I hope this nigger gets what it deserves.

A human female from Australia in Minneapolis calls cops to report a suspected sexual assault taking place near her residence and inexplicably ends up dead at the paws of a muzzie somalian nigger cop. What, she was not wearing a hijab, so sharia law says she should be killed? Did the nigger think she was the sexual perpetrator? A blond human woman approaching the cruiser made him "fear for his life"? Maybe the nigger knew the sexual perpetrator as a fellow nigger friend and was trying to cover for it? I don't know. Who can know what goes through the mind of a nigger when even they don't know.

More likely, it was the genetically stunted poor judgement and instinctual violence on the part of the nigger. Niggers should never be given weapons their culture didn't create. Guns are just too much for them to handle responsibly. Spears, rocks, bones and sticks are all they can handle, and they shouldn't even be allowed to have those. They do not have, and cannot be taught, human morality and sense of justice and, therefore, should never be police officers in our society. Niggers simply do not have the mental capacity to comprehend civilized human society.

