Ex-NFL Player Glenn Foster Jr. Died in Police Custody. Lawsuit Blames Authorities for 'Barbaric' Death

The family of ex-NFL player Glenn Foster Jr. has filed a lawsuit against law enforcement over the athlete’s death in police custody, alleging that Foster was repeatedly tortured by sheriff’s deputies after his arrest following a traffic stop.

The lawsuit was filed Tuesday in federal court in Alabama on behalf of Foster’s wife, Anny Pamela Foster, who is acting as the administrator of his estate, and alleged that the defendants “tased, struck, beat, and choked Mr. Foster,” causing his death in 2021.
Nigger Lottery attempt incoming!

Foster, 31, died on Dec. 6, 2021, at the North Port Medical Center in Northport, Ala., three days after he was arrested for allegedly speeding and eluding police on Highway 82 in Gordo, Ala.

During his arrest, the complaint says, on Dec. 3, 2021, Foster was wrestled to the ground by deputies and his head was slammed into the concrete. The suit further alleges that “despite the assertion of EMS professionals at the scene that they should conduct a full medical examination or mental health and wellness check of Foster, the defendants transported him directly to the Pickens County Jail.”
Ahhh beez crazy, takes muh to da loony bin! Taht shit ain't gonna cut it these days, niggerballer!

But when the family attempted to make Foster’s bond, the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office allegedly refused to release him and Foster was rebooked on a new set of charges after he allegedly used force against a fellow inmate while attempting to steal the inmate’s socks, according to the suit
No bond for you, sock thieving nigger!

Foster remained at the Pickens County Jail for over 24 hours, where, according to the lawsuit, he endured treatment including excessive tasing, being strapped to a chair, being tased while in a restraint chair, being tased while naked, being choked and put in headlocks and being choked to the point of unconsciousness.
I'm sure that he did absolutely nothing to deserve any of that, right?

Wait for it...wait for it...

The Foster family has retained civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who claimed an independent autopsy revealed "evidence of strangulation,” the 1819 News reports.
And, the taxpayer will now have to shoulder the financial hardships of paying for his genetic mistakes he leaves behind.

He is survived by four daughters and other family members.