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Thread: Trump is toast

  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Trump is toast

    My prediction is that with the WW3 talk and all the dune coons that obongo shipped in here, our good republicans in Senate will get scared and pull the pin on Trump, and let the dems impeach him.

  2. #2
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    I couldn't disagree more.

    TRUMP ... 2020

    TRUMP (Donald Jr.) ... 2024

    TRUMP (Donald Jr.) ... 2028

    TRUMP (Ivanka) ... 2032

    And then Eric and Barron and so forth. America restored. Fuck the democrats, this is our country now.
    Niggerloving Joe Biden NOT my president.

    "Blacks have no rights which the white man is bound to respect." - US Supreme Court Justice Roger Taney, 1857

    Black lives DON'T matter. Never did, and never will.

    You can't have law and order and filthy niggers too.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Member
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    This is MAGA country.
    Do not call for black power. Call for human power.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CreepyAssNigger View Post

    This is MAGA country.
    Ooohhhh Lawdy !!!
    Dat's what dem Trump racists said when day threw bleach on dat Jussa Smileit that year when Kavanar was rapin highscrool girls in dem parties an sheeit!
    'You shall not lie with any animal to defile yourself with it; neither shall any woman give herself to an animal, to lie down with it: it is a perversion. Leviticus 18:23

  5. #5
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    WTF. Are you kidding? GOP loves wars, it makes them rich from defense contractor kickbacks. Trump helping an asslifter lift his ass a little higher is the least of his worries.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  6. #6
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    islam (is-LAHM) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.

  7. #7
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    I agree with Rape Ape, wtf dude?

  8. #8
    Chimpout Guest
    Not gonna happen. This "general" he took out was a terrorist as bad as Bin Laden. Only difference was that this guy was officially sponsored by Iran. Republicans, conservatives and patriotic americans all know it. Impeachment won't happen. Most dems are traitors to America.

    As far as re-election goes, it's really simple. No matter what is going on, if the economy is good, the president gets re-elected. Period. History proves it. Check it out if you have doubts.

    I just hope Trump can finish cleaning up the amount of damage Obummer did before the rest of his next term is up. It's a big job. I don't envy his task.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Not gonna happen. This "general" he took out was a terrorist as bad as Bin Laden. Only difference was that this guy was officially sponsored by Iran. Republicans, conservatives and patriotic americans all know it. Impeachment won't happen. Most dems are traitors to America.

    As far as re-election goes, it's really simple. No matter what is going on, if the economy is good, the president gets re-elected. Period. History proves it. Check it out if you have doubts.

    I just hope Trump can finish cleaning up the amount of damage Obummer did before the rest of his next term is up. It's a big job. I don't envy his task.
    My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

  10. #10
    Chimpout Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    My prediction is that with the WW3 talk and all the dune coons that obongo shipped in here, our good republicans in Senate will get scared and pull the pin on Trump, and let the dems impeach him.
    Oddly enough, war in first world nations tends to motivate technological development, as while typically warring factions will generally only obtain the bare minimum needed to defeat their opponents, an intelligent faction will continue to develop weapons and technologies that will allow for them to constantly meet and exceed the minimum requirements needed to defeat any and all enemies they may encounter.

    For example, check out the US military's XM17 firearm program, and look at how some companies are trying to build bigger, better, and more dangerous machine guns for the US military to adopt. Progress is always happening, and yes, a large motivating factor is profit, but the harsh reality is that companies are more than willing to develop deadlier weapons for the USA.

    And there are trickle down benefits from this, aside from American citizens being able to go about their daily lives without having to worry, for the most part, about terrorism. For example, Americans have cell phones, GPS, and the ability to buy whatever civilian firearms are available. All of those things were developed, in one way or another, for the military, and they all make our lives a little easier and a little bit safer.

    Sometimes eggs have to be broken if you want to make an omelet.
    Do not call for black power. Call for human power.

  11. #11
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    This election is Trump's to lose through some big mistake, and I don't see that happening. We turned to him because someone, anyone, had to turn things around from 8 years of the HNIC's disasters, and he delivered bigly.

    Right now we have the most pro-economy (not just pro-business but pro-everyone who wants to work hard), pro-energy, pro-trade president in decades. Trump isn't one of the naive free-traders who thinks, "Oh hey, we'll drop our trade barriers, and everyone else will follow suit!" At first I worried he'd lead us into a protectionist trade war, but he wants symmetrical free trade and is squeezing China's leaders by the nuts to get them to stop screwing over our exporters. Then wait till Boris Johnson finally gets a real Brexit, and he signs a pact with Trump to create the biggest transatlantic trade deal of all time.

    Our state of the Union is beautiful, we're the most prosperous we've ever been in my lifetime, and the job market is amazing right now. I was 21 and already laid off from a dotcom when the 2001 recession hit, 2008 and 2009 were even scarier, and those are like other worlds compared to what's out there now.

    If you want weak foreign policy that lets the UN and other globalists dictate U.S. law and actions, if you want higher taxes so you can get "free" bad health care from the government, if you want tens of millions of freeloading immigrants to run over our borders, if you want electricity so expensive you'll sit in the dark except for the few environmentally friendly soy candles you can afford, the Democrats offer several choices. As for me and Mrs. S, we'll proudly vote for Trump to have a second term. We don't want the nightmare Archie Bunker 80% predicted that people will have to walk to the poor house because we won't have any gas.

    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  12. #12
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    The Republicans couldn't be so foolish as to roll over on Trump and convict him in the senate. It would spell absolute electoral suicide for the entire GOP, because if they did, just about every Trump voter will see the whole system's all for shit! Then come November they'll say, "Stick it up your ass!" and stay home.

    On the other hand, the Republicans would or should now be telling Trump. "Your ass is now in our hands, and this is what we want from you!" Who knows, McConnell may have even said, "First thing, Hit the fucking sandniggers. Our missile contractors want new orders!"

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