Hard times: Comedian Keith Robinson’s life-changing stroke came after taking Viagra

Comedian Keith Robinson said a crippling stroke he suffered in 2020 came shortly after he popped an ill-timed Viagra.

“My c–kblocking stroke had to stick its face where it didn’t belong,” Robinson, 60, reminisced to The Post by phone this week.
The rayshish viagra pill was trying to "cockblock" the muh dik nigger. How terrible.

The trouble for Robinson began on a flight to Phoenix, where the comedian had ventured for a tryst with a longtime lady-friend.
“Now I am drinking and drinking on the flight — first class of course — and I am a little hammered,” Robinson recalled in a slow drawl. He “popped a Viagra” 20 minutes before landing.
A drunk nigger on viagra.

Robinson, who had a smaller stroke in 2016, said he began feeling the symptoms as he was landing, but decided to forgo medical attention in favor of his original plan.

“Should I go to the hospital and live or try to get laid,” Robinson said, recalling the internal deliberations. “And she’s seeing me and then things start to happen, but bad. My arm was gone, my leg was gone and the only thing that was still working was from the Viagra.”
Even at the verge of death a nigger's main priority will always be MUH DIK!
