At the crossroads between fantasy and cabaret, a chaotic show written for eight black artists. A fierce polemic which lays waste to our dominant preconceptions and gives way to a joyous and militant expression.

White Baby killing niggers. Oh, joy.

Eight women stand on the stage. All artists, all black women. They look at us then start to speak and, with the utmost sincerity, act out their life stories in a series of skits straight out of an Afrofuturist novel. Their subject? The figure of the black woman as an object of fantasy. An image far from their everyday life in a French society that only allows them to be at the service of others. Together, in a merry chaos, they build a truthtelling show which brilliantly shatters colonial representations and their endless shots. Persistent pictures, as racist as they are sexist... But you won’t find anything comforting or moralizing here. Those eight performance warriors, with their incredible presence, fully incabit this fierce and brilliant polemic which lay waste to our dominant preconceptions. Between woodterous dances, aerial shots,and frenetic twerk sessions, Montreuil-born director, author, performer, and black afro-activist Rebecca Chaillon has chosen a wildly different register to guarantee we lose our bearings: baroque humor and flamboyant reimagining, with, above all, the importance of sisterhood.