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  1. #21
    LT. Colonel
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
    I still think 80% or better who "are on the spectrum" just aren't. The majority I believe actually do just have parents who cant be bothered or are just dumb as fuck genetically.

    With a nigglet, how could you tell anyway?
    I'd put the percentage even higher. There are exceptions like your grandson (was it just therapy or did he need drugs), but autism and "non-verbal" are the new excuses of the last 20 years. BTW, a toddler not talking doesn't mean anything. As I recall, Einstein's parents worried because he didn't start speaking until he was 3. Sometimes there isn't enough to interest a kid.

    One of my best friends growing up would have been diagnosed with ADHD and drugged up to hell. I'd have been called OCD for wanting to arrange things in perfectly straight lines, which is supposedly an indicator of being on the "spectrum" (God I hate that term), but that was simply the game I played and wound up playing alone, because other pre-schoolers left messes everywhere.
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  2. #22
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    I always went with the consensus that "autism" has become the new excuse for niglets acting like the wild animals they are and parents too lazy to control them.

    Also add in the "disability" gibs. Why get a job when one can use their "autistic" sprogs to get more money on the taxpayer's dime?
    Give America back to the human race and end nigger fuxation - TRUMP 2020

  3. #23
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
    I'd put the percentage even higher. There are exceptions like your grandson (was it just therapy or did he need drugs), but autism and "non-verbal" are the new excuses of the last 20 years.
    No, he's not on any meds. As it's been explained to me (and his mother), the way he's wired or whatever, he wasn't making the connection between being verbal and being understood or getting his needs met. It was frustrating him to the point of throwing fits.
    I kind of understand it. I'm not sure it's autism though that's what they say and that's what the school he attends targets.

    All I know is that in the last 9 months or so he seems perfectly happy, hasn't thrown a fit and is talking a great deal. WAY behind other children his age but light years ahead of where he was.

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