I work with almost all blacks. Mostly sheboons. My work isn't so hard it's the coworkers that cause me stress. They're messy slobs so I always pick up their trash. Their empty KFC boxes or giant Kool Aid drinks. Empty trash that's overflowed onto the floor where they just sit in the pig pen. I cannot work like this cause it smells so bad, I take it upon myself to go behind them and clean it. Plus they play niggin mcniggit music on their phones that I have to hear my whole shift. And they never wash their hands. I work in healthcare. I see these gorillas wipe poopy asses with no gloves on then go touch all over their phones and continue eating. Are they allergic to soap and water? The bathroom in a one toilet room so you have to wait. The sheboon came out without flushing or turning on any water, cause I was waiting outside. I go to the toilet and was scared to death. I thought it was a work boot, but no. It was a massive sized Tamika poop. She did not flush it or use any toilet paper or wash her hands. She only dropped her pants to poop a giant KFC chicken turd the size of Texas out of her giant ass, then pulled up her pants and walked out to go back to touching people and eating. I am still traumatized. Should I seek therapy? Why do niggers have to be loud and disgusting? As blacks say themselves - niggers be niggin.