Listen to THESE weak minded cocksuckers:

They took my comment down, but this is pretty much it in a nutshell:

Nonsense. What a bunch of weak minded traitors. Leave it to the NYT to find the bottom of the barrel, weakest hippie-ass traitors who "didn't know why we were there" in the country and feature only THEIR opinion. That commie shit goes all the way back to the 60s and it's tired old crap.
We were THERE to destroy terrorists and prevent them from coming HERE, which they WOULD have and DID. And we DID that.
NOW, under the FJB admasturbation they are pouring across our border like the filthy, diseased fuckin' satanic rats they are.
We also stopped Saddam and his murderous larvae from raping and murdering the entire population of Iraq. Sporty trio of guys those three. Not to mention the fact that Saddam was threatening and even invading his neighbors and threatening US. I could go on and on all fuckin' day about WHY we NEEDED to go to those places.
And another thing: Saddam had WMDs. Period. If not, then what was that he murdered over 4000 Kurds with in Halabja back in 1988? What was Chemical Ali's role? If he didn't have WMDs, why do you need THAT guy: Ali Hassan al-Majid? He used chemical WMDs to kill THOUSANDS of Iranian soldiers during the Iran-Iraq war.
WMDs are not just nukes, folks. They are Nuclear, Biological or Chemical weapons. NOBODY at the time though Saddam had nukes or even SAID that he did. This whole "no WMDs" crap is a media generated lie and even our conservative politicians fell for it. HOW they fell for it I have no clue when the evidence and history are right in their face.
I have a background in this subject. My job was to handle ordinance and trained exactly for this shit. I graduated at the top of my class at the Army Missile and Munitions Command, I went to school for over a year for this shit, so I KNOW what a WMD is.
Don't let these lying, commie cocksuckers dupe you. They get out of bed and lie to their own dicks every morning.
Sorry for the rant, this shit just torques my ass....