I was working a part time job. The company owner was a nigger. He had a story about how his family was full of military men for the past three generations. He says he played football for the Marines in college. He's sixty years old. I thought that maybe this was a black person and not a nigger. The shift that I worked was a tough shift to cover. People typically quit and found something else after a month. I told him that I would work for him at least six months. I had a second job and left it because it conflicted with my first job. Friday of last week he came to me at the end of my shift and let me know that the customer found another company to work with so I was out of a job. I, the white man, was concerned with sticking to my word. The nigger didn't give me any notice at all. He was so sneaky the way that he didn't say a word to me until I had completed my final shift. It's because he's a nigger. He was thinking, "What would a nigger do?" A nigger would have quit showing up and would have found something to steal on his last day.

I asked if I could use him as a reference. He said that I could. He let me know that I could lie to future employers and he would back me up. That's just the kind of thing that niggers like to offer, anything that was gained in a dishonest way.

The nigger offered me another job. Here's a copy and paste of the text conversation:

Hello [name omitted], I'm ready to start training you on the new account off Balboa ave. Call me so we can talk about the schedule

Sorry but I got another job that I need to focus on

Oh okay I thought you were interested because of the flexible hours and it being close to your house. Sorry to bother you

That's the conversation. Do you see that weird guilt trip that he tried pulling? Dealing with niggers is nothing like dealing with white people.