I listen to public radio for lots of things. I hear about trends in medicine, healthcare, gasoline, the war in Ukraine, the Supreme Court, AI...and of course how hard niggers and border niggers have it. In a few days or so, I've heard there will be a major push for border niggers to just come in due to the lifting of some Title whatever. Secretary Mayorkas, a liberal Obama ally, is saying it's the greatest immigration since after WW2. He fails to say it's illegal immigration by illegal aliens.

I caught the tail end of a podcast of "DACA Experiences". Of course the experiences are about Messicans (not Mexicans) who lament leaving Mehico, how they felt alienated here, weird food, weird language, well border niggers law breaking thief, we didn't invite you here. One said his mother crossed with him and his brother illegally in 2001, they self-deported and asked for forgiveness, he came back later, became an "American", yeah right. AND started working for Maxine Waters, nigger bitch monkey. He said we need immigration reform for a path to citizenship for 11 million illegals, so they can VOTE. So they can be HEARD. So that's how you thank this country, by destroying it?

The problem with border niggers (BNs) , well maybe that fits beaners, how convenient, is they never stop trying to impose their taco culture on everyone. In a few days it's Cinco de Indios, a day for drunk drivers. They want special treatment for themselves only; they could care less about other immigrant groups. They ask to be legal, when the very first thing they did is illegal.

The DACA person who put up this program said he is thankful for DACA. Yeah, he should be deported. I can't wait for the day for the SCOTUS to tell these misfits to go back home, reapply, and wait your turn...give it 30 years. He wants to help his cousins get amnesty. He finished the program with some song about mi cultura and sheeeit, something I don't want to fucking hear. Why do I have to hear Messican on public radio?

One of my greatest joys is a few months ago, an LA County official named Nuri Martinez said, Oaxacans (indigenous Messicans) are "tan feos". They are so dark and ugly, and she's saying that about her own people! And he called an adopted child of some gay Councilman "chinguito", little monkey. Another of her kind, Kevin de Leon, laughed, but so far hasn't been forced to resign.

Stop DACA. Don't hire illegals. On my projects I ask for licensed contractors to prove legal working status. Could they be forgeries?Maybe, but that is a Federal crime.

Niggers: clear and present danger.
Border niggers: clear, present, generational and national character danger.