Our great nationalist president, who once famously said he didn’t want “black guys” counting his money, is at 50% approval.


Failed stuttering dimwit, and supposed “First Nigger President” (Obama is not “black”), Barry Hussein Soetoro, was at 47% at the same point in his miserable excuse of a “presidency” (if he was Article II eligible to begin with).


Given the reverse “Bradley Effect” that artificially skews TRUMP’S polling numbers negatively, and conversely, inflated Obama’s supposed popularity, the actual spread is more like 10 to 12 points.

If TRUMP remains in the upper 40’s, he easily wins re-election in 2020. At 50%, it will be a blow-out!

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is no longer Big Mike. It’s the Fed. And TRUMP has masterfully put them in the position of having to provide QE 2.0 by Q3 this year. Which will lead to an even tighter labor market, and a 4% GDP by Q3 2020.

People vote with their wallets...