Maybe we are giving them a hard time and not being fair. Maybe they really are just like us. Then I came to my senses.
My debit card (not a EBT card btw) was developing a crack down the center of it. I figured well I better stop in the bank and get them to order me a new one before it quits working and I get stuck without easy access to my money. So I stop in my local bank and talk to the lady at the window. A white woman. In fact everyone I saw was white. I was expecting that they were going to have to mail me a new one. She explains they can now actually make the cards in the bank if I have 5-10 minutes to wait. Sure! Modern technology can't be beat! So she tells me to go have a seat and another lady will be there to help me. And here she comes. A sheboon. A nigger in charge of all that damn money. Well, what could go wrong? She looks very well dressed, seemed very polite and knowledgeable about what she was doing, must have a good education considering her job and had her own office so I guess I let myself be charmed by this magic nigger. She takes my old card and runs it through the shredder to keep it from falling into the wrong hands (make that paws). Then she proceeds to attempt to make my new card. Guess what? The machine was down. She shredded my old card which still had a little bit of life left in it and now can't make me a new one. Now it will take around a week to get it.
Normal reaction would be to lose my cool and call her a stupid nigger, but considering I was in a bank with armed security I figured I better keep it civil. I withdrew enough money to tie me over. Just a little wake-up call I guess. No matter what the job title a nigger has, never trust it.