What’s up, fellas and diva?
So, I’m leaving Walmart, heading to my truck with four cases of water in a cart. I have a big truck, so I always park at the end. Easy to get in and out. Anyway,this thug looking nigger backs into my cart. Of course, the pedestrian always has the right of way,especially in a parking lot.But,idiot niggers feel entitled and figure they always have the right of way.TNB.
It pulls back into its spot and get out to look at it’s niggerized Nissan hooptie ride. There really was no damage. I just ignore it and continue to my truck, load the four cases of water in the bed and put my cart away.
By this time the nigger is pulled up next to my truck. It was talking some crazy shit saying I owed it money for damage.I totally ignore the piece of shit like it’s not even there. I get in my truck, start it and am waiting to pull out.
The nigger runs up to my driver side and grabs the door handle. Of course, the doors are locked automatically when I start the truck. I just reach into my waistband,pull out and take the safety off my commander.
I say to the nigger”back off”. It looks in,immediately changed its tune,backed off and replied” you don’t have to act out,we cool”. There’s a sigh of relief on my part and I proceed to head out.
If I told my wife how I handled this situation, she’d be pissed at me. She would say that I’m too old to take risks like that because we’re financially stable, and she’s afraid to get sued and lose what we have.
I realize this could’ve ended bad. But I can’t think of any other way that I’ve could’ve gotten out of that situation without showing the beast that I was ready to stand my ground.
I sure am glad I have this site. Even though everyone I associate with dislikes niggers, I don’t think I want to discuss this situation with them. Because I don’t want to be portrayed as a tough guy or a wanna be tough guy.I’m not. I’m just a guy that felt threatened and wanted to get out of there quick,without being robbed and/or harmed.