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  1. #1
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    Calif. Governor Announces $125M COVID-19 Relief For Illegal Immigrants

    One of the most smug, self important, snooty elitist assholes on the planet.

    The Governor also announced an unprecedented $125 million in disaster relief assistance for working Californians. This first in the nation, statewide public-private partnership will provide financial support to undocumented immigrants impacted by COVID-19. California will provide $75 million in disaster relief assistance and philanthropic partners have committed to raising an additional $50 million.

    “California is the most diverse state in the nation. Our diversity makes us stronger and more resilient. Every Californian, including our undocumented neighbors and friends, should know that California is here to support them during this crisis. We are all in this together,” said Governor Newsom.

    California’s $75 million Disaster Relief Fund will support undocumented Californians impacted by COVID-19 who are ineligible for unemployment insurance benefits and disaster relief, including the CARES Act, due to their immigration status. Approximately 150,000 undocumented adult Californians will receive a one-time cash benefit of $500 per adult with a cap of $1,000 per household to deal with the specific needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals can apply for support beginning next month.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
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    So, what Newsome is saying here is that illegals can openly claim illegal status to obtain ̶g̶o̶v̶e̶r̶n̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶n̶e̶f̶i̶t̶s̶ taxpayer extortions with no documentation other than them admitting that they are here illegally. Also, since there is no documentation, there is no paper trail. Heaven forbid a paper trail links them back to the fraud that they will certainly commit by simply claiming their name is Jose one day and Rolando the next - and so on and so forth with every Muhammed bin Dover and darkest nigger from the coongo.

    No, we can't do that! Not documents! That would be discrimination! Bigotry! Raysiss!

    I think I need to take a trip to the left coast and recoup some of my tax money. I'll just make up a pig latin type language and country. Those idiots in Cuckofornia will throw money at me.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    And this is why Trump is going to cut ALL federal funding to Sanctuary States and Cities. Now Fuck Off Mexifornia

    For every one single reason I can think of not to vote for Trump again, I can think of 99 reasons I should. With this latest move, given the most believable estimates, I can think of over 20 million more reasons. Love him or hate him, you've got to give the man props for this: He gets shit done when everyone is focused on dumb shit. He has quietly decimated the 9th circus court. He has rolled back or eliminated over 2 dozen Obammy edicts. He has deregulated a strangled economy tied down with too many environmental, banking and tax burdens left and right. He has managed most all of his accomplishments during the impeachment fiasco. He seems to thrive best while taking the heaviest of ground-fire from his most ardent and evil enemies. With all the noise of air bursts and flak all around him, no one seems to notice what he is actually doing. He's not been focused on impeachment. He knew it was a non-starter from the get go. He let them think it was consuming him like it was them. I believe the same holds true with this latest overblown manufactured "crisis."

    The funniest part? He told his foes exactly what he was going to do long before the election. He even told them how he operates in his business manifesto - The Art of the Deal. His enemies simply chose to ignore these warnings at their own peril.

    The ones that want him to fail so badly are the same ones that unwittingly set him up to win at almost every turn. They hoped to torpedo the entire economy with this latest corona coup attempt just to sink Trump's battleship when they finally gave up the ghost (at least for now) on impeachment. He will rest responsibility squarely at the feet of the Capital Hill commie squad where it belongs. Heads will roll come November. People are fed up. We want to work. We don't want to live in a police/nanny state.

    Rest assured, Trump has thought at least six moves ahead like any good chess player. It makes it even easier when the competition can't even understand the rules of candyland much less a thinking man's game like chess.

  4. #4
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    I was bent out of shape last night, talking to my brother about this. Again, giving taxpayers money to illegal aliens, mostly Hispanic, and mostly Mexican, but now with increasing numbers of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador aliens. I was complaining, how dare this asshole Newsom do this without a referendum or consulting the will of the people. And then, they will deny our government the information as to where these aliens live, citing their privacy rights. Misrepresenting your status as legal when you're illegal is fraud. Newsom saying these midgets are also taxpayers and need to be helped is perpetuating the fraud. An illegal can't work, here, except by fraud, and therefore, criminal, and deportable. Never mind the argument that Americans don't want to do the menial jobs Hispanics want to do. (Actually blame the niggers for this. They should be doing shit work because of their low IQ and no education).

    These brazen midgets say they are Californian and American because they grew up here, in tow by their criminal border hopping parents. Hell no. I don't accept you fools. Even if you were born here and your great grandfather was an illegal, you're still an illegal to me. That said, a Chinese guy who waited 20 years in line and jumped through all the hoops, I accept as legal and a true American for following the law, which our nation was founded upon.

    These aid for illegals do come from taxpayers, as he's dipping not only from CA's resources, but also he does weird accounting that lets federal funds be used for other public interests. And why would we be giving aid to these illegals.

    They say they pay taxes. The best response is, "We don't want you or your taxes here. Go back, and DON'T pay any taxes". Will they? No. They and their arrogant wetback children will demand, yell at you, compete with your children and grandchildren for future jobs and resources.

    I hate niggers not only for their simian looks and dirty color, but more so for their lack of humanity, morals, industry, and intelligence. I abhor anything nigger, from their music, rap, attitudes, lawlessness, everything. Not too far off are their next of kin border niggers. Law-breaking, smug, ugly turds who speak their shit language as if they own the place. They're supposed to be 6% of CA, but I bet there's 30% of them in the urban areas.

    I gloat when I hear some are deported, and that now the border is closed for the most part. Asylum fakers, go back. America is not a dump for you midget pieces of shit. We already have big black pieces of nigger shit.

    Ok, I've vented, and thank you for your indulgence.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  5. #5
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    "THey pay taxes." much tax is collected on weed eaters and yard blowers? One trip to the hospital to squirt out an anchor brat negates that for the next 50 years!

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