
From the "only a nigger" files...

This is from 2022, but just dropped on this Channel. An Akron police officer pulls over a nigger for illegally dark tinted windows and all of the TNB begins.

The nigger immediately starts running it's mouth and complaining. Besides the dark tint, the nigger is driving with a suspended license. The officer is TRYING to cut the nigger a break, but being a nigger, it's too stupid to understand this.

The nigger says it's name is Eric and it's 19. Of course it has no ID and doesn't know it's Social Security number. The nigger will later claim it's name is Desmond and that it never said Eric. It's too stupid to understand what bodycams are and how they work.

Seeing as how the nigger is mouthy and uncooperative, the officer orders the nigger out of the car. More niggerbabble follows. The officer tries to put the nigger in handcuffs, and the nigger starts resisting. Of course the nigger has a cellphone in it's paw the whole time. The officer can sense the nigger is going to try and run, so the officer has ahold of the nigger's jacket. The nigger manages to break away and gets a few steps before the ridin' the lightning! Despite being on the ground, and crying like a little bitch, the nigger still resists being handcuffed. The officer punches the nigger upside it's head, and the nigger complies! Unfortunately it doesn't shut up. It never shuts up.

The niggerbabble is non-stop. You'd think he was being kilt! Of course all if this is happening to him for "no reason!"

Anyhow... the nigger was charged with:

Misrepresenting identification

Obstructing official business

Resisting arrest

Stupid niggers!