Ah, young romance in the hood. (Pun intended)

17 year old Nigger Trevon Wright kilt his on again off again ho of two years, Nigger Ikea Hood. (How's that for a nigger name!)

The two love birds had an on again off again relationship. During the off periods Nigger Ikea was with other bucks, and found herself "with child." Being a dishonest nigger, Ikea let Nigger Trevon think he was the pappy. According to Nigger Ikea's mammy, Ikea was set to tell Nigger Trevon that he wasn't the pappy. That conversation went about as well as expected, with Obama's son putting a cap in her ass!

A human male might have felt some relief at that age. Maybe a bit of sadness. But relief. And would have walked away so much the wiser. But that's not how things work with niggers. Ever.

Of course, this is a splendid outcome for mankind. One less felon factory. One less future felon. On nigger buck off to a graduate course at Nigger University.

The world is just a tiny bit better now.