Baring my heart for you all here.
I have a very liberal mother who says she isn't liberal or conservative. But if you told her you think "all muslims and africans needs to be deported from Europe and America back to countries where their behavior is acceptable." she'd scream cry and call you a racist.
I've been trying to write this woman out of my life for decades, but my honor conflicts me because she's my mom. It's been getting easier to ignore her the older I get, but I hate that she'll never be able to meet my kids with all her LGBTQ anti-white beliefs. It's like putting down ol' yeller, or that scene from Sean of the Dead.
Anyway, I'm a writer, she knows I'm a writer and (being my mom) has tried to help me from time to time, being supportive as a parent can be. She recently told me about the story of a woman from South Africa who was raped in the back of a car by two mainland niggers and had her throat slashed open once they were done with her. Miraculously, the woman survived and managed to get to an ambulance BY HOLDING HER THROAT CLOSED FOR TWO HOURS UNTIL THE WAGON ARRIVED LIKE A FUCKING CHAMPION. But I mentioned to my mom, "that's just Tuesday in Africa."
Thanks to my research and what little I can do to fight back against niggers and Muhammads, my mom knows what Taharrush is. Yet despite the mountains of evidence, my mom will still tell me not to be racist towards the sub-human scum. We have a Jewish friend who is a holocaust survivor who has even confirmed that niggers and Muhammads are worse than the Germans of the 40's. I can't understand how even in the face of despair and destruction, my mom can still vouch for Muhammads and niggers.
She's lost. There's nothing I can do for my own mom. She's been shown time and again that if you turn the other cheek to a nigger, they'll want to steal that too, but she's still a woke liberal.
God, this atheist is asking you to save us. Prove you exist this one time, please.