I had to work with a nigger last summer for a short time. It was part of some work program for niggers and it was assigned to my work group.

1. I couldn't train the nigger to do a damn thing. (Niggers can't be taught anything, only trained...) It couldn't understand anything or remember what it had been told the day before. I had to either keep a constant eye on it myself or make sure another co-worker was with it at all times. I've never had a problem teaching humans the job but I guess I'm just not a good nigger trainer. I couldn't even train it to do the most rudimentary tasks. (In retrospect, if I could have used positive and negative reinforcements such as swatting with a rolled up newspaper contrasted with KFC chiggun nuggets, I might have had some better results)

2. We had to keep the truck windows open because the damn thing stank so bad. One co-worker thought the stench was just it's breath but I contend the smell was coming from it's skin and un-wiped ass as well. Toxic substances off-gassing.

I can't even describe the smell. To me, it was like a mixture of months of old sweat, decomposing flesh, old shoes and turd. One co-worker simply said it smelled bad and the other was adamant that the smell was coming from it's mouth and lungs and simply smelled like rotten onion beer fart. I also noticed some kind of cheap cologne that was reminiscent of regular Lysol.

The nigger often asked if the window could be rolled up in the truck because it was cold. (Only a nigger would claim to be cold when it's 98°F outside as they are used to jungles and deserts). It was flatly told "no" by my co-worker. When pressed about it, he told the nigger he gets asthma and allergies if he doesn't get fresh air. He made it a medical thing so the nigger couldn't complain about it.

When the nigger's time was up, there was a chance to sign it up for a second term. My boss asked me what I thought. I had to be careful, but I told him in my opinion we didn't really need it for the workload we had coming. The boss asked how the rest of the work group was with it. Again, I had to be careful, but I told him that there have been a lot of complaints about foul odor and incompetence. The boss didn't say much, but made the decision not to renew the nigger for another term. Thank God.