So it seems like nigger loving Phoebe (Bill's daughter) successfully made a nigger infiltrate her wealthy family by the power "love" or 'da ebil YT wominz poosay'. Niggers are taking another approach to getting rich quick by dating famous rich and most importantly white women to leech of the wealth, the beauty (if any) of the woman in question and to dump more future criminals in the world. The article seems to have 3k dislikes and 1k likes. It's either people showing disapproval for her nigger loving ways or liberals seething over the fact that people have a problem with women dating chimps. I personally can care less about all this, the nigger will be bleeding the gates family dry so I guess its a win win by inviting a parasite to leech of his wealth. Just another stupid and young white girl letting in a nigger inside her, seems like it's the latest craze. Back then it was chihuahua dogs that were all the craze in the 2000's and now it's monkeys but at least women back then didn't commit bestiality with their pets like they do now.

Phoebe Gates is shutting down racist comments about her relationship.

The daughter of billionaire tech giant Bill Gates and his ex-wife Melinda Gates is experiencing backlash on social media.

The 20-year-old went public with her boyfriend, Robert Ross, in May 2022. The two Stanford students appear throughout each other’s social media, and the comments get ugly. Most of the online trolls fixate on the fact that Ross is Black. They even allude to the fact that he is dating Gates for her money and status.
“It’s 2023. I’m done being memed for being in an interracial relationship,” she said.
Who gives a damn what year it is, it can be 2099 for all I care but that doesn't mean people won't show disapproval for these interspecies relationships.