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  1. #1
    Blue Gum
    Chimpout Guest

    Democrats are....

    The political party of the nigger. I hear this bullshit talking point all the time with the liberal Democrats, "we need to reform the criminal justice system, too many young men of color (code phrase for niggers) are being incarcerated in prison, Well..... maybe the real reason for all the niggers in nigger cages is this..... the dirty nigger animal does more violent and other crimes than anyone else...hello!!

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    Make no mistake. Those in the upper levels of the democrat party HATE niggers as much as we do. But they rely on the nigger now like they did when they needed niggers to pick cotton and turn a profit. They are simply using niggers, muslims, and the lemmings that believe in the rhetoric to build a voter base. Now also to build a profit for their own base. They are just saying what niggers want to hear so they will keep voting left. Keep the gibsme flowing and they will keep working for "the man" aka the democrat party. Niggers are too stupid to see this and the lemmings are too stupid to see that you can't help the nigger. Fact is niggers do commit 5 times the rate of violent crime when compared to their population percentage. Yet liberals think somehow most of them are innocent and that if you reform the system, it will be better.

    They refuse to see that the reason niggers get longer sentences is because they have much longer rap sheets and often it is not the first time they have been in jail.

  3. #3
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    Niggers do their dirty work for them. They are willing to sell out their own race, even the entire country simply to stay in power. That is why Democrats like Pelosi support niggers. Then there are some democrats who honestly do think the world would be better off if America had a majority of niggers. 60-70% niggers. Yeah right, just imagine that. That is a world i do not want to live to see.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    If that 70% was all segregated into their own shitholes safely away from humans that would be a dream come true when they all run out of fried chicken and batwing each other.

  5. #5
    Blue Gum
    Chimpout Guest
    Just saw a Michael Nigg Berg ad on TV, this was a new one now it seems that Nigg Berg has a master plan to compensate all niggers if he is elected president...a giant national nigger give-away...I hope its coupons for $$$'a off KFC and NOT just $$$'a for the stinking nigger animals..

  6. #6
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Gum View Post
    Just saw a Michael Nigg Berg ad on TV, this was a new one now it seems that Nigg Berg has a master plan to compensate all niggers if he is elected president...a giant national nigger give-away...I hope its coupons for $$$'a off KFC and NOT just $$$'a for the stinking nigger animals..
    Bloom-coon has to backpedal for all the support he gave for stop and frisk. Pretty much every liberal has to step it up. When they are all promising the free shit, where else is there to go besides pandering to the niggers who aren't going to go out and vote unless a nigger is running. By the 2028 election we will be 90 trillion in debt and liberals will still be tossing shiny baubles in the streets to niggers for votes.

  7. #7
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    Too many of these stupid America-hating sub-cockroach lib-tard Demon-crap nigger-coddling candidates forget the facts: A very high percentage of the manure pile (niggers) are not capable of voting for ANY candidate. Why? Because the niggers lost the right by koonmitting crimes and then enrolling @ NU. Convicted felons are not allowed to vote. So why in the world do you want to pander to them on the election circuit?

    And tonight, without a doubt, the winner of the Demon-crap Party debate was Donald J. Trump. Congratulations!

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  8. #8
    Blue Gum
    Chimpout Guest
    I'm listening to the demo-nigger-cratic debate....HS....these fukers ARE Bat-Shit crazy....Bloomey's policy of 'stop & frisk" the nigger yoofs, probably saved countless lives, I'm NO fan of Bloomey, but he certainly had that right, that Most of the violent crime was being committed by nigger and Latin yoofs...but of course you can't day

    Holy cow....Bernie is from another old Liz 'pico's Warren wants to create a special tax to raise $50B to give to " historical nigger colleges "....ALL these fukkers are Bat-Shit

    Just my humble

  9. #9
    Ebil Whitey
    Chimpout Guest
    All the democrats do is try to tell me how the world is rigged in my favor and how evil I am. How I shouldn't have my education, my job or my house because I didn't really earn any of it. That I should be willing to give all of it to stupid lazy niggers or other "victims" and just go die of starvation and exposure. And, if I don't agree, I am racist or any number of other "ists".

    The truth is, I worked very hard all my life for what little I have. I made good decisions to stay on the right side of the law, work hard and earn what I have. I worked 3 jobs while I was in college. Nobody gave me anything and I didn't qualify for special grants based on my race, sex or anything else. In fact, I never got assistance of any kind. After college, I worked at jobs and slowly moved into better paying positions but I've never broken through the white male ceiling that's now in place. I have been turned down for almost 100 positions over the last 25 years because a diversity requirement had to be met in every case. I live, at best, on the low end of middle class. No expensive vacations, not much entertainment, nothing fancy or extravagant. I own my small house, I have a 19 year old car that runs good, I put a kid through college and now I try to save for retirement, which I'm not so sure I'll be able to attain. The democrats want people to believe guys like me, a white male over 40, had it easy, that it was all given to us, we didn't earn it and we don't deserve it. They want to take what little I earn and give it to the non-deserving and then want me to apologize for my existence.

    Well, uhm, too bad. I'm NOT sorry and they haven't instilled any white guilt in me. I never mistreated nigger slaves or stole land or anything from anybody. I am not some spoiled, live-at-home, dumb-ass. millennial soy boy who can be convinced of white guilt. I know how hard I've worked and how tilted against me the system has actually been in favor of niggers and other "victim" groups. Democrats haven't said anything about how they want to help ME or make MY life better. They only spout on about how I am evil and want to take from me.

    For the life of me, I can't understand why any white male, with an ounce of self respect, would vote for a liberal democrat. The day I own a summer home in the mountains and a winter home on an equatorial tropical beach, drive a brand new F250 with all the bells and whistles and can charter a private jet to travel and vacation on a whim is the day I might admit I've got it good. But probably not because I'm a white male, but because I worked hard, got lucky and was successful.

    Until then, democrats and niggers can go f@ck themselves.

  10. #10
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    Something else to note. Republicans are the "party of the rich"... That makes the Democrats the "party for the poor", right? So is it in their best interest to keep people poor and dependent on the government or to provide ways to increase your wealth and become less dependent where you might not want your money going to pay for the lazy? Sounds to me like the best way to keep people voting for you is to keep them poor. Somehow it doesn't translate though since 99% of rich celebrities and athletes are all liberal. But I guess getting 30 million a year to catch a ball doesn't count as rich.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    Can't you wait till Crazy Bernie takes 90% of your income and gives it to the homeless street shitters.
    That's not how it works. Communist take it all and give you back whatever they think you need only to survive.

    "From each according to his means to each according to his needs."

    Of course this only applies to workers, not party members like Bearnardo Sandersovich! I think he'll get to keep all three of his homes plus his generous retirement packages from the Senate and POTUS offices plus book deals.

    Funny how the most outspoken commies never put their money where their mouths are but have no problems putting our money wherever they jolly damn well please.

    Make no mistake about it folks - This man is a straight up communist masquerading as a liberal dimocrap.

    The only difference between a communist and a socialist is that a communist is a socialist in a hurry.
    The only difference between a socialist and a democrat is... well... hardly a damn thing.

    If you disagree, go read the ten planks of communism and ask yourself how many of them are in effect in the US right now. It's damn near all of them now.

  12. #12
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Gum View Post
    Democrats are the political party of the nigger. I hear this bullshit talking point all the time with the liberal Democrats, "we need to reform the criminal justice system, too many young men of color (code phrase for niggers) are being incarcerated in prison, Well..... maybe the real reason for all the niggers in nigger cages is this..... the dirty nigger animal does more violent and other crimes than anyone else...hello!!
    I believe your assumption is borne out in statistical fact to be true. Niggers, although they only make up a small percentage of the population, commit the highest percentage of crime and thusly are incarcerated in highly disproportional numbers. That being said, the liberal mind can not accept that niggers are naturally violent and have criminal tendencies disproportionate to other more civilized races. Therefore, they attribute it to racism while claiming other mitigating factors such as lack of education, poverty, etc. Based on their mistaken ideals, liberals would rather let violent black animals prey upon society so that incarceration levels fall along some idealized racial breakdown lines. Liberals reject real science and fact in an attempt to create some kind of utopian ideal they have in their minds whether innocent people have to suffer for it or not. If you don't agree with them, you are branded immoral, evil and racist.

    Personally, I see nothing wrong with racial profiling. I think it's smart policing based on statistics and keeps us safer. But liberals are hypocritical in their thinking on this. To them, racial profiling is bad, but profiling the spouse (based on statistics) when a spouse goes missing or turns up dead is OK. Marital or familial status is a protected class but profiling is OK based on that when something happens. And, if it's a female victim, it's OK to profile males because statistics tell us that it is usually true. But that is profiling based on sex, isn't it? Profiling based on statistics and facts is not a bad thing in my opinion.

  13. #13
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    They all want to give niggers and illegal aliens opportunities. Then same niggers and illegals will commit violence as we see here at Chimpout. No thanks. Fuck off all you Democrats.
    Last edited by Ignatow; 02-27-2020 at 01:17 PM.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  14. #14
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Chimp Detester View Post
    Too many of these stupid America-hating sub-cockroach lib-tard Demon-crap nigger-coddling candidates forget the facts: A very high percentage of the manure pile (niggers) are not capable of voting for ANY candidate. Why? Because the niggers lost the right by koonmitting crimes and then enrolling @ NU. Convicted felons are not allowed to vote. So why in the world do you want to pander to them on the election circuit?

    And tonight, without a doubt, the winner of the Demon-crap Party debate was Donald J. Trump. Congratulations!

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    I remember hearing in Florida that they are now granting Ex-coonvicts the right to vote, or at least it was put on the State Senate floor by Demoncrats. After Trump took Florida the niggerpandering left had to come up with some way to steal the next election. Since some 70% of coonvicts are in fact, filthy moon crickets, this would be a big influx of nigger votes. It's only a matter of time before other states that are "Up for Grabs" in terms of Red/Blue, start adopting these same tactics. After all, the libturds think that all the filthy coonvicts "din do nuffins" anyway, and are just victims of racist white police.

    Good to see this site up and running again, was a past member of old C.O. site and regular contributor.

    When you look at every black run country on the planet, not one of them isn't a third world shithole, with rape, robbery, and murder as their national pastimes, how can libtards expect these feral animals to act humanely just because they are misplaced here in the USA? It doesn't matter where they are, they will always be feral savage beasts. Just because you raise a Lion or Tiger cub in your home, doesn't mean that someday it won't kill you, but at least Lions & Tigers won't rape you before and after your murder.

  15. #15
    Chimpout Guest
    I have to be in public a lot and numerous times have talked with coons because I had to. Some of them are smart enough (once it is brought up) to see that CoonBama didn't do a damn thing for them despite all his promises of extra gibs-muh-dats, and that things as far as they can tell which are mainly welfare, food stamps, section 8, were not taken away by Trump and he won't take them away, he's only interested in making business for the country.

    I tried to give them the idea that all the democrats are the same, just using them for votes and never do anything for them, and that while the republicans don't make promise free stuff, they don't take (the above) things away from the poor, and the country is doing better with republicans. like low gas prices and stuff (an' sheeeit..)

    What small percentage had any understanding of the second paragraph I have no idea.. like talking to a furby half the time.

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