Help them find missing niggers.
California senator proposes 'Ebony Alerts' to help find missing Black Californians

The Black and Missing Foundation says Black people make up nearly 40% of reported missing persons in the U.S. But they only account for 13% of the popultion [sic]

They're also a disproportionate amount of crime, too.

According to the Black and Missing Foundation, Black people make up nearly 40% of reported missing persons in the U.S. But they only account for 13% of the population.

Senator Steven Bradford (D-Los Angeles) introduced California Senate Bill 673 to create an "Ebony Alert" to help find missing Black people in the state.

“The Ebony Alert would ensure that resources and attention are given so we can bring home missing Black women and Black children in the same way we would search for any missing child and missing person,” said Bradford.
Have you not heard of the Amber Alert system, you dumb nigger?

SB 673 would authorize a law enforcement agency to request that an Ebony Alert be activated if that agency determines it would be an effective tool in the investigation of a missing Black youth or young women between the ages of 12 and 25.

It would also encourage, but not require, television, cable, satellite and social media systems to cooperate with disseminating the information contained in an Ebony Alert.
Now we will see tons of missing niggers on our TVs, cell phones and Twitter. YAY!

"Many African American girls go missing and they're listed as runaways, versus being abducted," said Bradford. "When someone who is missing is incorrectly listed as a runaway, they basically vanish a second time. They vanish from the police detectives' workload. They vanish from the headlines. In many ways, no one even knows they are missing."
If they went missing, maybe another nigger took them out into the woods, shot them in the head and then buried them in a shallow grave. Happens all the time.

As a Black mother living in Sacramento, Nikkia Hamilton supports the idea of an Ebony Alert, along with any other resources, to help support Black families and their communities.

"We don't see a lot of coverage or assistance when a Black child, women or man is missing," said Hamilton.
We hear about nothing but niggers, all day and all night, regardless of whether they are missing or not. You'd think that niggers were 90% of the population.