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    Dindu just totalled my daughter's car

    Just had to pick up my daughter. Some nigger just destroyed her car. I showed up at the site within 10 minutes and my worst fears were gone. My daughter and passengers were fine except for being banged up from airbags. Nothing major. The next thing I noticed was my next great fear - It was a nigger that hit her.

    This fat ape was ooking about how it dindu nuffin and how "dat girl didn't let me thru!" This fucking nigger ran the sign, crossed 3 lanes and smashed into her head on. It wasn't a turn lane - this monkey was in a u-turn lane meant to send it's monkey mobile in the same direction of traffic that my daughter was going but it decided instead to shoot across into a parking lot on her right. This nigger just expected everyone to screech to a stop to let it thru even though it was rush hour moving 35 mph. This nigger was saying everything it could think of to make her look at fault.

    The ambulance was there to take my daughter's friend in for her back. The airbag hit her pretty hard and she had a previous injury. The cops asked the sheboon from the nigger's car if it needed to go to the hospital and it actually said "Yeah - My toe hurt!" This 300 pound fat sow rode in the same ambulance with my daughter's friend over A FUCKING TOE!!!

    It was clear from the start that these niggers are going to try to sue our human daughter for this fat ape's screw up. I'm sure that this bitch has no intention of paying for her own medical bills. If it can't get us to pay, medicaid will pay up and we all pay anyway.
    Even the Sergeant on scene told these niggers that they were in the wrong - but that probably won't stop them from trying to call an ambulance chasing nigger lawyer to sue.

    Now my daughter is without a car, needs to get to work, her hand (90% of her job is on computer) is sprained, back & neck hurts, and has this shit to worry about.

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  3. #2
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    That sucks, tweakstick. Hopefully the insurance companies will tell the fat sow to fuck off, and it never gets to court. Or, if it does, that you won't get a Oh-The-Po'-Niggers judge.

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  5. #3
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    You know the nigger doesn't have any insurance. I have never ever heard of a nigger having car insurance.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  6. #4
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    Hope you're daughter is OK tweak. Sorry to hear this and I'm sure with your human guidance and kindness she'll be fine. Just bypass the anger for the minute and concentrate on wellness. Niggers have no worth and their value in any equation is always zero.

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  8. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buck Simian View Post
    You know the nigger doesn't have any insurance. I have never ever heard of a nigger having car insurance.
    Absolutely correct, they NEVER are insured. TNB is to apply for car insurance so they can register their hooptie then never make a payment so the insurance is cancelled.
    If the driver was a human. i'd say hire an attorney to be sure you daughter and her friend are fully covered for any lasting injury, but since it was a nigger, not worth it.

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  10. #6
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    You think the All State nigger has insurance? I always use Geico, mainly due to their minimal use of niggers in their advertising. If they ever turn that little green Gecko into a nigger than I'll be driving with no insurance too.

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  12. #7
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    This is one of the reasons I invested in a dash camera. In these situation you almost always get screwed.

    I got into an accident about 5 years ago with someone who was passing on the shoulder as I took the off ramp and it was my word vs his. Because it was Hawaii I was pretty much ruled at fault for being a haole. (Non native).

    Of course that did not appear on the record but had I been able to prove he was at fault it would have saved me money far more than the cost of the dash camera. Because I “hit him” I was at fault. He side swiped me essentially.

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    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

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  14. #8
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    MN is a shitty "no-fault" state, even when there is clear fault. 22 years ago, I was going down the interstate. Next thing I knew, I was in my car, on it's side, staring at oncoming traffic. Two niggers were racing down the on ramp, first one rear ended me, sent me sideways, second one then t-boned me, which flipped my car onto it's side. I do not remember it at all.

    Nigger 1 was driving his "Aunties" car, he didn't have a license but she had insurance. Nigger 2 was driving his own car, he did have a license but didn't have insurance. All 3 cars were totalled in this accident. Auntie's insurance and my insurance fought over liability, they cited MN being a "no-fault" state and that Auntie coudln't remember if she lent the car to Nigger 1 or not. Both niggers got speeding tickets, unintentive driving tickets and some other slap on the wrist. I got my insurance rates raised due to being 20 or so and being involved in an accident where 3 cars were totalled.

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  16. #9
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    @ Tweak...

    So glad your daughter was not hurt worse by that filthy dumb nigger! Scary as shit, to be sure... Every father's worst nightmare!

    Our girls just turned 15, and by this time next year, will probably be driving. It scares the hell out of me!

    As for airbags, anyone who has never been in an accident and had them deploy, has no idea of the force and intensity when they inflate. I don't know if you were around last summer when I was in an accident in Texas. I was in a rented GMC SUV thing and was hit by a drunk driver (and illegal alien). It went like this over the course of about 1 second... BANG! Then Pop, Pop, Pop! My left arm was destroyed (requiring hours of surgery and months of recovery), and I'm not so sure the airbags weren't partially responsible.

    Anyway, I sincerely hope your daughter is OK and doesn't have too many further difficulties without her vehicle.
    Last edited by Midder Peenud Hayed; 04-29-2020 at 06:29 PM. Reason: Shit spelling...

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  18. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    This is one of the reasons I invested in a dash camera. In these situation you almost always get screwed.

    I got into an accident about 5 years ago with someone who was passing on the shoulder as I took the off ramp and it was my word vs his. Because it was Hawaii I was pretty much ruled at fault for being a haole. (Non native).

    Of course that did not appear on the record but had I been able to prove he was at fault it would have saved me money far more than the cost of the dash camera. Because I “hit him” I was at fault. He side swiped me essentially.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    You were lucky those idiot niggers did kill you!

    Hawaii is truly fucked. About 10 years back, the wife and I got into an accident in our rental car in a hotel parking garage. It had been raining heavily and there was standing water inside the covered structure. The wife was driving too fast to be sure and was telling me a story about her sister (Zzzzzz...). We hit the water, spun around 180 degrees, and slid into a hotel van. We were only going about 20 mph, but the trunk of the Mustang convertible was smunched in about 2 feet. Both back doors of the van were trashed. I'm sure the overall fix was 5 figures.

    The hotel called the Honolulu cops, they wrote my wife a ticket (somehow, my brother managed to make it go away), and the blame was placed 100% upon us. The standing water was not considered a mitigating factor. My wife drives like an idiot at times, but the accident was 100% the result of standing water where there should not have been any.

    I can't remember who paid for what or how, but I think between AMEX, our insurance, and the rental company, it really didn't cost us anything.

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  20. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    @ Tweak...
    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post

    So glad your daughter was not hurt worse by that filthy dumb nigger! Scary as shit, to be sure... Every father's worst nightmare!

    Our girls just turned 15, and by this time next year, will probably be driving. It scares the hell out of me!

    As for airbags, anyone who has never been in an accident and had them deploy, has no idea of the force and intensity when they inflate. I don't know if you were around last summer when I was in an accident in Texas. I was in a rented GMC SUV thing and was hit by a drunk driver (and illegal alien). It went like this over the course of about 1 second... BANG! Then Pop, Pop, Pop! My left arm was destroyed (requiring hours of surgery and months of recovery), and I'm not so sure the airbags weren't partially responsible.

    Anyway, I sincerely hope your daughter is OK and doesn't have too many further difficulties without her vehicle.

    I think it goes without saying that even if think you are not hurt, you may be hurt and not know it. Now that my personal experiences have shown me something different I will get checked out even if I think I am fine. Not for nigger lotto but just so you don't find out later that you hurt something. I have only ever been in one bad accident where I was rear ended and it messed me up but I didn't really feel the effects of it for a couple days. This was when I was in my early 20s, in great shape, and still in the Navy. It still was not really that bad at first but I went in for a check after my neck and back started hurting when I exercised. Turns out basically had whiplash. Minor considering how hard my car was hit from behind. But the pain lasted for a couple months and had I not had free coverage courtesy of the US Navy I could have been out of pocket instead of the car who smashed into me.

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  22. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    Every father's worst nightmare! Our girls just turned 15, and by this time next year, will probably be driving. It scares the hell out of me!
    I don't know if you were around last summer when I was in an accident in Texas.
    Anyway, I sincerely hope your daughter is OK and doesn't have too many further difficulties without her vehicle.
    Nightmare indeed! Mrs. Tweak was talking to her sis last night about how she was finally starting to not be a complete basket case every time little Ms. Tweak was driving alone and how this incident has just reset the counter to ZERO!
    I did read about your accident and how much of a major suck fest it has been for you. We were blessed that it wasn't any worse of an accident and that she wasn't speeding. The deputy was telling both of my ladies how lucky they were that I insisted on getting the biggest car that she could handle given her vertically challenged status. He said that he has seen most accidents like this one turn out with serious injuries in smaller cars given the speed and other particulars of the wreck. She also made a valiant effort to avoid it but there simply was not enough time. She also drove exactly as I've instructed with both hands at 4 & 8 o'clock rather than the pre-airbag thinking of 10 & 2. Had she not, she could have wound up in a lot worse shape with her arms hitting her face.

    So far, his insurance (Progressive) is doing what he refused to do in admitting his fault. They are footing the bill for med. bills, rental car, inconvenience and her car. We'll see how much that's going to be but we already know her rates are going to double even though it wasn't her fault. Progressive hasn't had a good reputation around here since Katrina. They were almost as bad as Allstate. Both companies had armed Wackenhut security escorting them everywhere they went due to death threats. They were only paying out pennies on the dollar for damages and people were pissed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    ...[COLOR=var(--darkreader-inline-color) ]the pain lasted for a couple months and had I not had free coverage courtesy of the US Navy I could have been out of pocket instead of the car who smashed into me.[/COLOR]
    That's one of the good things about being retired Navy. She is still covered under my Tricare. We had her checked out good that night and are keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get any worse. I'm not into Nigger Lotto either but if they don't make it right with her insurance rates and full replacement value on her car, I'm not sure what I'll do. I guess I'll start with flames shooting out of my ears and see where that takes me.

    P.S. Just for shits and giggles, I looked up it's address on Google maps street view. I wanted to know what to expect and you can glean a lot from a pic and boy did I!

    This nigger lives in an area that was once middle class during the oil boom of the 80's. Houses went up left and right. Now most of those houses have turned to the dark side. Section 8 mostly.

    I thought briefly about posting the picture here but my better senses took charge. I'm not going to dox this nigger and give it ammo for it's pawgun or lawgun.

    I'll just say this:

    I shit you guys not. How John Meloncamp is that?

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  24. #13
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    Back years ago when I worked transit security, our buses had something mounted on the windshield called a DriveCam. They are activated by excessive G-Force hitting the vehicle, and are most often sold to truck and bus companies as a way of monitoring driving and addressing unsafe behavior (Hard stops and starts, excessive sharp turns) before they turn into accidents. THey have two lenses. One pointing at the driver, the other pointing out the windshield. The cameras are always recording on a 10 second loop (Sometimes 15 or 20 seconds on some cameras if I remember it right) but not saving that loop to storage. So, when something "Trips" the camera, like an accident, a hard stop, whatever, it dumps the 10 seconds in memory to storage, and stores another 10 seconds after being tripped. In other words, by the time you know the camera is tripped (A normally green light flashes red, then stays red to indicate an event is in storage) it's 10 seconds too late to do anything about it. They do sell these things to the general public, and some insurance companies will give a discount for having one in your car. A couple coworkers of mine back them who had teenagers at home invested in one, and it quickly paid itself off through reduced insurance fees, and through seeing what areas of their kids' driving needed the most improvement.

    On our buses they were very handy in proving the operator was not at fault in the event of an accident. It was mostly niggers, of course, but we would get people cutting the bus off and then hitting the brakes hoping to play the ghetto lotto. Soon as DriveCam footage was reviewed, it would be proven beyond doubt that the operator, and bus company, was not at fault.

    Hope your daughter pulls through this OK. I think all of Chimpout is rooting for you guys!
    The only good coal burner runs on steel rails.

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  26. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    If your daughters insurance goes up / doubles then please call USAA Insurance, since you're a veteran
    That's who we're with for years now. They've done right by us always. We will never switch and I can't say enough good about them. They have helped us every step of the way and I can't say the same about the nigger's Progressive. We're having to pay for full coverage just to get my daughter a rental now. Enterprise will not rent to her because of it. This is just more collateral damage thanks to a nigger who should not be allowed to drive.

    This country simply doesn't understand that just because you can train a monkey to drive a car, you can't teach it to follow the rules of the road or read & understand signs. Anything beyond a rudimentary understanding of two pedals and a steering wheel is simply beyond their mental capabilities. They are more concerned about reehumz, loud jungle noise, foateez, blunts, & bling when driving and not concerned enough about situational awareness or common courtesy behind the wheel.

    Insurance company actuary tables should reflect driver species in their billing but they simply do not - at least not the ones we will ever see. They never will because that would make insurance rayciss, yo! Most people don't know this but actuaries tables even make your rates go up on one of two identical cars if one of them is painted red. Simply put, drivers are more aggressive when they drive a red sports car. Meanwhile, zero consideration is given if the driver is white or any other shade of human even though the actuaries demand it. Those numbers are merged and hidden from the customer and the final insurance product. Everyone from the traffic cop to the insurance company knows this to be a fact. This is simply another form of welfare for niggers. Yes, it's PC car insurance socialism.

    Niggers ruin everything. Liberals help them do it. We pay for it all.

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  28. #15
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    How will she pay for the nigger's welfare check, now?
    Hope they heal up well.
    I'm glad they are safe. I mean your human bunch. The chimp needs a ride to the nearest zoo.
    When you see a chimpmobile, let them go no matter what. Let them be someone else's problem. Chances are, the nigger would hit another nigger anyway.

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  30. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jenkemfactory View Post
    How will she pay for the nigger's welfare check, now?
    Hope they heal up well.
    I'm glad they are safe. I mean your human bunch. The chimp needs a ride to the nearest zoo.
    When you see a chimpmobile, let them go no matter what. Let them be someone else's problem. Chances are, the nigger would hit another nigger anyway.
    I've got to give Little Ms. Tweak credit. I went back to the accident scene yesterday to take another look and she told me the truth. She did everything possible to avoid the nigger but simply could not. The skid marks tell the story.

    Her wrist and neck are still sore but we are hoping that it will heal up soon.

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  32. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsRus View Post
    You think the All State nigger has insurance? I always use Geico, mainly due to their minimal use of niggers in their advertising. If they ever turn that little green Gecko into a nigger than I'll be driving with no insurance too.
    Sorry, but Geico decided they need to get in on the "Beta soyboy cuck(because aren't all YT men nu-males?) with smart sow who is savvy about investments and insurance" bandwagon.

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  34. #18
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    despicable as can be expected. That evil looking lump of shit coal just makes me want to vomit. There is simply no escaping niggers on this planet. I just can't accept that.

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    I have a friend that worked for me that was blasted by a light running wetback. WHen Jack got his senses back he gets out of his totaled truck and asks the wetback if he is hurt. The wetback points to his chest and starts moaning. Jack say he brought one up from his ankles and hit the bastard in the spot the wetback was complaining was hurt. He said he probably killed the guy if the police hadn't shown up right after the punch. I told Jack he was my hero!

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  38. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    the nigger's Progressive.
    Tweak, I'm glad your daughter doesn't seem to be hurt worse than she is, and I wish you all the luck dealing with those Progressive scammers. I hope you don't have to go through the expense of a lawyer to prove your daughter wasn't at fault. Your own company won't, of course. They'd sooner feed you to the wolves and jack up your rates than go for the truth.

    Simply put, drivers are more aggressive when they drive a red sports car.
    The stupidest auto salesman ever tried telling me how good I'd look behind the wheel of a red Corvette. It was an older one and in my price range, but come on, I was 22 and would have paid 3x my car payment in insurance! But look at all the niggers out there, like animal mother said, one insurance payment and off they go. In states like NY, they're supposed to surrender their license plates once they don't have insurance, like that stops niggers from fake registration stickers and cops that let them go easy.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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