"These election results are shocking for Dutch Muslims. We did not expect such a party with a programme that is against the basic principles of the rule of law to be so big," said Muhsin Koktas of Muslim organization CMO.

Muslims make up around 5% of he Dutch population of almost 18 million people.

"It was a blow I have to process," Abdessamad Taheri, a 45-year old community worker in the multi-ethnic Schilderswijk neighbourhood in The Hague told Reuters.

Mehdi Koc, a 41-year-old insulation installer, said he was shocked by the swing to the PVV, while Taheri said the vote sent different messages to Muslims, although the overwhelming emotion was of disappointment.

"In part the message is that many people are xenophobic and don't want foreigners or Muslims. But another message is that people are very disappointed in 13 years of Rutte," he said.
"If you say yes to Wilders now, than you will have to say yes later when he closes down all the mosques, because then you cannot go back," Koc said, warning that Wilders will not lose sight of his eventual goals.