to remember everyone's name you might have to deal with in a given day. Imagine working on a carrier with a crew of a few thousand. How could this possibly be considered racist and what could his name be that this could even happen, you might ask?

    Get ready. I'm not making this shit up...

    Airman Recruit Simian.

    That's right - his last name was Simian.

  5. #5
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    Simian Fucking dumb ape
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

  6. #6
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    Not to be confused with LT Buck Simian, one of our esteemed moderators. Gotta say though, his avatar looks suspiciously familiar to me. Just needs one more tooth and it could be him.

  7. #7
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    Heh, I got to thinking about something from 30 years ago myself now, that I had completely forgotten about until just now.

    I was in preschool and we got a little niglet in our class, soon as he sat down, I asked him "Whats wrong with your hair?" The teacher scolded me for that, I don't remember too well what she said, something about how he just has different hair, some PC-libtard crap. To which I said it is different because it looked like a mircophone! My dad got a call at work about it, mom must have been out doing some shopping or who knows what, he sat me down that evening and said that even though I was right, it's best not to go pointing those things out. I forget everything he said, but he told me the "Black kids" as he called them, probably because he didn't want me repeating nigger at school, "Are very violent and dangerous". There and again my grandfather openly used the word "Jigaboo" around me ever since I can remember, and I never repeated that at school, even though it was fun to say at home.

    Next time I talk to my dad I'll have to mention it to him. I'm sure he'll get a laugh out of it too. Supposedly no one is born "Racist" but niggers aren't another race. They're another species. Even a very small toddler can tell humans from animals that one is not like the other.
    The only good coal burner runs on steel rails.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigfreewisconsin View Post
    Heh, I got to thinking about something from 30 years ago myself now, that I had completely forgotten about until just now.

    I was in preschool and we got a little niglet in our class, soon as he sat down, I asked him "Whats wrong with your hair?" The teacher scolded me for that, I don't remember too well what she said, something about how he just has different hair, some PC-libtard crap. To which I said it is different because it looked like a mircophone! My dad got a call at work about it, mom must have been out doing some shopping or who knows what, he sat me down that evening and said that even though I was right, it's best not to go pointing those things out. I forget everything he said, but he told me the "Black kids" as he called them, probably because he didn't want me repeating nigger at school, "Are very violent and dangerous". There and again my grandfather openly used the word "Jigaboo" around me ever since I can remember, and I never repeated that at school, even though it was fun to say at home.

    Next time I talk to my dad I'll have to mention it to him. I'm sure he'll get a laugh out of it too. Supposedly no one is born "Racist" but niggers aren't another race. They're another species. Even a very small toddler can tell humans from animals that one is not like the other.
    That's just like the first nigger I was in the same class with. I was lucky it didn't happen until 3rd grade. It was such a stupid sub-beast even for a niglet, and I remember pointing out its skin color to the teacher, saying there's something wrong with it. The teacher responded, I'm not kidding, there's nothing wrong with its skin, it's just like us.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  9. #9
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    My first memory of a destructive racist comment, was a kid in my elementary school telling this big lipped, tall and lanky ugly sowlet that " she looked like something I saw down the toilet " - The nigger who's name was Wendy Crosby, cried all day. This was about the time and I must have been 7 or 8, that I started to discover that niggers were and are inferior and their purpose within a civilized society was questionable. I was always in trouble at school, usually because I was incapable of complying with agenda. I knew most of the teacher's were racist and I couldn't resist challenging their two faced hypocrisy. I empirically sensed them being separated from their beliefs through their need for a paycheck. Once this occurs, you've been enslaved as a soldier to the status quo.
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

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