Lardzo the Landwhale sow gets special permission to plant her flappy bootlips on this historical item. I'm sure Madison would see it as an honour and would agree that this butter huffer should be the sole "person" to do so.

Have we reached the apex of coddling yet?

In her usual classy way, the nearly-naked sowpotomus shakes her massive buttocks and says,

'B****, I just twerked and played James Madison's flute from the 1800s!'
The audience cheers this foul display. It's even worse than that nigger-jizzed whore Kartrashian jamming her shop-worn, silicone-pumped ass into Marilyn Monroe's dress.

What has society come to, that niggers and whores get such high regard??

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Views:	52 
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ID:	21076

Better stick to playing nigger skin flute, you two-ton turd!