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  1. #1
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    That Petri Dish of plague Africa's new virus has wiped out 25% of the world's pig population

    "Pig Ebola" Is Now Running Wild In Indonesia, And Has Already Killed A Quarter Of The World's Swine

    The global pig population is being absolutely decimated by a disease that does not have a cure. African Swine Fever, also commonly referred to as “Pig Ebola”, is raging out of control in dozens of countries all over the globe. It has a mortality rate of close to 100 percent, and once it hits an area even the pigs that are able to survive the disease are killed off in order to prevent it from spreading elsewhere. Unfortunately, African Swine Fever just continues to pop up in more locations. As you will see below, it is now sweeping through the heavily-populated nation of Indonesia.
    The mainstream media in the U.S. hasn’t been properly reporting on this crisis, and that is likely because this disease has not spread to our nation yet.

    But let there be no doubt – this is truly a crisis of Biblical proportions. In fact, it has been estimated that this epidemic has already killed about one-fourth of the world’s pigs.
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  2. #2
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    So of course we create a vaccine for human ebola, which only affects niggers and niggerlovers, but when it comes to pig ebola, which negatively affects humans, there is no vaccine.

    This is speciesist, and offensive.

    Why should one species receive preference over another? Pigs have just as much, if not more of a right to live than niggers!

    I challenge anyone to tell me that pig bacon has less value than a nigger life.

    edit: #PigLivesMatter #SaveTheBacon #HamForChristmas
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  3. #3
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    I can live without niggers. Bacon on the other hand? No. NO! I will NOT eat turkey bacon!

  4. #4
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    Pigs have has helped great civilizations thrive. Bacon and ham are infinitely worth more than any nigger.
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  5. #5
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    It's probably just regular old ebola combined with nigger funk that the poor pigs got from being muh dikked by niggers. The other part is, it's Indonesia, which is full of asslifters. And asslifters hate pigs, so they probably don't care to do anything about it. At least until it jumps over to goats.
    islam (is-LAHM) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    No. NO! I will NOT eat turkey bacon!
    I tried turkey bacon once. Just once. And that was enough. LOL
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  7. #7
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    I don't eat pork and will eat turkey bacon on some things only. Now, beef bacon... That stuff is freakin awesome. It's not processed meat spread slim jim type bacon. It is the real deal, lower fat and taste better than any other. The pieces are huge, too.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    I don't eat pork and will eat turkey bacon on some things only. Now, beef bacon... That stuff is freakin awesome. It's not processed meat spread slim jim type bacon. It is the real deal, lower fat and taste better than any other. The pieces are huge, too.
    I didn't know beef bacon was really a thing. I mean, it makes sense that it would exist, but I don't really hear too many people talking about it.

    Do you just go up to the butcher and ask for "beef bacon"?

    I don't recall seeing beef bacon in the meat piles at the supermarket... maybe it is named something else. Beef belly?

    Pork bacon, in my opinion, is mostly useful for the lard you can collect after pan frying the stuff. Bacon lard is DELICIOUS compared to butter, margarine, or crisco. Especially crisco. You can use it on toast, or use it instead of oil to fry food like eggs, or even use it when baking. If you're hunting for calories, you might as well just get the pork sausage.

    While it is technically possible to get trichinosis from pork if you don't cook it enough, that's why you should always make sure to cook your food before eating it. And make sure your food is sourced from a reputable meat dealer. I don't think you can cook away mad cow disease.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by CreepyAssNigger View Post
    I didn't know beef bacon was really a thing. I mean, it makes sense that it would exist, but I don't really hear too many people talking about it.

    Do you just go up to the butcher and ask for "beef bacon"?

    I don't recall seeing beef bacon in the meat piles at the supermarket... maybe it is named something else. Beef belly?

    Pork bacon, in my opinion, is mostly useful for the lard you can collect after pan frying the stuff. Bacon lard is DELICIOUS compared to butter, margarine, or crisco. Especially crisco. You can use it on toast, or use it instead of oil to fry food like eggs, or even use it when baking. If you're hunting for calories, you might as well just get the pork sausage.

    While it is technically possible to get trichinosis from pork if you don't cook it enough, that's why you should always make sure to cook your food before eating it. And make sure your food is sourced from a reputable meat dealer. I don't think you can cook away mad cow disease.
    I haven't seen it packaged like pork bacon but I am sure you could get it. But you can get brisket which technically is similar. But it is not cured and comes in one piece and is usually smoked. It can be very tasty if done right or rubbery dog food if not. I kind of want some brisket now

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CreepyAssNigger View Post
    I didn't know beef bacon was really a thing. I mean, it makes sense that it would exist, but I don't really hear too many people talking about it.

    Do you just go up to the butcher and ask for "beef bacon"?

    I don't recall seeing beef bacon in the meat piles at the supermarket... maybe it is named something else. Beef belly?

    Pork bacon, in my opinion, is mostly useful for the lard you can collect after pan frying the stuff. Bacon lard is DELICIOUS compared to butter, margarine, or crisco. Especially crisco. You can use it on toast, or use it instead of oil to fry food like eggs, or even use it when baking. If you're hunting for calories, you might as well just get the pork sausage.

    While it is technically possible to get trichinosis from pork if you don't cook it enough, that's why you should always make sure to cook your food before eating it. And make sure your food is sourced from a reputable meat dealer. I don't think you can cook away mad cow disease.
    Yes, you can cure any meat the same way you do pork. As far as the cut, it's from the same place on a cow as you'll find it on a pig. Personally, I choose a strictly kosher diet for health (arthritis) and personal reasons. I won't eat anything that would eat me especially if I was laying dead and rotting either on the forest floor or face down in the bayou. There are also small local butcher shops that will prepare beef bacon if you ask for it. I buy mine at the commissary on base but you can make it yourself if you don't mind taking the time to do it. Once it's cooked, tallow taste exactly the same as lard at least to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    I haven't seen it packaged like pork bacon but I am sure you could get it. But you can get brisket which technically is similar. But it is not cured and comes in one piece and is usually smoked. It can be very tasty if done right or rubbery dog food if not. I kind of want some brisket now
    Quite correct. Texas BBQ is beef brisket as opposed to Midsouth BBQ which is generally pork shoulder, ribs etc.

    Corned beef brisket is a family favorite of ours especially served on a Reuben sandwich.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    I can live without niggers. Bacon on the other hand? No. NO! I will NOT eat turkey bacon!

    Turkey Bacon?! Didn't know such a thing existed, that's a whole lotta NO right there. 25% of the world's pig population is nothing to sneeze at, those are some serious numbers in stock loss, disposal, etc.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fireblade14 View Post
    Turkey Bacon?! Didn't know such a thing existed, that's a whole lotta NO right there. 25% of the world's pig population is nothing to sneeze at, those are some serious numbers in stock loss, disposal, etc.
    Turkey bacon is basically a mix of light and dark meat, with some fat added. You might as well just get a regular piece of turkey.

    I hope the scientists can come up with a vaccine for the piggies pretty quick. It would be a shame if this spread to the rest of the world.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by CreepyAssNigger View Post
    Turkey bacon is basically a mix of light and dark meat, with some fat added. You might as well just get a regular piece of turkey.
    Half correct. What gives any bacon it's flavor (and you can make it from damn near any meat) is the curing process. Same thing goes for ham. Even "uncured" meats are still cured - just not with unnaturally occurring nitrates.

    Turkeys don't have fat layers naturally arranged in them the same way mammals do so the meat must be formed with the turkey fat mixed in to make it cook and crisp properly.

    I make muffalettas strictly with turkey ham, beef salami and substitute turkey pepperoni for hard pork salami. Everyone who has ever tried my version prefers it to any local deli or restaurant and we live in NOLA so I must be doing something right to fool the locals.

    As far as turkey bacon goes, I am willing to make some small sacrifices of flavor for the sake of my health (we just buried another family member this week so I know I have to take it seriously). With all other substitutes, I have learned to adapt, improvise and overcome with my final product coming out better than the originals or I wouldn't bother with it since I don't just cook for myself, but for my whole family. I rather prefer compliments to complaints.

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