I happened to put on a NYC news radio station via the internet this morning, even though I'm in PA now I still listen to the NYC news on occasion because that's where I grew up. Anyway, there is apparently a gay pride parade today in the city, GLBTQRXYZW or something like that. Now I'm not going to pass judgement on these people, as far as I'm concerned they can do what they please behind closed doors and I don't give a shit. My point is, the radio announcers were all bubbly and excited as if this parade was the accomplishment of the century. Which got me to thinking...

What if there were to be a White Pride parade? Straight up 5 Ave and through Harlem and then over to the Bronx and up the Grand Concourse? Would those announcers still be all bubbly and excited? Or would they be shocked and outraged? I think we all know the answer to that. The double standard is what annoys me more than anything else.