'So moronic': Pro-Trump activist sparks fury with attack on MLK Jr.

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As Americans around the world commemorated Martin Luther King Day, right-wing activist Charlie Kirk took to X to mark the occasion by condemning the civil rights activist — and those who honor him.

"Who was MLK? A myth has been created and it has grown totally out of control," he wrote. "While he was alive most people disliked him, yet today he is the most honored, worshipped, even deified person of the 20th century. Today we are going to tell the truth and explain how this myth was born. Happy Monday."

Dr. King, a Southern Black minister, became one of the nation's most prominent civil rights activists in the 1950s and '60s through a doctrine of nonviolent civil disobedience inspired in large part by the liberation movement of Mahatma Gandhi in India
Gandhi hated niggers, too!
"..the kaffir is, as a general rule, inferior" Gandhi

"So moronic. So, so, moronic.," replied conservative commentator Jonah Goldberg in response to Kirk's remarks.
Jonah Goldberg is the kind of liberal asshole that prolly likes fellating negroids in his spare time.
