For obvious reasons, the Last Son of Krypton isn’t a character in Krypton, the new Syfy prequel series set two centuries before baby Kal-El rocketed away from his exploding homeworld, bound for Earth and his future as Superman. But the Man of Steel’s presence is very much felt in the series premiere, which explicitly ties the events of Krypton’s past to his future existence. In a Back to the Future-style plot twist that’s dropped at the end of the pilot, Kal-El’s grandfather, Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe), learns that he has to thwart a plot overseen by frequent Superman nemesis Brainiac to change history, thus erasing Earth’s mightiest hero from the timestream. The importance of this mission is driven home via a cameo by Superman’s iconic red cape, which slowly dissolves as Brainiac’s plan inches closer to success.
Blah blah blah. I have yet to see one decent TV show based on DC Comics. I never got the popularity of Smallville, Supergirl and Arrow are stupid, and I'm glad I never watched Flash after seeing a commercial that he's an oil-driller.

But this new show has to be truly vile.

Seg-El and Lyta Zod (Georgina Campbell) carry on a secret affair in Krypton.