A Happy New Year to all members - and guests - and I hope it brings only happiness to you.

I feel we are now all inside the "Year of Destiny". In 2018 I made a forecast that the USA would be in a Civil War by the end of 2024, and that we in Britain would follow the same path by the end of 2029.
If the Supreme Court has been "got at" like other courts throughout the U.S., then they could vote to bar President Trump from the ballot right across the nation.
If they should do that, I fear the Civil War will start even earlier than I predicted.
I sincerely hope not, but I'm not sure this will go the way most pundits seem to think it will. I hope to God I'm wrong.

But the western way of life is doomed anyway unless Donald Trump is elected to the White House in November. As he said the other day, Republicans need to stand guard over those polling stations thoughout the nation, to ensure no trucks turn up mysteriously in the middle of the night, as they did in 2020. The only way the Demoncrats can possibly win is by cheating, so please make sure they don't this time around.

Have a happy and - as far as possible - nigger-free year.