So nigger Leon robs a house, and among things taken is an Apple Watch. Niggers, not understanding the White Man's magic, don't know about GPS tracking. Police use the tracking to find nigger Leon.

This is where the TNB ramps up. Nigger Leon lives in a Ford Focus parked at his grandmammy's house. The nigger is so sorry she doesn't want him in her home! Police roll up on the nigger, and he's passed out inside. A handgun laying on the roof of the car!

Police position themselves on either side of the car, and open the doors, telling nigger Leon to get out of the car before they jerk his nigger carcass out of there. Of course the police have multiple flashlights shining on the shifty nigger.

Nigger Leon starts the typical shuck and jive, while police tell him to show his hands. Nigger Leon starts crying about the lights in his eyes and demands they turn them off. Oddly enough, police refused. In all the niggerbabble and commotion nigger Leon pulls out a gun and shoots one of the officers, who falls, luckily only grazed on the face.

In response police ventilated nigger Leon quite well. Their service weapons making sweet music.

Of course it wouldn't be complete without grandmammy crying about her "good boi" what got kilt by the police. They are at fault because they woke up nigger Leon and he was "confused" (but alert enough to shoot an officer in the head) Grandmammy crying over a dead nigger she wouldn't let in her own home!!

Quality TNB!

No word on the watch, but nigger Leon won't be coming down for breakfast anymore. Society has been deprived of yet another promising rocket surgeon.

Happy Nigger History Month! This is a fine example of the nigger species.