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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Observation at the grocery store

    I shop at a discount chain that follows the European model... that is, you insert 25 cents into the shopping cart to use it, and when you return it, you are refunded your money. As we know, this helps keep costs down.
    As I pulled into a parking space, I notice a shopping cart in the middle of the lot. I thought, well, good, I just made 25cents... I got that cart, and as I was rolling through the lot, a sheboon had finished loading her hooptie, and left her shopping cart in the next parking space. Well, I got that one too, and pushed it up to the rack, and got 25 cents back for the cart that I returned.
    I did my shopping, loaded my car, and went to return my cart... along the way back, I collected 3 more carts, just sitting in vacant spaces...
    So, I got $1.25 off of lazy assed niggers today.

    The thought runs through my mind "Everyone else returns their cart, and gets their quarter back...why don't they?"
    The carts are kept not even 15 feet away from the car lot, so it's not like it's a long walk...
    My theories are:
    1. - They are too stupid to know that they're giving away their money, and think that they are inconveniencing whitey by leaving carts in vacant spaces, so that they have to be moved in order to park...

    or more likely

    2. - Since their money is handed to them, and they don't know the value of a 'dollah', 25 cents doesn't mean a thing, they'll get more next month...

    Any thoughts?
    Has anyone else noticed this at a store with this system??

  2. #2
    Senior Administrator
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    You are risking your life by messing around with those shopping carts. They have been touched by niggers, and possibly infected with coronavirus. All for $1.25? Leave them be, that's my opinion.
    Niggerloving Joe Biden NOT my president.

    "Blacks have no rights which the white man is bound to respect." - US Supreme Court Justice Roger Taney, 1857

    Black lives DON'T matter. Never did, and never will.

    You can't have law and order and filthy niggers too.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Guest
    My sympathy is afforded to you my friend. I am grateful to mainly shop at Wholefoods, which seems to repel niggers. Living in a town that has minimal niggers also helps. I agree and I would leave the carts be. Niggers are infected with multiple viruses and diseases from Aids, to corona and ebola.

  4. #4
    Senior Trustee
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    I guarantee every one of those quarters came out of the nigger's mouth before it was put in the shopping cart. Hope you washed your hands.

    islam (is-LAHM) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Member
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    Life is challenging enough without unnecessarily exposing myself to COVID-19 vectors.
    Do not call for black power. Call for human power.

  6. #6
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I shop at a discount chain that follows the European model... that is, you insert 25 cents into the shopping cart to use it, and when you return it, you are refunded your money. As we know, this helps keep costs down.

    Any thoughts?
    Has anyone else noticed this at a store with this system??

    Having worked in a Save-a-Lot grocery store for five years as a teenager, I have had more than my share of dealings with the feral foo stayump beasts. I have remained loyal to them for years (at the end of the month before the EBT cards are charged to avoid monkeyshines) but only for canned and dry staple items which the niggers cannot paw the contents of and it has worked out and the prices have always been second only to Aldi's - which uses the quarter in the handle approach.

    Recently, the SAL store here in my area started the quarter return system because the niggers have taking over a lot of neighborhoods close to the store due to section 8. Those carts cost at least 150 bucks a pop and niggers have been leaving them all over town. The quarter has changed nothing except to increase the cost of the buggy to pay for the contraption on the handle. Niggers simply have no concept of money's worth or respect for property. Starting as far as a dozen blocks away from the store, you pass the SAL shopping carts on the roads and sidewalks.

    My dad has a saying: "Locks just keep honest folk honest." He's damn right.

    As far as the nigger diseases on the money, it is simply not possible in a cash and coin society to not touch money handled by a nigger. Many stores around here, SAL included, keep disinfecting wipes by the buggies and we make full use of them as well as hand sanitizers and backup wipes kept in Mrs. Tweak's purse. I won't belittle anyone for picking up free money whether dropped on the ground or left in a buggy - I do it myself. I just make sure to wipe the coins down and wash my hands. If you think about it, few people will ever make as much money per hour as those who pickup dropped change. If it takes you one second to pick up only a penny, that's 36 bucks per hour tax free for doing nothing.

    Here's a mini coontact for you: I walked into a store a few weeks ago and passed a nigger begging for money (Newport in one hand and sale foam in the other, of course). Not 10 feet away from him was about a half dollar worth of change laying on the sidewalk. After ignoring his first couple of "Skuuze me surrah" I told him I didn't carry cash because I didn't like to be bothered by vagrants. It was obvious he didn't know what the word meant. I stepped around the corner and grabbed a wipe from the dispenser, walked back outside and picked up the change, making sure he saw every move I made. I wiped the change down, stuck it in my pocket and looked it dead in the eyes while doing it. The look on it's face was priceless.

    Ultimately, it is impossible to never touch anything a nigger hasn't touched at some point - Not the money, not the buggies, not the products, the door handles, or anything else whether we know it or not so let's not all pile on Unreggie here over this. Let's just all be safe and use the wipes, the hand sanitizers and the soap and water that the niggers don't.

  7. #7
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    They are too stupid to read instructions.

  8. #8
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    Hey, Unregistered, why don't you sign up and join the site? Sounds like you have plenty of nigger contact stories to share.

    I agree with the others: don't even touch those carts.

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