It must be a coincidence and have nothing to do with hordes of Hayshees, Somalicoons, and other 3rd-world infected niggers being welcomed, right? It must be YT's fault.

I wonder how the monkeypox numbers are looking. If we change the name of THAT, it makes it okay.

Cases of gonorrhea are skyrocketing in the U.S. after hitting a historic low in 2009. In 2020 (the most recent year data is available), more than 675,000 gonorrhea cases were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, making it the second most common sexually transmitted infection behind chlamydia.

In fact, rates of reported gonorrhea have gone up 111% since 2009. But despite its prevalence, many people don’t know a lot about the infection. Here are important facts to keep in mind, just in case.
Yahoo closed comments after only one hour, probably when they saw this:

I'm sure having an open border, to a third world country, has nothing at all to do with the increase.
The number one disease in the black rapper and hip hop world.

No surprise when over 5 million unvetted illegals have entered our country. Polio, measles, TB, mumps that were mostly eradicated are now back, spreading in our schools.

We barely survived monkey pox

mpox. the other is offensive to monkeys