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  1. #1
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    India Hindus are dealing with their muslim problem quite well

    While Muslims are being murdered in India, the rest of the world is too slow to condemn

    The religion of peace is being given its version of peace back to them.
    I was taught in school that Pakistan was for dirty, goatfucking mudslimes and India was for the Hindu. Can't the mudslimes fuck off back to pakistan?
    On 23 February 2020 in Delhi, Hindu nationalist mobs roamed the streets burning and looting mosques together with Muslim homes, shops and businesses. They killed or burned alive Muslims who could not escape and the victims were largely unprotected by the police. At least 37 people, almost all Muslims, were killed and many others beaten half to death: a two-year-old baby was stripped by a gang to see if he was circumcised – as Muslims usually are, but Hindus are not. Some Muslim women pretended to be Hindus in order to escape.
    Activists of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by Indian prime minister Narendra Modi, were reported as being in the forefront of the attacks on Muslims. A video was published showing Muslim men, covered in blood from beatings, being forced to lie on the ground by police officers and compelled to sing patriotic songs. Modi said nothing for several days and then made a vague appeal for “peace and brotherhood”.
    The violence in Delhi this week stems from the fear and hatred generated by the government-directed pincer movement against Muslims in India. One pincer is in the shape of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), under which non-Muslim migrants can swiftly gain Indian citizenship but Muslims cannot. Even more threatening is the National Register of Citizens (NRC), which is likely to deprive many Indian Muslims of their citizenship. It was the non-violent protests and demonstrations opposing these measures that provoked the Hindu nationalist mobs into staging what was close to a pogrom earlier this week.

    Just how far Modi and the BJP will go in their anti-Muslim campaign is already in evidence in Jammu and Kashmir, the one Indian state with a Muslim majority. It was summarily stripped of its autonomy last August and has been locked down ever since. Mass detentions and torture are the norm according to the few witnesses able to report what they have seen.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    Why aren't Muslim-Americans up in arms about this?


    If the SNLM movement doesn't start engaging in terrorist activities, in the same way that the BLM movement engaged in terrorist activities against their "oppressors" (police officers), I will be very disappointed.
    Do not call for black power. Call for human power.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Member
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    THat's one thing I like about India. They don't screw around dealing with muzrats. Too bad America and India can't partner up to turn Pakistan and other muzzie hellholes into glass parking lots.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigfreewisconsin View Post
    THat's one thing I like about India. They don't screw around dealing with muzrats. Too bad America and India can't partner up to turn Pakistan and other muzzie hellholes into glass parking lots.
    Dropping a nuke on Mecca would leave quite an impression...
    Do not call for black power. Call for human power.

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