Original post here: http://www.chimpout.org/forum/showth...ight=Constance

To the surprise of no one, the sprog was found dead. The whore and nigger were living in a tent in the woods.

Marten the whore, 35, and Gordon, the nigger, 48, were arrested in Brighton at around 9.30pm on Monday following a 54-day search for the couple.
Police have found a body in the search for the missing baby of aristocratic slut, Constance Marten and her sex-offender muh dik nigger, Mark Gordon - as officers 'extend heartfelt condolences to the wider family'.
The buck probably muh dikked the baby.

Marten was apparently tearful when officers swooped on adjoining Golf Drive and yelled at officers to 'get off' her nigger when he was restrained, saying she was worried about his mental health.

One witness claimed the nigger struggled and took 40 minutes to be subdued. Another said he was very angry and was shouting.
I"m sure the police were very gentle with the nigger, not wanting to cause him any more mental health problems.

Also not surprising is the nigger-and-Muzzie ass-kissing DM.uk says:

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Yes. Don't want anyone saying anything less than positive about baby-killing niggers and filthy mudsharks.
