Respectfully... so many don't understand the gravity of what these last 18 months have wrought on the US. This fuck-faced vile pimp of a president and his handlers have allowed in FIVE MILLION illegals into this nation... They have done it purposefully, holding back Homeland Security from stopping them. They have fired many conservative refugee adjudicators who would have sent back many these parasitic illegals from whence they came... WHY??? I'll tell you what it's NOT... It is not some humanitarian gesture. It is NOT some attempt to provide cheap labor for farmers and other businesses requiring low skilled labor...

THIS IS A BALD-FACED POWER GRAB... designed to give the DemonRATS veto and filibuster-proof control over both houses of Congress. Many of these Illegals are being shipped to lightly held Republican swing states like Florida, Texas and others. And there is legislation already in the pipeline to give these CRIMINALS expedited citizenship and therefore the right to vote. I choose my words carefully here: This is an outright act of war against the conservative and Republican side of the isle. It's right up there with Bunker Hill and Ft. Sumter.

How do I - and how do they - know these criminal immigrants will vote DemonRAT?? A study has already been done and new immigrants, especially poor ones, vote well north of 3 to 1 DemonRAT... Especially the rabble coming across (what once was) our Southern Border... AND HERE'S THE STUDY...

This is the party that believes men can get pregnant..... Patent INSANITY and, in my view, there has never been a greater threat to The Republic...

So, boys and girls, what happens in November is essentially meaningless. The demonRATS know this and are willing to take the hit now for complete control later... So celebrate when our side wins.... The party will be short-lived.