Man indicted in attack on officer. Prosecutor says he wanted to kill a white cop.

A man was indicted Wednesday on charges he tried to kill a Cincinnati police officer, beating him with the officer's own baton and Taser and trying to gouge the officer's eyes out.

Brandon Claiborne, 34, is charged with attempted murder, aggravated robbery and felonious assault. Prosecutors say Claiborne, who is Black, wanted to kill a white police officer.

Prosecutor Melissa Powers said Officer Terry McGuffey suffered serious physical harm. Powers issued a statement Wednesday about what happened.
"Officer McGuffey engaged in a brief conversation with Claiborne before Claiborne struck McGuffey in the face and wrestled him to the ground," the statement said.

He grabbed McGuffey's Taser and baton and use them to strike the officer.

"Claiborne attempted to gouge the officer's eyes with his thumbs," the statement said.
Powers called the attack "vicious."

“Situations like this are the direct result of a growing antipolice movement that is dehumanizing law enforcement," Powers said. "It is a miracle Terry McGuffey survived and our thoughts are with him and his family. Enough is enough. We will do everything within the law to put this guy behind bars for as long as we can.”