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  1. #1
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    Rural New Hampshire Women Want Some Niggers

    I'm finally calmed down enough to tell about this.

    The other day I was taking a walk in our woodsy New England neighborhood, and met a lady neighbor walking her dog. We talked, and she mentioned, get this, that the local Women's Club was meeting at the library about how a bunch of fucking nigger refugees from Africa had arrived in Portsmouth NH, and were looking for towns that would be willing to "take them in." WHAT. THE. FUCK. She told about how good it would be for the town to get "out of its comfort zone." This lady is the wife of a business associate of mine, and one of the old families in town, and I can't afford to stir up shit with these folks, having just arrived here a few months ago.

    Understand, this town is like a Norman Rockwell painting of New England in the 1920s. There is no trash, no graffiti, no litter, no fast food, no chain stores, and, most of all, NO NIGGERS!! During summer the population rises to near 40,000, as rich folks from Boston and New York flock up for summer vacation, including some well-known people like the Romney family, etc. In winter the place is almost empty, with a population of about 4,000, spread out over a huge area. Winter is long, cold, harsh, and you have to be self-sufficient, networked with your neighbors, or rich, to survive up here. Because of the small year-round population, the town has no extra money to waste on anything.

    What the fuck is wrong with these women? I think that they have lived in isolation from the rest of the world for so long that they really believe all that Magic Nigger horseshit that the media feeds them, that Diversity Is Our Strength, and all that. That have no idea just how far out of their "comfort zone" a bunch of fucking uncivilized niggers from Africa will take them.

    This is so fucked up. I have spent my life trying to get the fuck away from niggers, first the rural South, then the urban North, then watched beautiful Salt Lake City get over run with niggers and assorted other trash. We finally make the move to the whitest state, 'way out into the woods, nothing to attract niggers, and figured I could breath easy. But no...the stupid fucking local women want to import them some niggers.

    All I can hope is that the powers that be here are wise enough to realize what an insane idea this is, and that it just goes away, like so many big plans that are floated around here. The men of town know what side their bread is buttered on. But one thing's for sure: you can never relax and ignore liberals, they are relentless, and are dedicated to fucking up everything decent and good in our country. And you can never turn your back on niggers, they will follow you wherever you go.
    Last edited by Sheboon DeLuxe; 01-20-2020 at 10:58 AM.

  2. #2
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    Thing is, her husband is a great guy, is a friend of mine, is helping me out with a bunch of stuff I could never manage by myself. He's a logger, and as based as they come. I'm sure you're right, that these idiot women sit and listen to NPR (I swear New England has more NPR stations than the entire rest of the country) and watch CNN, and suck up that shit. I doubt she or her idiot friends have ever lived anywhere near niggers. They live sheltered lives out here in the woods.

    To our female Chimpout members, I hope you realize that I am not putting down your sex in its entirety, by calling these women idiots. But they are.

  3. #3
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    I heard from some NH guys, that niggers do well in the area. They said that some women go nuts over them being "exotic".

  4. #4
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    What the fuck is wrong with these women? I think that they have lived in isolation from the rest of the world for so long that they really believe all that Magic Nigger horseshit that the media feeds them, that Diversity Is Our Strength, and all that.
    Yep. She wants to add some niggers to round out her list of "causes" but I just bet she won't be getting close up and personal with any of them once she sees some savages in person and/or they try to rape her. It's easy to be all caring in absentia because none of those feral groids will be HER neighbors. Who cares about the humans who will be forced to live next door to them? Oh, let them eat cake.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat fur allergic View Post
    I heard from some NH guys, that niggers do well in the area. They said that some women go nuts over them being "exotic".
    Don't bum me out more than I already am, Cat fur. They might do well in Manchester or Concord, where they can get some gibs. Out here in the sticks it won't be easy pickings.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    Yep. She wants to add some niggers to round out her list of "causes" but I just bet she won't be getting close up and personal with any of them once she sees some savages in person and/or they try to rape her. It's easy to be all caring in absentia because none of those feral groids will be HER neighbors. Who cares about the humans who will be forced to live next door to them? Oh, let them eat cake.
    You know 'em, IseDaDiva! God, do I hate people like that.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheboon DeLuxe View Post
    You know 'em, IseDaDiva! God, do I hate people like that.
    Me too! I detest these dilettantes checking off their socialite "to-do" lists and I bet this bitch has never even spoken to a live nigger, except if she has a seemingly tame sow doing her laundry. How I wish someone could instantly transport her pampered ass to the heart of Lagos and leave her there for just a week. I'd be willing to bet a lot of money her attitudes towards the poor Africoons would change, that is if she got out alive.

    I used to go to NH a lot. My husband and I fell so much in love with the place we actually considered moving there, but unlike invading Africoon criminiggers and rapey, murdering asslifters we didn't see how we could get permission to stay. After all, we're just human beings and no one would get a pat on the back for allowing us to live there.

    Here's what she wants to subject the poor, hardworking people of NH to:

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    I used to go to NH a lot. My husband and I fell so much in love with the place we actually considered moving there, but we didn't see how we could get permission to stay. After all, we're just human beings and no one would get a pat on the back for allowing us to live there.
    You don't need permission, IDD. The people here are very welcoming. Property prices are low. If you have a building trade there is more work than you can do. It's a fantastic place to retire, like we did. Come on up!
    Last edited by Sheboon DeLuxe; 01-21-2020 at 11:47 AM. Reason: Added something, fixed grammar

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheboon DeLuxe View Post
    You don't need permission, IDD. Property prices are low. If you have a building trade there is more work than you can do. Fantastic place to retire, like we did. Come on up!
    We're Canadians.

    When it comes to green cards, however, Canadians are in most respects treated the same as any other immigrants to the United States.
    I guess we'd have to get in line behind the Somalians and asslifters. Maybe we could call ourselves "migrants" or "refugees".

  10. #10
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    It is infuriating to think that decent white Canadians have to jump through all sorts of hoops to get to the US, but Central Americans can just waltz over the border, plop down, stick their hands out, and get everything they need handed to them, mainly because the fucking corrupt Democrats want their votes, and want to "brown America." I'm not making that up or surmising, either: they say so openly.

    Imagine how tight the southern border would be if Mexicans were white, conservative, and vote Republican. A fly wouldn't be able to get across.

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